Epiphany Star
Newsletter, Church of the Epiphany
September 2021
Clergy Clatter

We all know them. They’re everywhere. They walk out in front of our cars. They mess up our sidewalks. They are so pretty, but such a pain in the neck. Of course, I’m talking about Canada Geese.
Recently there was a late night segment on TV about a goose that was discovered with a severely injured leg. He would not be able to survive without attention. Someone captured him and took him to a neighborhood veterinarian. While the vet was working on him, a ruckus broke out at the sliding glass door in the treatment room. It was another goose, a gander, pecking furiously at the glass door. Unseen, she somehow had followed her goose, and knew where he was. She kept up her furious pecking at the door until they put the injured goose in a cage in another room. The next day, when they brought the goose back to the treatment room, the gander reappeared and watched intently as the goose was treated. And so it went, day after day. Occasionally the vets would place the injured goose at the sliding door, open it just a crack, and let the two geese interact. Finally, the goose was well enough to go outside into a small fenced area. And here came the gander, honking happily, flying over the fence, and settling next to her goose. Every day, the gander would fly in and stay with the goose, sometimes wrapping her neck around his, sometimes preening him, sometimes feeding him. As the vets would take the goose back in for the night, the gander would fly off, only to return the next day. This went on for weeks, as the injured leg healed.
Finally, the day came to release the goose with his healed leg. They put him out on the lawn, without an enclosure. The gander immediately joined him, and they walked around the lawn, side by side, obviously excited. Somehow they knew that this was the day. And eventually they took flight, side by side, honking loudly as they flew off into the wild.
As the vets stood there watching, one of them said to the other, “I wonder if that is love.”
That has stuck with me. Love is a really hard thing to define, perhaps easier to observe. And I think animals have a great deal to teach us about the ways of love, even a couple of Canada Geese. I really believe that this creation was meant to run on love. It sometimes gets all messed up, but if we look around, there’s still a lot of love in this world. It takes some amazing forms, and it’s something for which we should always give thanks.

Richard +
Labor Day Cookout
Don't forget about the Labor Day Cookout following this Sunday's service. Hotdogs and hamburgers with all the fix'ins, drinks, desserts, and more.
Possible Fall Yard Sale

We’re considering having our traditional yard sale in October but since we just had one in May, we need to make sure there will be enough donations to make it worthwhile. If you think you’ll have items to donate, let Carol Fernandez know! You can email her at misstupper@hotmail.com or call at 214-5738. You can also simply answer the question below. Thanks!
Do you have items for a Fall Yard Sale?
September Service Schedule

September 5, 2021 - Fifteenth Sunday After Pentecost

  • Homily - Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Celebrant - Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Lector - Vaughn Coffman
  • Altar - Len & Tina Wright
  • Flowers - Marcia Cronin
  • Usher - Kathy Moore
  • Organist/Pianist - Joe Ritchie
  • Labor Day Cookout following the service!

September 12, 2021 -  Sixteenth Sunday After Pentecost

  • Homily - Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Celebrant - Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Lectors - Anita Colburn
  • Altar - Kevin LaPointe
  • Flowers - Jim Fisher
  • Usher - Jackie Rochelle
  • Organist/Pianist - Joe Ritchie
  • Vocals - Choir
  • Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate

September 19, 2021 - Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost

  • Homily - Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Celebrant - Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Lectors - John Childers
  • Altar - Ariel Fernandez
  • Flowers - Joyce Williams
  • Usher - Kevin LaPointe
  • Organist/Pianist - Joe Ritchie

September 26, 2021 -  Eighteenth Sunday After Pentecost

  • Homily - Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Celebrant - Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Lectors - Jerry Cronin
  • Altar - Kevin LaPointe
  • Flowers - Jim Fisher
  • Usher - Tom Gilleland
  • Organist/Pianist - Joe Ritchie

A video will be on YouTube, Facebook, and our Web Page a few hours after the Sunday service, so tell a friend and share the love!
Vestry Highlights
September 9, 2021

  • Reported that the AL-anon group that has been meeting at Epiphany for many years has disbanded due to lack of membership.
  • Reviewed the bishop's advisements on COVID-19 protections. Agreed that we are doing a good job of following the guidelines.
  • Confirmed that John Moscoe has retired as Parish Clerk at the end of July. Emmett Pate has agreed to volunteer on Wednesdays to get out a bulleting, newsletter, and a weekly Happening email. This is temporary until we can find a new Clerk.
  • Elected Nancy Ryenolds to fill the unexpired term of David Jones.
  • Searching for a new Parish Register to replace Jennifer O'Connell. (Since that time, Lori Bergmooser has agreed to serve. Thank you, Lori.)
  • Approved a modified Labor Day Cookout for Sunday, September 5th.
Ushers Needed

If you are interested in being an Usher, please contact Kathy Moore at kmoore1234@cox.net or phone 757-647-6606
Midweek Music at Epiphany
This week, Joe Ritchie performs "Variations on a Theme" from Pachelbel's Canon in D Major. Palchelbel's Canon is perhaps the most famous piece that is played at weddings. While you will not hear the tune verbatim, you will hear the very common chord structure with a variety of variations on the melody that should bring a smile and joy to your heart.

There's over a year's worth of music contained in our YouTube playlist, Facebook group, and web site. Check it out!
In Our Thoughts and Prayers

Sheila Brinck
Jerry Cronin
Kevin LaPointe
Alice Matuskowitz
Bill Maxwell
Mike Scott
August Birthdays

  • Lucas Marshall, 7th
  • Britt Porter, 7th
  • Courtney Clary, 8th
  • Joyce Williams, 9th
  • Kevin LaPointe, 13th
  • Michael Diaz, 13th
  • John Green Jr., 15th
  • Jerry Cronin, 22nd
  • Sharon Barrineau, 24th

 August Anniversaries

  • Len and Tina Wright
  • Carlos and Carol Fernandez

September Birthdays

  • Chan Ashby, 8th
  • Joe Ritchie, 8th
  • Nancy Reynolds, 11th
  • Carlos Fernandez II (Cheech), 14th
  • Anita Neuer Colburn, 15th
  • Vaughn Coffman, 21st
  • Mary Scheible, 23rd