Genesee Hill PTA News

May 9, 2024

PTA Logo


This week - Teacher and Staff Appreciation Week! Sign Up Here

Saturday, May 11 - Genesee Hill Garage Sale: Sign Up Here

Week of May 20 - Book Fair: Volunteer Here (afternoon and evening)

May 22 - Neurodiversity acceptance art project, contact

June 6 - 5-7pm, West Seattle Elementary celebration hosted by West Seattle Elementary and West Seattle Equity Fund

June 11 - Foxes parent meetup. Learn about special education services. Contact

June 13 - PTA General Membership Meeting, 6-8 PM at GHE cafeteria

June 14: Move-A-Thon (during school day)

June 18: Field Day and PRIDE (during and after school) – All hands on deck!

June 20 - 5th Grade Promotion

June 21 - Last Day of School!

Dear GHE community,


It is hard to believe that we are embarking on the last few months of the school year. As we reflect on our year, we cannot help but feel a deep sense of gratitude. We have spent the last 9 months connecting with each of you, whether at a community event such as Monster Mash, at our advocacy events on public school funding, or at a general membership meeting. It is in these moments that we have learned about the community you hope to build for your student and how, as a PTA, we can support each child to thrive at GHE.

Thank you to those who supported the auction, whether in person or through teacher experiences. The financial support is always appreciated. This will lead us into budget season. At our June general membership meeting, we will present the 2024-25 budget for your approval. 


We would be remiss if we didn't highlight a remarkable example of how our community came together to support GHS students through this year's Overnight Outdoor Education experience for 5th grade students. 

The parent community provided a clear voice that an outdoor educational experience was central to their student’s 5th grade year and brought educational benefit, as well as social emotional growth in a way that could not be replicated. 

Thirty volunteers came together to put on a true community building experience for 5th grade students. And they have built a model that can be replicated by future 5th grade grade classes. We wanted to use this space to highlight the incredible work of our 5th graders and those who supported them to make this experience  happen.


Please enjoy the journey…


In partnership,

Lia and Michael, PTA Co-Presidents

5th Grade Outdoor Experience

As the Islandwood Overnight Outdoor School tradition did not happen at Genesee Hill this year, the 5th grade families and the PTA organized an outdoor school experience for 5th graders on the weekend of March 22-March 24th at YMCA Camp Colman on Case Inlet. 


70 students and 28 parent chaperones attended and had a great time building relationships, learning about the natural world, playing games, and singing songs. Students stretched themselves out of their comfort zone in a new place with different people, learning all the way.


On Friday night after a full school day, students arrived at Camp Colman and jumped right into dinner, before a rousing and silly campfire where every student got up on stage. Each cabin group was celebrated for their creative cabin cheers and we ended the day with s’mores and some cabin time before lights out.


All day Saturday and on Sunday morning, students experienced six outdoor environmental education classes, led by the Camp Colman teachers. Every student experienced a beach walk, marine invertebrates class, climbing wall, outdoor wilderness skills and orienteering, forest ecology, and the circle of life game about population dynamics. On Saturday night, they went on a night hike to learn about the “changing of the guard” from diurnal to nocturnal animals and some special adaptations for seeing and hearing in the dark.


Students saw everything from harbor seals to salamanders to banana slugs and some even held snakes and shore crabs! Students learned hands-on things like different fire building and wilderness shelter techniques, climbing and belaying on the climbing tower, and some groups played games like camouflage and the rock cycle game. 


The 5th graders did a great job and we are very proud of them for doing things that challenged them, whether on a night hike, on the climbing wall, an uphill hike, or being in a cabin with unfamiliar people. Both the experience of independence as well as the environmental science learning are crucial for the development of early adolescents. 


This was truly a full community effort to mobilize volunteers to support this transformative experience and the PTA is committed to ensuring that this experience continues to happen in future years!


5th Grade Overnight Education Committee Leaders,


Mike Montgomery and Heather Thimsen

5th Grade Outdoor Experience: In Photos

Thursday, June 13: General Meeting

At our June general membership meeting, we will present the 2024-25 budget for approval. The nominating committee will also present nominations for next year's PTA board.

Join us on Thursday, June 13 from 6 to 8 PM in the cafeteria. Food and childcare provided. We hope to see you there!

Nominations Needed for Next Year's PTA Board

The Nominating Committee is working to fill positions for next year’s PTA Board!  The deadline to nominate yourself or a friend for elected and appointed positions is Wednesday, May 15. Please complete the nomination form for each individual candidate. Feel free to direct questions to and the Nominating Committee will reach out promptly.

All voices are valued and needed on our board to support a PTA that is inclusive and representative of our whole community. If you are new to GHE, haven’t historically seen yourself in the board, or are interested in just being more involved with PTA please consider nominating yourself. We cannot do this work without voices from each of you.

Being on The Board is a great way to support your child's education, feel more connected to what is happening at Genesee Hill Elementary and create positive change in our community. The Board meets once per month in addition to General Membership meetings which happen 3-5 times each year. The terms are 1-2 years.

Executive Board (elected) roles include: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Vice Treasurer, Secretary and Fundraising. They will be voted on at the membership meeting Thursday, June 13.

Non-Executive Board (appointed) roles include: Communications, Legislative/Advocacy, Events, Membership, Volunteers, Cohorts, Equity and Special Education. 


Calling All Volunteers - Mark Your Calendars and Sign Up!

We need many helping hands during the final stretch of the school year!

Saturday, May 11: Genesee Hill Garage Sale Sign Up Here

Week of May 20: Book Fair Volunteer Here (afternoon and evening)

Friday, June 14: Move-A-Thon (during school day)

Tuesday, June 18: Field Day and PRIDE (during and after school) – All hands on deck!

All volunteers during the school day need to be approved by SPS.  Check your expiration date or sign up now, so you are ready to volunteer for end of year field trips and events! It can take 2+ weeks to receive approval.


Genesee Hill Elementary| 5013 SW Dakota St | Seattle, WA 98116| 206.252.9700