June 7th, 2024

Special Events With A Purpose…

First Christian Church has always had special events on special days. Whether it’s Easter, or a 4th of July celebration or Mother’s Day or Christmas, or most recently a Memorial Day celebration. We keep an eye on the calendar to see what is coming up next so we can plan something that would potentially attract people both in and out of the church. National Holidays are common ground for everyone to celebrate who lives in the country.

Father’s Day is coming up next on June 16. Lynn and I will team up on the message which will be an interview format with a father focus. We will also have a special gift for all the Father’s who attend.

Special event days are a great opportunity to invite someone who wouldn’t normally come to church. We are purposely planning services that will introduce new people to the body and ultimately to Jesus. Pray for those who you might invite. Don’t sell God short on what He can do when someone prays expectantly – then ask that person.

In Him,

Mike W.


  • Please pray for my brother Bobby Joe who is transgender. Pray that he be healed of his dysphoria and came back to Jesus and accept his true identity. Also, pray for me to have wisdom regarding my relationship with my girlfriend and my beliefs. ~ Arron
  • Ken, a friend, has been given the news of cancer. Please join me in prayer that he may know the power of God and healing in his life.
  • Please pray that God would go before Paul & Keala Smith as they move from Alaska to Goldendale. ~ Smith's

Livestream link for Sunday June 9th

"Just Do It!"

or go to youtube.com 

search for "First Christian Church The Dalles"

You will also be able to watch any service at any time.

Get ready to worship with us Sunday June 9th. You can find Sunday's playlist here.

We are looking for a few volunteers for VBS. More specifically, we need crew leaders (they guide groups around to each station)

We also need people to help decorate the day before VBS ( Sunday August 4th). Please contact Tiffany or Tia Anderson if you are available.


Are you one of our awesome volunteers but perhaps forgot when you're scheduled to serve? Here is the June 2024 Volunteer Schedule.

Ladies -

On Saturday June 15th, in honor of Father’s Day, the ladies of First Christian will prepare & serve Men’s Breakfast for the guys of FCC. We’re looking for monetary donations and/or breakfast supplies. Please see Dottie at the Hospitality Desk for ways you can help. If you have questions, please call Dottie at 541-993-9669.


A HUGE thank you to all fifteen folks who helped prep and paint the church basement hallway in just two days to get it ready for a fresh look! Many hands made for light work – thank you, one and all!

~ Karen


Safety Team Reminder

Following this morning’s service is a 45 minute training on how to handle an emergency medical situation. Not limited to Safety Team only; this training is open to everyone.

Just a little reminder that all announcements and/or inserts for the bulletin & weekly email update are due by Wednesday noon to be included in the weekend publications. Anything received after that will be pushed to the following week.


May 2024 budget amount $174,460.00

received to date: $161,081.52

spent to date: $157,777.41

WHAT WE BELIEVE...First Christian Church The Dalles is not affiliated with a denomination, instead choosing to be overseen by a team of elders. We consider the Bible to be the words of God, thus being incapable of error. As we seek a unified practice of our faith, we follow the teachings of the New Testament. We share communion each Sunday and follow the Biblical pattern for conversion. We support any who have accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord through belief, public confession of faith, baptism by immersion and continual obedience to Biblical standards of living. We hold firmly to essential doctrines but celebrate freedom in non-essentials as we seek to love God, love people, and make disciples who follow Jesus.
First Christian Church, The Dalles
