April 2022 Newsletter
Dear FFRW Members and Friends:

I can't say it often enough but thank God for Governor DeSantis. The woke California Disney Corporation declared war on Florida parents and declared that the Government should indoctrinate children, so our Governor stood up and put them back in their place.

Parents decide what's right and wrong for their children, not leftist corporations, or liberal teachers’ unions. Corporate boards have a fiduciary duty to their shareholders not left wing ideologies. America's Governor Ron DeSantis had the strength to stand up to them. We are a better state because of it.

Governor DeSantis gave us a hint yesterday of his next battle for our freedoms. He spoke about how he is in favor of constitutional carry. I can't wait to see how the Left loses its collective mind over this issue.

It's good to be in Florida.

For Florida, For Our Country,

Maricel Cobitz
President FFRW

Communist Ministry of Truth
Created Just In Time to Squash Twitter &
Damning Hunter Biden Laptop Leaks

By Maria Morales-Prieto,
FFRW Chair of Newsletter
Somehow, I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the Biden administration’s Department of Homeland Security is creating a Disinformation Governance Board just as Elon Mush takes over Twitter, their favorite censorship tool. Their meltdown over Musk’s purchasing their propaganda machine has been nothing less than apoplectic and borderline psychotic. How dare he bring back free speech?!

Obviously worried the truth will now get out about Joe Biden himself meeting with crooked oligarchs from China, Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Mexico, et al, and crackhead Hunter being his father’s bagman, whoever is running the government has decided China, Russia, the Nazis, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, and all communist countries have it right. They must have TOTAL CONTROL over all information being disseminated to the public or they will lose their power, ergo their connections to bribes and self-enrichment, and their ability to stay out of prison for treason. They will wrap this up with a bow, saying it’s to protect us from foreign lies and enemies of the state.

So they have now tapped into Nina Jankowicz to be the information czar. This is the extreme leftwing activist who performs a disturbing rendition of a Mary Poppins song on China’s TikTok platform. This is the same young girl who still wholeheartedly believes Hunter’s laptop is a Trump campaign stunt, and that the Trump dossier and his connections to Russia are real. She admires Christopher Steele, the disgraced English spy who was fired by the FBI only to be hired by Fusion GPS, Hillary’s opposition research firm. Steele concocted the fake dossier that was later used to get the FISA warrant to spy on the Trump campaign. This is Jankowicz’s hero! God help us! They obviously have this child under their total control. 

The creation of this
Disinformation Governance Board
should send chills up everyone’s spines
no matter who’s in charge! 

A “Ministry of Truth” is a move right out of the communist Marxist playbook. We will all need to watch carefully how they treat Elon Musk and how much they interfere with all of us spreading the truth about these lifelong crooked politicians and their desire to wipe out America all together to become one with the New World Order. That way, we will live in a world without borders, have one electronic currency they control, and the self-obsessed billionaires of the World Economic Forum can be our overseers controlling every aspect of our lives.

George Orwell was off by 38 years…

Florida Eliminates Disney’s
Special Carve-Outs
Disney going woke and uber political in defense of radical LGBTQ+ agendas in elementary schools’ lower grades has now come with a cost.

The Legislature voted to rescind a long-standing special district that gives Disney self-governing powers that no other Florida companies enjoy — including Disney competitors.  

The Reedy Creek Improvement District, created in 1967 to lure Disney to Florida, includes 25,000 acres in Orange and Osceola counties and allows Disney to determine land use and not deal with government regulations and zoning that its competitors must. Disney even has eminent domain powers to condemn and take private property in its district like a government would, paying what it deems fair market whether the seller is willing or not and with no public accountability.

A second bill approved would eliminate an exemption for all Florida theme parks resulting from a 2021 law the Legislature passed that targeted social media giants such as Twitter and Facebook for de-platforming users over views the tech giants didn’t like.

“I have a hard time understanding why that would be a controversial issue. Let’s apply the law equally to everyone,” said Republican Senator Jennifer Bradley, who sponsored the bills.

In fact, both bills accomplish just that. Disney now must follow the same rules other Florida theme parks must. 
Team DeSantis 

Making Waves: Ten-Part Online Campaign School for the 2022 Cycle

Tuesdays, March 8-May 24, 2022
2:00 pm Eastern
Zoom Virtual Event

Republican women are making waves in the 2022 midterm elections. Keep your campaign on track with the NFRW's online Campaign Management School. Held on Tuesdays at 2pm Eastern throughout the spring, the one-hour classes will prepare you to ride the Red Wave all the way to victory in November!

Classes are $15 per session for NFRW members (if you are a member of a local club, you are a member) and $20 for nonmembers. Even better, registration for any one of the three modules (Fundraising, Technology, and Voter Contact) is only $35 for members, $45 for nonmembers. Best yet, the entire series is just $95 for members,

$125 for nonmembers.


