Clean water for God's thirsty children
This is all it takes: a water container, a Sawyer PointONE Filter (in its beautifully crafted cover), and a newly-trained Water Woman. She was part of a recent training session in The Philippines. The larger group is pictured below.
In the Philippines: Building Up Our
Water With Blessings Community for Mission

Did you know that The Republic of The Philippines is made up of 7,641 islands? Or that it has a population of 108 million people who speak approximately 187 languages?

Most importantly, did you know that on most of those islands there is practically no access to clean water?

At Water With Blessings, we have a chance to do something about that.

Our work in The Philippines began in 2016 when a wonderful man named Rem Reyes took 80 Sawyer PointONE Filters there and began working with a group of nuns to recruit and train Water Women. Though some health setbacks and the coronavirus pandemic have curtailed Rem’s activities over the past couple of years, there are more than 1,300 Water Women serving their communities in The Philippines.

But as you can tell from the numbers above, that is less than a drop in one of our five-gallon buckets.

We are working with Rem to implement a plan similar to our Village By Village effort in Haiti. We believe that going Island By Island will be an important piece of our strategic plan to get to 100,000 Water Women trained and equipped each year by 2030.

Over the next couple of weeks we will introduce you to Rem and some of the other key volunteers in this exciting project. Please keep all of us in prayer as we work to bring clean water to God’s thirsty children in The Philippines..

May God bless you all!
Thank you for making it a great KYGivesDay:
We made it rain clean water for God’s thirsty children

KYGivesDay has come and gone, and the gifts are still being counted. But we do know that the more than $26,000 we received in donations will underwrite the training and equipment for more than 350 Water Women around the world.

It's been a great few weeks, filled with beautiful Spring weather as we celebrated Mother’s Day and our Grand Opening, then saw such a generous response in this annual Kentucky tradition.

We give special thanks to our Challenge Gift donors, who gave us a great head start and spurred others to join in. We are so fortunate to have you as part of Community for Mission.

Thanks once again to all who took part in KYGivesDay. The clean water you provided is now raining down on God’s thirsty children.
One local official in The Philippines calls it “criminal water”...

Severe diarrhea and other gastro-intestinal diseases are a constant source of worry in his area, so the arrival of the Water With Blessings team was a joyous occasion. With your help, we hope to continue building this effort in The Philippines.

As you know, this is a daily crisis for millions of people around the world. Fortunately, we have the solution: the Sawyer PointONE Filter in the hands of a Water Woman.

The only challenge that remains is getting the filters to where they’re needed.

Even in the United States we have areas where clean water isn't always available. Over the coming weeks we will be telling you more about our work in the Navajo Nation, and an opportunity to serve families in parts of Appalachia where the only water available is from contaminated ground sources.

So please keep spreading the news by passing this newsletter on to your family and friends. And, if you can, please consider helping us once again...

May God bless you for your generosity!
Meet Shirly, One of Our
Water Women in The Philippines
Thousands of islands and millions of people without safe water – although it seems overwhelming now, we believe we are on the right track in The Philippines.

Shirly is a mother of four and one of the more than 1,300 Water Women in The Philippines who already have been trained and equipped with a bucket and the Sawyer PointONE filter – because of your generous support.

Working together, we can spread our efforts Island By Island and give more mothers like Shirly the chance to give their children clean water, in The Philippines, and in impoverished areas all over the world.
Some Weeks It Gets A Little Crowded, But There Is Always Room For You In Our Weekly Coffee Chat
The great news continues to roll in from different parts of the world, and we will bring you up to date on the latest. We will have the final tally from KYGivesDay and our Mother's Day Promotion.

Also, Sr. Larraine will have news about our work in the Navajo Nation and our opportunity to help in Appalachia.

So grab your beverage and log in this coming Friday at Noon Eastern Time. We'll provide the regular mix of prayer, fellowship, and more than a few laughs. As always, we look forward to having you with us!
We believe every child should be drinking clean water. Are you with us?
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