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The Next Stop News March 2018

Members of The Next Stop...
Making a Difference

The Next Stop believes that providing opportunities for our members to participate in service activities is important. Service to others is a vital part of living a healthy life. It connects us to each other and to our community--both locally and globally. When we serve others, it gives us a sense of purpose and accomplishment and also gives meaning to our own lives.

Recently, sixteen Next Stop members and their families gave up a Friday afternoon to participate in From Hunger to Hope , a food pack designed to feed malnourished children around the world through the nonprofit organization Feed My Starving Children. At the end of our packing session, we had assembled 40 boxes of Manna packs--the specialized food that will provide proper nutrition to a starving child. This translates to 8,640 meals that will feed 24 children for an entire year. Now who can't feel good about that?! So proud of our packing team!

We thank the leadership of From Hunger to Hope/Gwinnett for always embracing and welcoming The Next Stop with open arms. We are proud to serve alongside you.
Our New Music Man!
It is always a wonderful pleasure to get a call from someone looking to be a part of The Next Stop. The call we got last month was a bit more exciting as it came with a guitar, harmonica, and tambourine! But this one-man band didn't just come to entertain us--he had our members singing along and laughing through all his interaction with them. We're certainly thankful for Mr. Lawrence -- a genuine, kind, and talented man who is now a part of The Next Stop family!
It's "Fundraising Season" for The Next Stop
-How you can help-

Sign up for May 7th's Golf, Dinner and Wine Event !
Stu 404-822-7068

Enter our $10,000 Cash Raffle by purchasing tickets!

Donate something for our May 7th silent auction!
Contact Vicki @

All Appreciated!
 Thank you
The Next Stop 404-932-3953