Historic Vote Set For May 22 at 12pm
Congregation to vote on building expansion plan
On Tuesday, May 10th, 2022, the Board of Lay Leaders adopted a motion from the Expansion and Communications Committee to proceed with a phased approach to a building expansion. The official motion has six (6) parts, and each part is contingent upon the others - meaning that the entire motion will be voted on as one, comprehensive plan, in order to ensure each step is followed towards the completion of the entire project. First, some definitions:

"Limited Expansion Plan" - The completion of the office/lobby complex along with the two-story classroom addition.

"Full Expansion Plan" - The completion of the office/lobby complex, the two-story classroom addition, and the field house w/lobby.

Here's a breakdown of the motion steps...

  1. Authorize a capital campaign towards the funding of the full expansion plan.
  2. Authorize Trinity to secure a loan of up to $10 million to cover costs not yet raised by the campaign.
  3. Authorize preconstruction work for the full expansion plan (already funded) to begin, immediately.
  4. Authorize the construction of the "limited" expansion plan as soon as $3 million or more is raised in cash on hand.
  5. Authorize the construction of the "full" expansion as soon as $6.5 million or more is raised in cash and/or pledges.
  6. Authorize Trinity leadership to carry out this plan.

There are more details to each step, but the aforementioned six items are the core of the motion that will be decided by ballot on May 22, 2022.

The meeting is scheduled for May 22, 2022, at 12pm in the gym.

All members of the Trinity community are invited to the meeting. Per our constitution, only members of Trinity's congregation (church) are authorized to vote on motions presented during the meeting.

This meeting is a regularly scheduled congregational meeting that will include budgetary information, Divine Calls for new/incoming employees, and other items ahead of the discussion on the expansion project. Plan on a lengthy and spirited discussion period during the expansion project portion of the meeting.

If you have specific questions ahead of time please reach out to the committee directly at expansioncommittee@trinityfreistadt.com.

We look forward to this historic moment in Trinity's history and pray for God's blessings upon this process!