You're Evited...
A Virtual Seminar for EVS Directors & Other Facility Managers
OCTOBER 5th, from 1-2 PM

Join us for this unique 1-hour free virtual discussion with the experts in the field! We'll explore how pest and land care management has been evolving to best protect the health of the people that facilities serve, from both pests and the adverse impacts of certain pesticides – and how you can implement safer practices.

Each expert will provide a brief presentation followed by a Q&A discussion.

Please register prior to September 19th to reserve your spot.
Space will be limited to ensure sufficient time for quality interaction,
so early registration is encouraged!
Our Expert Panel
  • Joe Griffin, Retired EVS Director, Aramark Healthcare, Sheppard Pratt Health System:
"Lessons learned from 35 years in the business"
  • Michael Ichniowski, M.D., Chair, Environmental Health and Climate Change Committee, Md Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics:
"Pesticide impacts on newborns & children"
  • Ana Rule, PhD, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Environmental Health and Engineering, Johns Hopkins School of Public Health:
"Harmful vs Safer Disinfectants in health care during a pandemic"
  • Inar Maharaj, Luminis EVS Director, Anne Arundel Medical Center:
"Best bedbug management at LHAAMC"
  • Frank Meek, BCE, PHE, PCQI, Manager, Technical Services, Rollins (subsidiaries include Orkin and Western Pest Control):
"Prioritized pest management in health care"
  • Ryan Anderson, IPM Institute of North America:
"IPM in health care around the country, Green Shield opportunity"
  • Kevin Wengernuk, CEO KW Landscaping:
"Maryland State House Grounds – a model for healthcare facility
pesticide-free land care"
Learn & Share: How to Amp Your IPM Program
Some of our long-time partners in the IPM Project may remember when we collaborated with Maryland Hospitals for a Healthy Environment (MdH2E) for periodic MDH2E-held events to bring us all together to share our successes and challenges. The benefits of these discussions become even more critical with the ongoing pandemic, so we are instituting what we hope to be the first semi-annual meeting for Facility EVS Directors and other facility managers to come together and learn from each other – to share successes and challenges in pest and land care management.
One of our event presenters (above) is Rollin’s Frank Meek, who in 2008 representing Orkin, collaborated with MdH2E on a Pest Control Checklist. The Checklist prioritizes non-chemical pest prevention and intervention with least-toxic pesticides that are only used as a last resort. This checklist will help you be ready for any pest control audit, including the Joint Commission.
A great companion to the checklist is the national Hospitals for a Health Environment (H2E) 10 Step Guide to Implementing an Integrated Pest Management Program.  
What's in Your Disinfectant?
If you haven't yet... Share with your team
Find out if you're using disinfectants containing hazardous chemicals that pose an increased risk to staff and the people your facility serves.

Given the ongoing pandemic and the challenges it continues to provide health care facilities, understanding how certain pesticides can exacerbate pandemic symptoms and even confuse patient diagnosis and treatment, is an important issue to fully understand.

Certain pesticide-registered disinfectants routinely used in healthcare pose an increased risk for the people our facilities serve and our staff. Visit our first-in-the nation website and share it with other departments, including purchasing and Green Teams, so the safest most effective products are chosen.
FREE on-demand webinars to improve your EVS success
from Dr. Tom Green, IPM Institute of North America
Our webinar series is available to you and your staff when you are.
Lunch & learn! Most webinars are just 20 minutes long.
Solving Insect Pests in Health Care Facilities
Strategies for Preventing & Solving Rodent Problems
Strategies for Housekeeping & Maintenance Professionals Working in Health Care
The IPM in Health Care Facilities Project promotes safer pest and weed management best practices that are effective and protect the public and environment. Exposure to harmful pesticides can cause or exacerbate the very issues for which patients/residents are being treated. Especially during this challenging pandemic, we keep you updated on important news and research related to COVID-19 issues — from least toxic disinfectants to pesticides that do/do not exacerbate coronavirus symptoms. We support your efforts to ensure a protected and toxic-free environment for your facility and those you serve —
and ALL our IPM in Health Care Facilities Project services are FREE.
For more information, 
on our always free services
contact the 
IPM in Health Care
Facilities Project
Visit our website for more info