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Today we will explore Online Engagement. Now more than ever consumers are spending countless hours online and on their phones. Why not capitalize on it? If consumers are online, that is where your brand needs to be! 
Sonic Promos offers numerous online engagement programs: 
  • Pop-up stores for short-term sales or giveaways: simple stores take payments or redemption codes. 

  • Robust custom company stores with categories and customization. 

  • Catalog stores: showcase products without payments. These are ideal for sales teams.
  • Virtual wallets for quick international gifts: send custom gift cards for meetings, coffee breaks, or with thank you notes 

  • Rewards stores with top brands: quickly set up redemption pages directly from manufacturers. 

  • Custom games for ongoing fun and engagement: apps with points and prizes keep users coming back. Just like the passport program you're participating in with this email series!
Want to learn more? See demos and our webinar: https://www.sonicpromos.com/programs-company-stores/ 

Have you signed up for our passport yet? Click here and register! Once you've completed our journey, you'll have the chance to win a prize! If you forgot to claim your Creative Services badge last time, click here to add it.
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