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Previously, we introduced you to our Creative Services.

Our Creative Services elevate your brand. Recently, a large corporation ordered banners from Sonic Promos for an upcoming event. Their PR agency sent an art file sized for a computer screen - just 6 inches wide. The banners were over 3 feet wide! Stretching the small art would have looked blurry and pixelated! 
Thankfully, the Sonic Promos art team caught this potential problem before it caused a massive headache for the client. We worked with the client to get print-ready art that would pop at full size. This is just one example of how choosing a reliable, creative, and detail-oriented company can lead to significant ROI without any undue hassles. 
Our graphic artists maximize impact without increasing costs. Thoughtful design takes a product from tchotchke to treasured keepsake. Even simple tweaks make a difference. If your budget allows one color, we strategically use the print area for dramatic effect.

Like going from this:
To this:
Same tumbler, same print area and same print color but used to elevate your design and add value.

Our team knows how to showcase brands creatively. We suggest on-trend alternatives to basic logo placement. 
Ready to elevate your next project? Contact us at info@sonicpromos.com
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