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March 2023

March Newsletter
Dear EricsHouse Community,

Welcome to March 2023!

"No matter how long the winter, spring is sure to follow."

Our grief and love will stay with us forever. Grief is a mind, body, and soul experience in which our hearts will always deeply miss our loved ones. All throughout navigating your unique grief journey allow yourself to practice strong self-compassion and embrace your feelings with no judgement. As Spring approaches may we search for moments of warmth, light, blooming, and color.

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An Letter from our Founder-
Marianne Gouveia
Look for Beauty in This World

Dear Friends – My husband Greg and I are downsizing our 25 years of STUFF. It is so easy to forget how much STUFF we accumulate over the years. What is amazing for me is all the STUFF that I have kept because it brought me some pleasure or comfort to remember it and keep it near. For me, those things are usually kept in a box tucked neatly away somewhere in a pile of other boxes.

The hardest thing to part with are the old family pics. I am determined to go through each of the many boxes of photos – framed and unframed – so that my kids don’t need to worry about it. So . . . I started that process, sorting, purging, eliminating the many pics that did not stir my heart. I felt happy during this process – remember the many great memories and experiences I was given as gifts in this lifetime. I kept singing silently to myself “what a wonderful world”.

There was one photo that took my breath away. Growing up we had a long couch, which must have been 8 feet long. Crammed onto that couch were my father Mac, brother James, sister Ree, sister Lois, and Lois’ husband Greg. They have all departed this earth – all of them in one photo. I imagined that they joined my Mom, Cammie, and I thought they must all be so happy together – dancing, singing, praying, watching over us – doing all those things that make their heart sing.

After a moment, I was reminded of my own mortality. I envisioned that one day I will meet them where they are and we will embrace and give thanks that we are eternally connected. I thought of this verse –

I see friends shaking hands, saying, "How do you do?"
They're really saying, "I love you" “

The magical, mystical rainbow always appears after the storm. Rainbows somehow make me feel connected to my loved ones, especially my son Eric. I wonder what beauty they hold looking down from up above, it must be beauty beyond words.

While some of the most important people in my life are not on this earth, I remember all the beauty that remains in my life, all the little things like the baby’s cry, skies of blue and clouds of white, green trees and red roses too, and love that I carry in my heart for the many people that I love – those that I can see and those that I can’t. Hard as it may be on some days after loss, keep looking and be open so that beauty can find you.
With Love,
Marianne Gouveia
Chairman, Co-Founder
Seven Years by Greg Eckerman
It’s been seven years. Such a long time . . . and only a moment.
I sometimes feel stuck but, when I look back, I can’t believe the changes.

Some people believe our bodies change dramatically on a seven-year cycle. Allergies can change and even the cells in our body replace themselves.  

But the cells in our heart replicate much more slowly. Those in our brain are even slower.

We don’t stop feeling it . . . ever. But the knife edge of the pain dulls. I’m not sure if I’ve truly learned to embrace the pain, but I
understand it in a broader context now.

We don’t forget. I’ll never forget that terrible day. I’ll never forget his divine spark. I’ll never forget the empty space left behind. But the painful memories are intertwined with the love behind them, more nuanced, subtler.

I can appreciate the gifts he gave me. My faith. Freedom to explore myself in ways that aren’t practical. New purpose and priorities.
Eric James Gruler 
8/8/88 – 2/27/16
EMMAUS Ministry for Grieving Parents is a unique ministry that serves the spiritual needs of grieving parents.

We focus on the promise of eternal life and the rich teachings of our faith to help these terribly broken parents. We ask questions such as:

  • Where is God in my pain?
  • Where is my child right now?
  • Why do I feel abandoned by God?
  • How could God let this happen?

The retreat is offered by grieving parents who have lost children of their own. We provide an opportunity for parents to gather in a sacred, warm, and compassionate space with others who know their pain. Many parents find peace and comfort, at least for a time. All faiths are welcome.

For additional information please email madison@ericshouse.org
Join EricsHouse for a 3 night, 2-full day Transforming Your Grief Retreat full of revitalizing activities and connections. Poco Diablo Resort is surrounded by the beautiful red rocks of majestic Sedona!

The fee covers lodging, lunches, snacks, beverages, two dinners, and activities.
Donate your car, truck, motorcycle, RV, or boat to EricsHouse by simply clicking the button and completing the form. Car Easy will reach out to you to arrange the pick-up of your vehicle donation, at no cost to you. You may qualify for a tax deduction while supporting a cause that is near and dear to your heart!