Welcome Explorer!
Our staff includes three full-time graphic artists who maximize impact without increasing costs. Thoughtful design takes a product from tchotchke to treasured keepsake. Even simple tweaks make a difference. If your budget allows one color, we strategically use the print area for dramatic effect.
Same tumbler, same print area and same print color used to elevate your design and add value.
What else can they do for you? 

  • Consulting: Before selecting products, our artists provide expert guidance. For unique projects involving custom overseas productions, their insight can mean the difference between just ok and what you thought it would look like. 
  • Brand Identity: Our consultation uncovers your vision and voice. Then we design your logo, brand guide, and social media assets - everything you need to establish your unique identity. 
  • Unlimited Creativity: Our team designs illustrations, custom products, signage, packaging and more. If you can dream it, we can create it!
  • Proofing: Our team meticulously reviews every order and collaborates with your brand manager to ensure that your artwork complements every item.  
Ready to elevate your next project? Contact us at info@sonicpromos.com
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