Epiphany Star
Newsletter, Church of the Epiphany
November 2020
Clergy Clatter

During our pandemic, one of my precautions has been to go to the grocery store only once a week, and try to do that on what I hope will be “off hours.” I wear my mask, wipe off the cart, and play Dodge Ball as I move down the aisles, trying to avoid getting near anyone. In my mind’s eye, I have chuckled at the possibility of my climbing the shelves if someone without a mask approaches me.

Last week, as I searched for Moon Pies (late night snack), I realized that it may be a long time before I will want to go to the grocery without a mask. Even when a vaccine is available, I have become comfortable with a mask in that setting, and it may be hard to break that pattern. And I thought back to the first time I wore a mask into that same grocery. I felt like an idiot. I was sure everyone was looking at me and wondering why I was wearing that thing. It was that same feeling that I get in the hospital when they tell me to walk up and down the hall in a hospital gown – “something is not quite right here.”

Well, this brought back some amusing memories of being a teenager in the ‘50s. There were rigid dress and behavior codes back then, that make masks seem incidental. This was the era of Elvis and James Dean, and all of that. They set the “codes” for us. If James Dean did it, we had to do it – period. If Dr. Fauci had these icons today, our pandemic would be history.

We had to have our shirt sleeves rolled up two turns, just right. Our shoes had to be the right brand with the right amount of dirt on them. We beat a new pair of shoes with a hammer to get them to look worn, just right. Our pant legs were “pegged” with the cuffs so small we could barely get into them. I wore a flat top haircut with gobs of “goose grease” to make it stand up, just right. It was only proper to have a cigarette nestled behind the top of one ear so we could quickly get to it when we had a chance to sneak a couple of puffs in the restroom. And the girls had their own standards, with their sack dresses, and their beehive hair dos, and their “trotters”, and a “steady” to carry their books. These were times of conformity, and everything had to be just right, no matter how silly. 

And I was self-conscious about wearing a mask in a grocery store during a pandemic? Come on! God created us as such ridiculous creatures. Put on your mask. Help save a life – perhaps your own. Stay healthy. And let’s put an end to this thing and move on.

Richard +

Do not forget to set your clocks back one hour before going to bed Saturday night so that you will not be early for church Sunday morning. Enjoy the extra hour of sleep!
Vestry Highlights
Oct. 15, 2020

  • Approved a budget for 2021, described as a “Working Budget” to be reviewed every few meetings to determine the impact of the pandemic on cash flow and any necessary adjustments.

  • Approved not holding Trick or Treat in front of the church this year as a precaution against the virus.

  • Approved not holding our annual Thanksgiving Dinner this year as a precaution against the virus.

  • Approved not holding a Thanksgiving Day Service this year, and instead asking Richard and Julia to record a “Thanksgiving Meditation/Message” to be posted on line.

  • Approved continuing to hold services outdoors at every possible opportunity.

  • Reported that our online services are still being well received by a wide viewing audience.

  • Reported that our new “Music at Mid-day” posted on line on Wednesdays is being well received with a large viewing audience. Thanks you Joe Ritchie for making this possible.
  • Reported that Buddy Pate is working on recording the Sunday services, in hopes that they can be streamed live and relieve us of recording services on Wednesday. Wednesday services are recorded with one person at a time in church, and then put together into a service. It is time and labor intensive.

  • Reported that pledge cards were mailed out and are coming in, but it’s too early to project income.

  • Reported that the Centennial Anniversary Committee is working on two plans; one, a simple event for January 6th, outside, with the bishop; and the other, a gala event after the pandemic.

  • Reviewed preliminary plans for a Christmas Eve Service.

  • Reviewed and discussed the three options given by the bishop for Congregational Meetings this year, as follows: delay the meeting, conduct an “in person” meeting with special precautions, or conduct a virtual meeting with special considerations.

  • The Vestry approved delaying the meeting until April or May, requesting the present members and officers to extend their terms.  

  • Next meeting, November 12, 2020.
NOTE: Weather permitting, there will be an in-person church service on Epiphany's Lawn on Sundays at 10 am and where there will be communion (bread only). Face covering (mouth and Nose) required. Service bulletin will be provided but you are welcome to bring your own Book of Common Prayer. Also, please bring your own chair. Blankets and quilts are acceptable. Service will last approximately 1/2 hour. Otherwise, in-person church service will be held inside with COVID restrictions and guidelines.
Sunday Morning Service YouTube Schedule

Looking for Readers for the Wednesday taping of the Sunday YouTube Services. If you are interested, please contact the office at 757-622-7672

Nov. 1 - All Saints Day - Spiritual Communion:
  • Homily by Julia Ashby.
  • Officiant - Richard Bridgford.
  • Lector - Marcie Kidd and Jim Fisher.
  • Organist - Joe Ritchie.
  • Vocals - James Coaxum.
  • Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate.

Nov. 8 - 23rd Sunday after Pentecost - Morning Prayer:

  • Homily by Richard Bridgford.
  • Officiant - Richard Bridgford.
  • Lector - TBA
  • Organist - Joe Ritchie.
  • Vocals - James Coaxum.
  • Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate.

Nov. 15 - 24th Sunday after Pentecost - Morning Prayer:

  • Homily by Richard Bridgford.
  • Officiant - Julia Ashby.
  • Lector - TBA.
  • Organist - Joe Ritchie.
  • Vocals - James Coaxum.
  • Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate.

Nov. 22 - Last Sunday after Pentecost - Morning Prayer:

  • Homily by Julia Ashby.
  • Officiant - Richard Bridgford.
  • Lector - TBA.
  • Organist - Joe Ritchie.
  • Vocals - James Coaxum.
  • Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate.

Nov. 29 - 1st Sunday of Advent - Spiritual Communion:

  • Homily by Richard Bridgford.
  • Officiant - Julia Ashby.
  • Lector - TBA.
  • Organist - Joe Ritchie.
  • Vocals - James Coaxum.
  • Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate.

Be on the lookout for emails giving the details and links for the services on YouTube featuring our favorite priests, Richard Bridgford and Julia Ashby.
In Our Thoughts and Prayers

Sheila Brinck
Jerry Cronin
Kevin LaPointe
Mike Scott
Nell Steckman
Chris Boswell
November Birthdays

2   Angela Stein
6   Robert Kidd
12  Richard O. Bridgford
14  Valerie Smith
15  Lynne Pipis
16  Caroline Spring
18  Mary Shaffer
25  Kelly Harvey
29  Aaron Stein

November Anniversaries

2 Vaughn & Laurie Coffman
8   Otto & Sherry Pebworth
27 Steve & Lisa Kopacz

Stewardship Report
Thank you for your continued financial support of Epiphany by setting up auto pay or mailing your check. If you have fallen behind and your financial situation allows, please consider catching up before December 30 so your contributions will be reflected on your year end giving statement. Even when we don’t hold Sunday services, we continue to pay utilities, copier lease, lawn care, salaries and insurance. 
Thank you,

Tina Wright, Stewardship
We are compiling a gallery of pictures of Epiphany members to document life during the Pandemic. Please email your photos to our webmaster Buddy Pate at:


We are also collecting historical pictures of Epiphany and members, for the 100th anniversary of our church. Please also email those pictures to Buddy. If you have old photos, but need them scanned, we can do this at the church (call John Moscoe for an appointment).

For the latest schedule of events, visit our website at