Epiphany Star

Newsletter, Church of the Epiphany

October 2022

Clergy Clatter

It’s not a good omen when a priest is heading into church to hold a service, and he hears a horrendous crash, braking glass, and a lot of voices yelling. Somehow, the priest knows that this is going to be a special day in his life and ministry.


What in the world is going on? Someone came running up to me and told me that the refrigerator door have fallen on Carol Fernandez. “Where is she?” I asked. “Under the door” was the response. A particular scene from the Wizard of Oz flashed through my mind. Well – it turns out that Carol was in the process of preparing refreshments for after the service. She opened the refrigerator door, and it fell off its hinges and onto her. Now this could only happen on YouTube, or an old sitcom. There was a lot of stuff in those door racks, most importantly, bottles of wine. The wine survived, except for one bottle of white, which hit the floor, broke, and spewed glass and wine all over the floor. If you have ever spilled a whole bottle of wine, you know it goes everywhere. Maybe we need to shift to boxes – ick.  


As I turned around to see what was going on, it looked like the whole congregation was packed into Epiphany’s small kitchen – all hollering and jumping around at once. They got the door off Carol, got out the mops and bucket, started sorting through the door contents, etc. Wes Irby got out his Gorilla Tape and put the door back in place with a big sign “DO NOT OPEN”. Carol sustained a couple of bruises, but was not seriously injured. And I went into church to say my prayers.


As for the refrigerator, the hinges just gave out. It cannot be properly fixed. Someone in the kitchen offered $50 for it, and the bid was accepted. So there will shortly be a new refrigerator in Epiphany’s kitchen – hopefully with stronger hinges. I started the service, noting that half the congregation was in the kitchen tending a broken refrigerator and a bruised Carol. One by one, our first responders snuck into church, and life at Epiphany settled in to its normal routine. It was another wonderful Sunday Morning at wonderful Epiphany.


HRRC Board Meeting

The board of the Hampton Roads Rowing Club will meet at Epiphany every second Tuesday of the month. They will meet at 7:15pm.
Girl Scout Troop

The Girl Scout troop that met at Epiphany prior to the pandemic will begin meeting on Friday afternoons. Welcome back girls!

Vestry Meeting

The vestry will meet on October 13th. The meeting will start at 7pm, after dinner at 6:30.


We are anxious to get a choir together again - post pandemic. We will have to start off small and simple. If you are interested, say something to Joe Ritchie or join us for rehearsal at 9:30 Sunday  morning.

Intercession Cards

We are returning to the use of “Intercession Cards” to remeber special needs. They are on the table in the back of the church and may be handed to the clergy at any time. Names will no longer be printed in the Sunday programs.

October Service Schedule

October 2, 2022 - Blessing of the Pets

  • Celebrant- Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Lector - Tina Wright
  • Altar - Len & Tina Wright
  • Flowers - Marcia Cronin
  • Usher - Kevin LaPointe

October 9, 2022 - Eighteenth Sunday after Pentecost

  • Celebrant- Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Homily - Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Lector - Jim Fisher
  • Altar - Kevin LaPointe
  • Flowers - Jim fisher
  • Usher - Susie Pedigo

October 16, 2022 - Nineteenth Sunday after Pentecost

  • Celebrant- Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Homily - Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Lector - Marcie Kidd
  • Altar -Ariel Fernandez
  • Flowers - Joyce Williams
  • Usher - Tom Gilleland

October 23, 2022 - Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost

  • Celebrant- Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Homily - Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Lectors -Mary Shaffer
  • Altar - Kevin LaPointe
  • Flowers - Jim Fisher
  • Usher - Jackie Rochelle

October 30, 2022 - Twenty-First Sunday after Pentecost

  • Celebrant- Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Homily - Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Lectors - John Childers
  • Altar - Kevin LaPointe
  • Flowers - Jim Fisher
  • Usher - Kathy Moore

A video will be on YouTube, Facebook, and our Web Page a few hours after the Sunday service.

Vestry Highlights

September, 2022

  • Reported that Centennial Committee is again planning to hold an anniversary event on January 6th. Last two years have had to be canceled due to pandemic. Requested Richard invite the bishop. (Bishop has accepted). Watch for details.
  • Reported that Mike Diaz will be responsible for new front door sign.
  • Reported contract to remove large Maple Tree from front lawn and trim Magnolia has been signed.
  • Reported congregational meeting on November 20th to include Vestry elections.
  • Approved holding a Thanksgiving Dinner following the Thanksgiving service.
  • Approved asking MJs to cater a breakfast following the Christmas Eve service.

Ushers Needed

If you are interested in being an Usher, please contact Kathy Moore at kmoore1234@cox.net or phone 757-647-6606

October Birthdays

  • Monique Matuskowitz, 3rd
  • Delani Beilsmith, 4th
  • Susie Pedigo, 10th
  • Jackie Rochelle, 25th
  • Wendy Fernandez, 25th
  • Mike Hardin, 26th
  • Marcia Cronin, 29th

October Anniversaries

  • Dan & Linda Swain
For the latest schedule of events, visit our website at

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