May 2022
Dear Friends,

It's been a lovely month of epic field work, visiting friends old and new, and presenting Shumla's great work across Texas. I was fortunate to spend last weekend in Central Texas presenting at Desert Door Distillery for a "Wild Talk" hosted by Wild Spirit Wild Places, as well as in Kerrville at a General Meeting of the Hill Country Archeological Association. It feels wonderful to be visiting you all in person again and bringing Shumla's exciting work and discoveries directly to you!

The month of May saw the research team fording rivers and scaling canyon walls to complete field work at some of the most spectacular sites in the region. Check out Archaeology Director Phil Dering's Hearthstone Project Update below!

As summer begins in earnest and we wish you calm days, cool breezes, and quality time with your loved ones. We've got some great programming lined up for you to be a part of as well. Can't wait to see you again, online or in-person, very soon!
All the best,
A Hearthstone Update
Phil's latest Hearthstone Project blog post is posted!

Read as Phil shares pictures and details of our time spent in Painted Canyon with our Texas State collaborators. Find out how we got food, water and electricity to our field camp home base for our week in the "wild." Read about "camp life" including how to keep a cloud of mosquitos from getting between you and your coffee cup. Learn what we discovered in the truly ancient Jackrabbit and Jaguar Shelters and how they got their names. You'll feel like you were there with us!
Painted Canyon - Shumla

Painted Canyon houses two spectacular rock art sites, Jackrabbit and Jaguar shelters. The mural in Jaguar shelter is the oldest we have yet radiocarbon dated in the region. It may contain the oldest securely dated pictographs in North America. We ...

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Fall Trek Schedule is Posted!
The Shumla Treks fall schedule is posted. It's time to plan your next adventure!

We have some incredible Treks lined up for the fall, from full days to new half day schedules! (Half days are half price!)

Come take a dip in Devils River in September, explore Black Cave in October, and Trek to Eagle Nest Canyon in November. You'll be guided by a Shumla Archaeologist and get the benefit of 25 years of Shumla research and experience.

September 03: Halo Shelter and the Devils River (full day) ♦♦♦♦

September 04: Painted Shelter and Shumla HQ (half day) ♦♦

October 07: Judge Roy Bean Center, Vinegarroon, and Shumla HQ (half day) ♦

October 23: Black Cave and Vaquero Shelter (full day) ♦♦♦

November 05: Eagle Nest Canyon (full day) ♦♦♦♦

November 06: Mountain Laurel, Campus, and Shumla Headquarters (half day) ♦♦♦½

November 19: VV75 and Red Linear Type Site (full day) ♦♦♦♦

November 20: Fate Bell, Fate Bell Annex, Running Horse (full day) ♦♦♦
Concerned about your ability to hike to our Trek locations, reach out! We will walk you through the whole Trek and help you decide if it's right for you. There are accommodations for some treks. For example, the November 6th trip to Mountain Laurel, Shumla campus and Shumla HQ is listed as a three and a half diamond trek. But, if you are not a hiker, you can stay at the campus while the rest of the group hikes and enjoy the pristine views, walk the nature trails and have a lovely morning with no need to over-exert yourself. If you want to talk about a Trek, email!
Welcome Seamus!
Welcome to Shumla's newest staff Archaeologist, Seamus Anderson!

Seamus grew up in San Antonio, Texas. From a young age, he was always interested in history and a multicultural perspective. He pursued and obtained an International Baccalaureate diploma, a program that emphasizes a global, multicultural perspective, at his local high school. After that, he attended Texas Tech University majoring in both Anthropology with a focus in archaeology and History. After graduating in 2016, he worked as a History and English teacher in Austin before enrolling in the Archaeology Master's program at Texas State University in 2020. Since then, he has worked on several archaeological projects in both academic and Cultural Resource Management settings. He fell in love with the rock art of the Lower Pecos while working on an academic excavation at Bonfire Shelter in the summer of 2021.

He's already been hard at work with the team on the Hearthstone Project and is excited to continue with Shumla's great mission!
Welcome Seamus!!
June Lunch & Learn
Join Shumla Project Archaeologist Audrey Lindsay at June’s Lunch & Learn to learn more about the Alexandria Project Archive!

Shumla recently completed the Alexandria Project, a baseline documentation effort that digitally preserved 235 rock art sites in the Lower Pecos.

The Alexandria Project Archive consolidates 25 terabytes of digital data from this effort into a visual, iconographic, and spatial dataset, which will facilitate groundbreaking new rock art research for the region. Audrey will detail Shumla’s goals and plans for the Archive, its different components, how we’re preparing the Archive for long term digital curation and access, and a brief case study of possible research avenues and the bright future of the Archive.
Please help us continue this work
Shumla Archaeological Research & Education Center 
P.O. Box 627, Comstock, TX 78837
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