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Helping You Get Organized
and Stay Organized!
Less Clutter. More Calm.


As You Can See,

Everything is Doable! 

A HOW-TO Guide

I’ve seen many cluttered spaces in my many years as a Certified Professional Organizer -- but I’ve never seen a room or a house that couldn’t be transformed. In my experience, every project is doable. It’s really just a matter of following the same process, one that can work in any and every space. 

Below are examples of rooms that we turned into cleared, functional, and refreshed spaces as well as a recap of the processes we used to make it happen.

Attic Space Before & After

Window Seat Before & After

Office Before & After

Kitchen Before & After

Living Room Before & After

And here's how we did it....

Focus on One Area at a Time - Carve out time to dedicate to your project, try to remain in the room you are working on for the time you’ve set aside, and stay focused at the task at hand. 

Consider if You Need To Start With Another Area that Supports Your Goal - For example, with the window seat project we knew we needed to also organize the adjacent clothes closet so that the items could be put away. Below are photos of that closet after it was organized allowing for the window seat clothing to be put away.


(where the window seat clothes went!)

Work on One Section at a Time - If a room has several areas within it to organize, pick one and focus on that. For example: For the kitchen project, we worked on the floor before moving to the table.

Sort into Categories – Putting like items together is key for two reasons. First, you’ll want to ultimately store these items together. Next, sorting makes the purging process easier because you can make informed decisions regarding how much you have and need. 

Purge as Much as You Can –Keeping excess items eats up your available space and may prevent you from storing things in a way that lets you see what you have. Also, the more you have the harder it is to stay organized.

Assign a Place to Everything You’re Keeping – Place items near where they are used, put things you need frequently in the most accessible spots and group like categories together that go together. 

Determine if Containers are Needed – Shop for containers once you know how they’ll be used. For example, containers for the closet (pictured above) were selected after we knew what size and shape would work for the space.

Clean upMove out the items that belong in other areas of the home to where they belong, drop off donations, take out the trash/recycling and make arrangements for anything you’d like to sell. 

There’s nothing more gratifying than helping someone get back to a place where they can appreciate their space.

Happy Spring and please let me know if I can help you make your home or office more functional and enjoyable! 


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Only move what you want into your new home and get settled


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