May 10th, 2024


Have you ever asked yourself those questions? I think it’s good to ask them as a church also. Where are we at? We are a small church. Where are we going? We are following Jesus and want to be a great church for His sake.

Did you know that 90% of bible believing churches have a weekly attendance under 200? 80% have a weekly attendance under 100. The bottom line is God uses all sizes of churches to accomplish His mission of making Jesus known among all nations.

Instead of looking at size we need to ask, “How healthy are we?” Many positive things are happening at FCC. There is a good Spirit in the house. We long to see Jesus exalted. We enjoy being together.

“How are we doing at making disciples?” Currently, we are going through a process to help FCC focus on its mission. Also, we are constructing a pathway for discipleship to grow disciples from conversion to spiritual adulthood.

Keep praying for God to lead teams as they meet to move forward in the process.

Our Goal: “To become the greatest, healthiest small church for Jesus!”


Mike W.


  • Please pray for the sale of our son Kyle's house in Portland. ~ Mike & Shawn
  • Please continue to pray for our daughter-in-law Erin Long. The pain in her chest/stomach is still present. She has an MRI this week. Pray for elucidation and healing. ~ Lynn and Marlene Long
  • PRAISE the Lord for what God is doing in our local CEF chapter. He's brought us a new office manager, Lurel Smith, summer intern, David McGaughey, prayer chairman, David's mom Lori, and director-in-training, John Pinheiro. Please lift up all these folks as well as director Julie Fritts as she prepares for a summer of training youth to teach Bible Clubs throughout the mid-Columbia area.. ~ Goodman's 
  • PRAISE: Thank you FCC family for your prayers & standing with me for my husband's health. PTL he is recovering! ~ Dee
  • Please pray with us that God will provide the way financially for the move. Pray for the faith to believe. Pray God's blessings on our marriage. ~ Steve & Jane
  • PRAISE: Carrie's health is stable. Cancer is in check now. Thank you all for your prayers over the past 15 months. ~ Sherry Clark
  • Please pray for my brother-in-law John. He's having shots in his back and is having a lot of problems. Thanks. ~ Barb Herman
  • Please keep praying for my grandson, Peyton, as he begins boot camp (Army)soon. ~ Claire Cummings
  • My brother -in-law, Rick Cummings, is doing better since his terrible motorcycle accident. Thank you for continued prayers for his full recovery. ~ Claire Cummings

Livestream link for Sunday May 12th

"Three Things Every Mother Needs"

or go to 

search for "First Christian Church The Dalles"

You will also be able to watch any service at any time.

Get ready to worship with us Sunday May 12th. You can find Sunday's playlist here.

Are you one of our awesome volunteers but perhaps forgot when you're scheduled to serve? Here is the May 2024 Volunteer Schedule.

Memorial Sunday Remembrance

Do you have a picture of someone you want others to remember on Memorial Sunday (May 26)? Send or bring your picture to the church office and we will make a slideshow for the Worship Service to remember our loved ones.

. Please submit before May 19th ~ Thank you!

Let’s Go Fishing!

There are several items that are needed for VBS in August and our “wish list” are on fish cutouts in the Fireside Room display. Take a fish, buy the item and bring it back to the donation box. Easy peasy!


Gorge Winds Concerts

Gorge Winds will perform two concerts at First Christian Church next weekend: Friday May 17th - 7pm

Saturday May 18th - 3pm



Women’s Ministries invites you to a delicious 3 course Italian dinner Saturday June 8th from 4:30-6:30pm.

Come enjoy a lovely evening out with friends. Tickets are on sale for $5 each through May 19th at the Hospitality Desk. All proceeds will benefit our 2024 VB


Cinco de Mayo Taco Feed

Thank you each one to make our Taco Bar a GREAT time of food and fellowship!  Just like in the New Testament, our sharing together creates such a special bond within our body. We had a great variety of amazing desserts and want to thank all of you who supplied those treats, as well as those that helped in the clean-up. Let us know if you have suggestions for continued "All Church Fellowship" times

The preschool team will be painting the church basement hallway May 31-June 5. We need paint preppers (patching holes, washing walls, taping) and painters. Please sign up TODAY in the Fireside Room if you can help on one or more days or contact Karen Wilson: 541-980-0625


May 7, 2024

Sam Owen

Kenya, East Africa

Praise for the times Sam and Georgia have been able to have with their children and grandchildren. Praise also for how well Georgia has adjusted to their life in Nairobi.

Pray for Sam as he recovers from a fall resulting in a broken collar bone. Recovery should be completed in six weeks.

Pray especially for the Kenyan Prayer Breakfast which will be at the end of May. It will be a five-day event with between three and four thousand people in attendance. The President and his cabinet, as well as many members of Parliament, will be there and it will be broadcast live to the nation. Corruption in the nation is one of the challenges that the country’s leadership needs to address.

Pray for the 3-day retreat at the end of the conference for student leaders who are a part of the vision for change in Kenya.

Pray for a means of funding the small staff team that supports and enables the work that Sam and his co-workers are doing.

David and Denise Moore

Wycliffe Bible Translators


Pray for David as he is currently in Indonesia until May 18th. He is working to coordinate a new Bible translation project in the Gwatlelir language. He is currently in one of the villages working with the different church leaders in the community assessing their proposals and participation in the project.

Pray for good communication and relationship building and that all will have clear understanding on how to proceed.

Pray for Denise as she takes care of things in Oregon. Pray especially for the reintegration of Beni into their family life as he returned home May 7th after being at the J-Bar-J Boys ranch for 10 months. He is also returning to Hillsboro High school so Pray for his protection from the temptations that will be around him.

Pray for daughter Hannah as she returns home from Indonesia June 3rd and prepares this summer to move to South Carolina to attend Columbia International University. Praise God for His financial provision to make this possible.

Praise God for His provision of faithful friends to help with practical needs at their home in Oregon.

Just a little reminder that all announcements and/or inserts for the bulletin & weekly email update are due by Wednesday noon to be included in the weekend publications. Anything received after that will be pushed to the following week.


April 2024 budget amount $139,568.00

received to date: $133,829.52

spent to date: $129,626.96

WHAT WE BELIEVE...First Christian Church The Dalles is not affiliated with a denomination, instead choosing to be overseen by a team of elders. We consider the Bible to be the words of God, thus being incapable of error. As we seek a unified practice of our faith, we follow the teachings of the New Testament. We share communion each Sunday and follow the Biblical pattern for conversion. We support any who have accepted Jesus as Savior and Lord through belief, public confession of faith, baptism by immersion and continual obedience to Biblical standards of living. We hold firmly to essential doctrines but celebrate freedom in non-essentials as we seek to love God, love people, and make disciples who follow Jesus.
First Christian Church, The Dalles