MISSION To empower disadvantaged youth with education and life skills, enabling them to break cycles of poverty
May, Vol.13, 2021

Daniel (Danny), age 25, has overcome many obstacles. His early life was split between Mexico City and Oaxaca City. When his father died when Danny was 18, his mom abandoned him. He says that not having parental support was a painful experience he wouldn't wish on anyone. Left alone in the world at 18, many youth loose their way. 

Seeing much injustice in the world, he dreamt of becoming a lawyer to help others. CdK started assisting him with school fees and essential expenses in 2018 while he was attending a local Law university. He maintained excellent grades while working part time as a restaurant waiter in the evenings. Just recently he passed his legal Bar exam, and will soon pass his final oral exam/presentation. Courageous students like this ARE making the world a better place; here's the mini-interview: 

Q: Danny, why is education important to you? 
A: Education will open the doors to the job industry, which is a great advantage here in Mexico, especially since I want to have a better life and more opportunities than my parents.

Q: What do you dream of for your future?  
A: I would like to get a good job that allows me to develop professionally and acquire new skills. I would like to have the opportunity to help others who are going through the same issues I was having when I was studying (i.e. lack of mentors/parents, financial support).

Q: What would you like to say to our many Donors who've made your education possible? 
A: I would like to thank each one of the donors, because what I have accomplished (like passing the Bar Exam) would not have been possible without their support over three years. Everyone who makes a donation plays an important role in our future and also in the future of Casa de Kids' program. CdK has been a great inspiration for the type of human being I wish to become. They have supported me (and the other students) without knowing much about us, and they have faith we will take advantage of the opportunity they are providing. 
On the recent occasion of celebrating Danny's passing of the Bar exam, (left to right) Danny, another Casa de Kids' student - Liborio, and Pamela Vazquez, CdK Associate. 
Special Thank You!
We want to express our sincere appreciation to Holy Trinity Episcopal Church (Oaxaca), for their generous donation of office space and other general gifts. While CdK is a non-religious organization, we deeply appreciate their gifts, and a recent mention in the national online news, The Sun/TheWesterlySun.com; and also to a consistent donor Celebrate Life Spiritualist Community (San Francisco, California). 

We also sincerely thank our "Special Donors" in Florida who have been a foundation of love for our work; and also to Friendly Foods and the Oaxaca Lending Library for making available groceries (pictures below) for many of our 29 youth!
William and Freddy
Mayra and her mom
Goal Accomplished!
Thank you to everyone who donated and helped make our 8th Annual Cinco de Mayo event the biggest fundraising event ever!
Our goal of $30,000 was surpassed, and we made $31,405!!!!! Thank you everyone!! Our 29 students have bright futures ahead!
Amazon Users - You can help our students while shopping! While shopping online, you can help youth in Oaxaca achieve an education by selecting Casa de Kids as your charity of choice. AmazonSmile is available at smile.amazon.com on your web browser and can be activated in the Amazon Shopping app for iOS and Android phones. With each purchase, AmazonSmile will donate 0.5% of your eligible purchases to CdK.
Why Oaxaca? Oaxaca City is the capital of the state of Oaxaca (pronounced wah-ha-kah). While our state is famous for native and culinary arts, it ranks as the country's third poorest and has one of the highest illiteracy rates. Its mountainous terrain makes commerce and education difficult, attracting many seeking a better life to Oaxaca City.
To empower disadvantaged youth with education and life skills, enabling them to break cycles of poverty.
A world where youth are treated with respect and empowered through education, thriving in equality, integrity and freedom, creating the life of their dreams, while giving back to their community.
If you know someone who would like to learn about our work
Casa de Kids |
EIN #83-0774465