February 23rd, 2024

Cloudy Days

This morning when I crawled out of bed and it began getting light, I noticed that there were no clouds. It was clear and fresh and new. I like clear mornings and smooth sailing, so to speak. Interestingly however, as the morning wore on I saw the clouds begin to appear. Small at first, and as the morning moved forward they seemed to grow larger. At the time of this writing I am not sure how it will be in an hour or two or even three.

It seems to me that life is much like today. Your day begins smoothly, or your life seems well on track. Things are moving forward when sometimes we see small clouds moving in. Might be a relationship, a job issue, disagreement over something that years later seems petty, or it might be a full grown storm that threatens to upend your life as in a tragic loss, a dreaded disease, or an accident that leaves you scarred.

Does any of this relate? We need to understand what my mother always used to say, "behind the clouds the sun still shines." Sometimes we do not see it, but just because we do not see it does not mean it is not there. Bluntly, we do not see most things.  

In moments of need, turn to God and understand that He is still on the throne. In 1 Peter 5:7 we are told, "Casting all your care upon Him for He cares for you." He does. Do not doubt it. There is also that favorite in Romans 8:28. "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, ..." They do. And again, we may not see it, but they do. Trust the Lord. He loves His children more than you know.

For Him,



  • Please pray for Kim's brothers grandson. He has RSV and was a preemie and has bad lungs. ~ Mary K
  • Please pray for Last Days of Jesus Pageant for: protection from Satan's attacks; for health and well-being of cast, crew & families; the Holy Spirit to prepare hearts of everyone to hear and receive His truth; weather; needed cast (2 disciples and 1 thief) to be found; finances; and God to be glorified in The Dalles. ~ Goodman's
  • Randall is doing much better. He is in a funk and I pray he pulls out of it and find the thirst of Jesus. He feels he needs more addiction recovery that he has not receiving. May he understand and learn how to turn it over to Jesus as they are trying to teach him there. Pray he doesn't give up! ~ Bonnie
  • Harry Withrow asked for prayer for his wife Patty. She fell and has a concussion and low potassium levels. She is in the Veteran's Hospital in Sacramento. Please pray.

Livestream link for Sunday February 25th

"How To Give Money"

or go to youtube.com 

search for "First Christian Church The Dalles"

You will also be able to watch any service at any time.

Are you one of our awesome volunteers but perhaps forgot when you're scheduled to serve? Here is the February Volunteer Schedule

Vacation Bible School Planning Meeting

Friday February 23rd


Join Tia & Tiffany Anderson as they begin planning Vacation Bible School scheduled for August 5-9 here at First Christian Church.

Vacation Bible School Kick-Off Lunch

Sunday April 7th

Join us as we officially launch the planning phase for VBS!! You'll get to preview all of the exciting videos & curriculum. You won't want to miss it!

Women’s Bible Study ~ Slaves of Christ

Tuesday’s 6pm

February 20th - March 12th

Inviting all ladies to a 4 week women’s study of Paul’s journey in Acts and ties in the letters to the churches along the way. Sarah Smith will focus on scripture as we learn to be better servants of our Lord. Please join us even if you can’t attend every class.

Baby Shower for Hope Medical Clinic

Saturday March 2nd ~ 12noon


Ladies, we are having a "Baby Shower" fundraiser for Hope Medical Clinic. Start looking for baby items to bring and bless this ministry. Their biggest needs right now are wipes and 2T clothing. Reminder: bring unwrapped items to the luncheon. Don't want to do the shopping? Cash donations are always welcome & appreciated.


It's time for another delicious SOUPer Sunday fellowship. Please join us in the basement Fellowship Hall following morning worship service on February 25th.If you are able to bring a pot of soup OR some bread or rolls, please contact Nancy Love at 541-298-4400

Summit to Summit

Men's Retreat

April 19-21

Washington Family Ranch

Early Registration (thru March 4th)


Normal Registration $230

online registration at: s2sministries.org

Contact Bob Jewett about scholarships

Brochures & poster are available at Hospitality Desk

Just a little reminder that all announcements and/or inserts for the bulletin & weekly email update are due by Wednesday noon to be included in the weekend publications. Anything received after that will be pushed to the following week.


January 2024 budget amount $34,892.00

received to date: $21,571.00

spent to date: $30,789.45

WHAT WE BELIEVE...First Christian Church The Dalles is not affiliated with a denomination, instead choosing to be overseen by a team of elders. We consider the Bible to be the words of God, thus being incapable of error. As we seek a unified practice of our faith, we follow the teachings of the New Testament. We share communion each Sunday and follow the Biblical pattern for conversion. We support any who have accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord through belief, public confession of faith, baptism by immersion and continual obedience to Biblical standards of living. We hold firmly to essential doctrines but celebrate freedom in non-essentials as we seek to love God, love people, and make disciples who follow Jesus.
First Christian Church, The Dalles
