FCC Kids Monthly News

February | 2024


Our Elementary Students are learning about Kindness - Showing others they are valuable by how you treat them. Their memory verse for the month is: Colossians 3:12

Week 1 - The Kindness of Jesus

Week 2 - Ruth & Naomi

Week 3 - Go the Extra Mile

Week 4 - The Good Samaritan

Our preschoolers memory verse is

Ephesian 4:32 as they learn that "Jesus Loves Everyone".

Week 1 - The Man with Leprosy

Week 2 - The Unloved Woman

Week 3 - Zacchaeus

Week 4 - Jesus and the Children

Check out our FCC Kids Page


Hey Families,

We had a sensitive conversation with our kids on Sunday February 11th. As some know one of our Elementary teachers, Mrs. Amanda, has been diagnosed with cancer. She has been undergoing treatment which included a surgery last summer. Until this past Sunday kids were not told that Mrs. Amanda had cancer.

We shared with the kids that Mrs. Amanda has kidney cancer and she will continue to serve and be present with them as long as she can. Her medical team is saying 2 to 4 years, however that can change at anytime. Currently Mrs. Amanda is doing well and the cancer although not gone is not spreading.

We took time to pray for Mrs. Amanda and all those in the room as we continue to pray and trust God with all the things that we do not know. We ask that as you or your kids think of her that you would pray remembering that when we do, God hears us and responds.

We love you and it's an honor to serve you and your family.

Email soncire@fccphx.com

Upcoming Events

Parent Seminar

Saturday February 24th

Special Friend’s Respite

Saturday March 30th

Sign up for the Parent Seminar here!
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