Equine Safety & Prep Bulletin

May 4 is

Wildfire Awareness Day

NOW is a good time to jumpstart your Summertime Animal Emergency Prep program.

Awareness is a 24/7 thing.

Stay in “the yellow” so you’re always prepared, not panicked.

AWARENESS ...of what?

Wildfire is a big concern for us all throughout the West, and especially so in the WUI, where the majority of our equines live.

But wildfire is not the only natural disaster we’re vulnerable to. We live in Earthquake Country, and many of our coastal areas are in Tsunami zones. Flash floods are also potential summertime threats. Less dramatic and widespread, but dangerous, are our beautiful big trees, which can fall on barns, trails, homes, water storage and vehicles.

Being aware of the things that can endanger us and our animals, is the single most important piece of preparedness.

Make Situational Awareness a Habit

Things to consider and questions to ask yourself, your barn owner, and boarding facility manager:

o ask yourself. Your barn owner and boarding facility manager:

  • Your property environment - what is it vulnerable to?
  • What are potential hazards to people and animals where you live, work, ride, play ride?
  • Do you, your family, staff, clients or animals have special needs that add layers of time and prep to be safe during an emergency?
  • Are the people who care for your animals aware and personally prepared,
  • Does your equine boarding facility have strong and realistic plans and resources in place to safely care for your horse in both evacuation and shelter-in-place situations?

If your answers are “No” or “I don’t know” to any of these questions, that’s where you can start improving your planning for emergencies and disasters. 

If you want to expand Self Assessment, we have a tool to help you.

How to elevate your Wildfire and safety Awareness and be a leader in your barn and neighborhood.

STEP 1: Make your written Animal Emergency Action Plan (EAP).

Doing this as a group activity, with family, neighbors or barn-mates, is an excellent way to boost preparedness.

Get together to talk about needs, do assessments, and make and share your written Emergency Action Plans. All the tools you need are FREE at HALTERproject.org —just use the links in the boxes below.

STEP 2: Keep your EAP handy!

Once you’ve filled out your Animal Emergency Action Plan (EAP) documents, you’ll need to put them where you and others can find the info quickly:

Make multiple copies of your EAP.

  • 1 stays with your other important personal documents.
  • 1 or more where your animals are (house, barn, etc).
  • 1 or more with people who might be caring for your animals if you cannot. 
  • Digitally 

STEP 3: Keep your EAP UPDATED and current!

  • Emergency Contacts 
  • ID, photos, microchip
  • Medications, Feeding, vet records 

Tools to Make Your Emergency Action Plan

Complete Animal Emergency Action Planner packets to download, print, read, fill out forms.

Make copies of all relevant forms and keep them where you and others can find them quickly and easily.

CA North Bay Barn & Ranch Safety Planner

Gold Country Barn & Ranch Safety Planner

Non-Geo Barn & Ranch Safety Planner

Emergency Prep Guide for Ag and Hospitality Workers

Emergency Prep Guide for Ag and Hospitality Workers (Español))

Animal Emergency Action Plan (Español) 

CA North Bay Animal Prep Planner (Español)

READ what the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) has to say about Wildfire Awareness for Equines and Pets.

Much More about FireSafe Animals on HALTERproject.org

A one-stop place to find additional EAP guides for Seniors, Fire Safety articles, and resources from around the USA and the world.

WATCH “Fires of 2017-Lessons Learned on the Ranch"

HALTER Project Founder, Julie Atwood, recounts her family’s experiences during North Bay firestorms of 2017.

WATCH “Farm/Ranch/Backyard Disaster Preparedness 101”

Join Julie for a walk around her family’s ranch that will help you with your personal and animal disaster prep.

For your local Fire Agency and other First Responders

Animals in the WUI A guide to help local agencies connect with the equestrian community and keep their personnel safer when responding to incidents involving equines.

Let's Get Together!

We can help you plan a Prep Event. Host a Workshop, or provide co-branded materials for your organization, club or HOA.

Contact us: rescue@halterfund.org

Coming in the next Equine Safety & Prep Bulletin: Animal Disaster Volunteering, Shelter-in-Place Prep, & more!

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