
The Most Important Thing
for Sisters in Christ
to Remember in this New Year . . .

" . . . what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?"

Mark 8:36

I am sure that many of us are looking forward to a New Year with a clean slate in many areas
of our lives. However, even with a clean slate of new days, it takes effort from every one of us to live a successful life and make it a year of drawing closer to Our Lord in every way!

I joined a gym in early 2019 with every intention of getting healthier and stronger. I guess I thought that is what happened when you "joined the gym."

A few months into the new membership, I realized that it took more than a membership to grow healthier and stronger. I would have to actually GO to the gym and put some effort into it!

The same thing applies in our spiritual lives. It is with great joy and expectation that we become Christians and "get into" the body of Christ. However, we soon realize that we have to keep our spiritual lives healthy and strong and that it takes some real effort to grow spiritually in a world that is ignorant of God's Word and often mocks those who believe it!

Today is the day to decide that this year you will get more into God's Word, more into prayer and consequently more into God! By doing that, we become more like Him.

If, at the end of this year you can say, "I am more like Christ than I was a year ago" then 2020 will have been one of the most successful years of your life!

Remember, you can't get healthy by just making a commitment. You only succeed when you put in effort into it!

May you grow closer to God, through Christ, and ask for the Spirit to strengthen you daily this year!

READ Luke 11:11-13
Add this 5 Minute Daily Bible Study to Your Spiritual Diet this Year!
There will be a new Bible study on Facebook that began this month. It is hosted by our sisters in Christ. This will be a great addition to our study of God's Word as we begin the new year!

You may join the DAILY DEVOTIONAL GROUP here:

For continued spiritual growth and fellowship, you might want to mark this site and make it a portion of your daily Bible Study!

Announcing the First Annual "Daughters of the King" Workshop slated for July 19-23 in Columbia, TN

Our granddaughter, Grace Anne, when she was just a little girl, wrote and illustrated the article below about how she wanted to grow up to be a teacher like her "Bebe" and teach women the Bible.

Grace Anne is a Junior in college at Freed-Hardeman right now, but I have kept this picture up in my office as a reminder that young women need to be taught correctly how to study God's Word, how to grow spiritually, how to teach others and how to recognize God's plan for their own lives.

My dream of having a workshop for young ladies who want to dig deeper into God's Word and grow spiritually while having the desire to share The Lord with others is coming to fruition in July of this year with the First Annual "Daughters of The King" Workshop to be held at the Lodge at Graymere Church of Christ in Columbia, TN.

We will have outstanding women teachers who will direct our young ladies in classes on how to use study Bibles, concordances and other great resources to enhance their study of God's Word. They will have the opportunity to develop and present lessons and be involved in prayer and dialogue with strong sisters in Christ.

The goal is to accept up to 20 young ladies , ages 14-19 , for the days of July 19th - 23rd, 2020. We will be staying at the Graymere Lodge in Columbia, TN, and most meals will be provided. The Cost will be $100 for each girl and there will be some scholarships available.

If you have a daughter or are a young lady who would like to be a part of this exciting opportunity, please email us at Your congregation or Ladies' Class might also like to sponsor one or two young ladies from your congregation.

We are asking for you to be praying with us and joining with us in this great goal of developing young women to become strong "Daughters of The King" while living out God's wonderful plan for their lives!

Look for more information in upcomingNewsletters!

"Sisters, Servants, Soldiers"


January 17-18, Lone Oak Retreat, Graymere Lodge
January 25, Midway, Trinity, AL

February 4, FHU Lectureship
February 8, Brown Street, Waxahatchie, TX
February 22, Riverchase, Birmingham, AL

March 7, East Walker, Sumiton, AL
March 13-14, Stilwell Road, Jackson, MS
March 21, East Ridge, Chattanooga

April 4, Center Grove, Gainesboro
April 11, Parkway, Savannah, GA
April 19, Stantonville, TN
April 25, Medina, Ohio

Sheila Butt
FB: Sheila K. Butt

Please visit our Website at:


We will continue taking submissions through February for our first SSS Devotional Book . Keep them coming in! We have so enjoyed receiving and reading so many that we can't wait to share with all of you!

If you have a suggestion for a Title for our first volume, please send it to
Here are the guidelines for our writers:

(1) 150 to 250 words more or less
(2) Include Scripture
(3) Up to 5 submissions per person will be accepted for publication for this first book
(4) Writers name and city will be noted

Submit to:  with  SSS DEVO in the subject line.

God is blessing us with so many open doors and we sure could use your help in furthering to develop our Young Ladies and Women's Ministry !

Any donation that you can send will be a blessing to our mission and to many homes and families
in the Body of Christ throughout the world!

2020 is going to be a year full of joyful work
in the Kingdom of our Lord!

Anderson Bend Church of Christ
Attn: Sisters, Servants, Soldiers Mission Fund
P.O. Box 1283
Columbia, TN . 38402-1283

You may also donate through PayPal . A monthly contribution of any amount will further our ministry! Maybe for some reason you can't go personally, however, your contribution can help one of our sisters go into all the world!

For His Glory,

P.O. Box 1283
Columbia, TN 38402-1283