People for Life Email Update

Wednesday, May 1, 2024


Just Days Away: Erie March for Life

Please don't miss the 47th Annual Erie March for Life.

Saturday, May 4, 2024

11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Arrive at Perry Square by 10:45 a.m.

We will march, rain or shine. The weather looks good, but bring an umbrella just in case.

Speakers include U.S. Rep. Mike Kelly and Remil Teny of the PA Pro-Life Federation.

Erie and the surrounding communities will be watching. This is our opportunity to assure the world, including our elected, and aspiring-to-be-elected, government officials that justice for innocent human lives is, and will always be, a huge priority in the hearts and minds good-willed people everywhere.

This year's March represents an investment of nearly $2,000. This includes the cost of permitting, police supervision, newly-printed signs, and advertising. Yes, we think this type of event is that important. We hope you feel the same way.

All Erie-area news departments have been notified (see news release, below). The Erie-area world will truly be watching, and counting.

We challenge all our readers to make two phone calls to invite and encourage more people to join us. Additionally, for all of us on Facebook, it is a simple matter to individually invite friends by sharing the Erie March for Life event page.

More information about the Erie March for Life is available at: and


After the March, there will be a very interesting and informative presentation by PA Pro-Life Education Director Remil Teny. We will reassemble at 1 p.m. just across Peach Street at Gannon University in the Zurn Science Center Auditorium (Room #104). The presentation will begin at 1 p.m. There will be time for Q & A. Admission is free. Refreshments will be provided.


Here is what we are telling the news media:

People for Life


May 1, 2024

Erie, PA

(814) 882-1333


The 47th Annual Erie March for Life, hosted by the local Right to Life organization, People for Life, will take place this Saturday, May 4, rain or shine.

The theme of this year’s March is “LIFE IS A HUMAN RIGHT.”

The Erie March for Life, begun in January 1978, was originally intended to mark the anniversary of the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, which struck down legal protection for unborn children in all 50 states and paved the way for a so-called “right” to abortion killing. After the demise of Roe in June 2022, it was decided that forgetting the infamous decision would be better than continuing to remember its anniversary. Accordingly, the 2024 Erie March for Life is being held in May, just one week before Mother’s Day, instead of in January.

Three to four hundred people have participated in recent years. It remains to be seen whether the switch from January to May will increase or decrease the numbers.

The marchers will start gathering in Perry Square by 10:45 a.m. The March will begin at 11 a.m. It will proceed west on 6th St., south on Sassafras, east on 10th St., and north on State, then return to west Perry Square. Once reassembled, the marchers will hear a series of speakers, including pro-life U.S. Representative Mike Kelly and Pennsylvania Pro-Life Federation Education Director Remil Teny.

The PA Pro-Life Federation, based in Harrisburg, has more than 40 chapters statewide. It is the largest grassroots, single-issue pro-life organization in the Commonwealth. People for Life is represented on the Federation’s board of directors.

The entire Erie March for Life event will conclude by 12:30 p.m.

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