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Last time we covered Sonic Promos' online engagement offerings. Now let's dive into customizing your perfect program. 
At Sonic Promos, we are product consultants - not just sales people. Matching the right program to your goals is key for results. We have learned that there are a multitude of online options. Need a refresher? Check out our overview by clicking here. Choosing the ideal fit is crucial! 
Every program starts with an exploratory meeting to understand your desired experience. We'll lead you through a questionnaire to find your best match. Sometimes clients know exactly what they need and only need us to refine their vision. Other times, they need guidance. Both are common - that's why we're experts! 
After initial meetings, we provide a proposal and pricing. You will work together with a brand manager backed by our Full Programs team. They will build and test the platform with you. When you're ready, it's go-time! 
But we don't disappear after launch. These programs offer valuable data to track KPIs and leads. We will send custom reports based on your needs and goals. 
Ready to get started? Contact Sonic Promos today! 

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