  • May 3, Voter Contact – Door Knocking on Red Bull
  • May 10, Voter Contact – Direct Mail, Phones
  • May 17, Voter Contact – Earned Media: How to Get it/How to Answer the Hostile Press

  • May 24, Ballot Security and GOTV
Questions? Contact NFRW Political Director Terri Hauser at Political@NFRW.org. 

By Vickie Herrington
Membership Chair

So how awesome is our Governor?? He and his administration are probably our best Florida Federation of Republican Women recruiters! So let us ride this red wave of publicity and bring on new and old members. Our national theme is “Each One Bring One” and May has many opportunities for themed meetings to bring a guest.

           * National Day of Prayer is May 5, 2022
           * Cinco de Mayo is May 5, 2022
           * Kentucky Derby is May 7, 2022
           * Mother’s Day is May 8, 2022
           * Memorial Day is May 30, 2022

Meeting theme idea from National:
“Spring is a Time for Growth and Planting Seeds to Recruit New Members”. You could give each member a seed packet to remind them to invite a new prospect to your next club meeting or give the packet to a guest with the next meeting information written on or stapled to it.

Don’t forget to include candidates and their spouses who want to come and speak at your club as prospects for Membership or Associate membership.

Have you thought of a special student or Youth Republican Associate members rate? Do you have members who might want to sponsor one or more? Students are always looking for service hours and they would be useful to help with projects!

How about giving an award or certificate to the member who has brought the most members?

You could even “bling” out her name tag to single her out. You know us Republican Women LOVE our bling!!!

Please send in ideas or pictures from your meetings because we LOVE to share them statewide!!

Growth = Members = Strength = Votes = Republican Majority

Redwave 2022,

Vickie Herrington
Membership Chair

Does election integrity concern you? Are you interested in secure elections?

Check out this perspective by American author, columnist, Fox News political commentator and editor in chief of The Federalist, Mollie Hemmingway.

NFRW Faith Coalition Committee
to Host Prayer Challenge and Bible Study

The book can be purchased on Amazon, or many bookstores.
We will cover 4 sections every two weeks. Our first zoom meeting will be May 16, 2022, at 3:00 pm Central time on a zoom meeting. 
This is your invitation for the first meeting. 
NFRW Faith Coalition is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: NFRW Faith Coalition Draw the Circle
Time: May 16, 2022 03:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 873 2288 7075
Passcode: h51sFG
One tap mobile:
+13017158592,,87322887075#,,,,*478042# US (Washington DC)
+13126266799,,87322887075#,,,,*478042# US (Chicago)
Dial by your location
       +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
       +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
       +1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
       +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
       +1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
       +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
       +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Meeting ID: 873 2288 7075
Passcode: 478042
Find your local number: https://nfrw.zoom.us/u/kbP3Bp5odx
I believe this prayer opportunity can inspire you, your club and this nation. As we continue to share our faith with each other, God will bless the increase.
Please contact us at nfrwpray@gmail.com for any additional information.
Sharon Stuthard
NFRW Faith Coalition Chair


By Pam McAloon,
President PFRW

The Easter Egg Roll, celebrated on Easter Monday, originated in the 1870’s on the west grounds of the U.S. Capitol.

Washingtonians from all social levels celebrated this event. The egg rolling was symbolic of Christ rolling away the stone of his tomb.

Eventually, the egg rolling, due to the wearing away of the lawn of the west Capitol, was transferred in 1878, under then President Rutherford B. Hayes, to the South lawn of the White House and has been an annual event with the exception of the last two years under President Biden as a result of the pandemic. It resumed this April as pandemic cautions are being lifted.

Eliminating Gerrymandering

Florida Senate and House Republicans voted to approve a Congressional redistricting plan that removes unconstitutional gerrymandering and creates more compact districts for Florida members of Congress to represent.

The districts are race-neutral and more in line with recent U.S. Supreme Court rulings, such as Cooper v. Harris, a 2017 case in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled 5-3 that North Carolina committed “unconstitutional racial gerrymanders” by drawing districts too heavily based on racial makeup.

Race-neutrality is still what most Americans want, despite Democrat leftists intent on making every single issue about race and gender. Americans are tired of it and the Supreme Court has ruled against it specifically in redistricting.

While the media will run the Democratic talking points that this is racist for breaking up a racialized district that gerrymanders through a long part of North Florida, it is actually anti-racist by removing skin color as the determining factor in district makeup.

Governor DeSantis called the racial gerrymandering wrong. “That is not the way we’ve governed in the State of Florida.” Florida Legislators agreed this week and approved the new districts.

“Operación ¡Vamos!” will enable the NRSC, RNC and state parties to share the Republican message with voters in key battleground states for the midterm election.

NRSC (National Republican Senatorial Committee) Chairman Rick Scott has been focused on the importance of the Hispanic vote since he took over the committee in 2021. 

Operación ¡Vamos! will focus on sharing the GOP’s opportunity agenda for hardworking families and help Republicans take back the majority this November.

The Florida Federation of Republican Women does not endorse candidates prior to primary elections. It is our job to keep our members aware of information regarding candidates by periodically publishing information about them here in our newsletter. You should not take these announcements as an endorsement.