Epiphany Star
Newsletter, Church of the Epiphany
March 2021
Clergy Clatter

So - you may remember that pre-Lent I urged you to eat pancakes on Shrove Tuesday to “keep the tradition alive.” Thinking that I had better follow my own advice, I bought a box of pancake mix, syrup, and the other trimmings for a good Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper at home. But I have to admit that as Shrove Tuesday approached, the slightest sliver of doubt slithered around in my mind. As I mentioned somewhere else, I had not made pancakes since Cub Scouts. I don’t particularly like them, and I’m a klutz in the kitchen. But I also knew that if I copped out on this, I could never face you without a pang of guilt. Guilt is worse than pancakes.
So – off to the kitchen I went. Out came my largest non-stick frying pan that I had never used. Out came all the fixings, including a measuring cup, that hasn’t been used in years, a variety of spatulas, ladle, mixing bowl, etc. I carefully read the directions on the box of mix. Sounded really simple except that it instructed that they be cooked at 350 degrees. How do you do that when the stove dials say “low” and “high”, with a bunch of dots in between. Oh, I'll just go half way. And temperature can’t be that critical.
So – I mixed my batter (looked right), ladled it into the pan – 3 nice big pancakes, and stood back and watched as the bubbles formed, just like it said they should. I peeked under the edge of a pancake and it was nice and brown. Time to flip the pancakes. WRONG! They had stuck to my non-stick frying pan. Now, I don’t mean a little stuck. These things were vulcanized to the pan. Off to the sink we went with trash can in hand.
So – before pouring my second batch, I rummaged through my cabinet and found an old spray can of grease, and covered the pan in it. The second batch wasn’t as bad. Only half of each pancake stuck. When I tried to turn them, they took on a life of their own and became big thick crepes, nice and brown on the outside, but raw and gooey on the inside. At least I was able to break them loose and set them aside.
So – I had enough batter for one more try. More spray grease. But by now the batter had really thickened up, and was sort of hard to get off the ladle. The end result was a couple of horrible, heavy, thick things that reminded me of scones. I don’t like scones, either. I ate about three bites – just so I could tell you that I truly did "hold up the tradition". The remaining scraps of pancake - a significant amount - I chopped up and told the dog that they were special treats just for him. He woofed them down. All was not lost.
If I come at you with this “tradition bit” again, send me away, and have a Blessed Lent.


Richard +
Epiphany's Lenten Program (Fr. Bridgford)
Since a huge part of our Lenten Programs at Epiphany have traditionally revolved around food and sharing a meal, and since that it impossible this year due to the pandemic, Julia and I have put our heads together and come up with a Lenten Program that we are calling “Food for Thought.” It can’t be Lent at Epiphany unless we get that food in there, somehow. Following is our plan:

Julia and I will take turns offering short recorded presentations of about 15 minutes, for four Thursdays. Although we will both participate in each session, we will alternate being the prime presenter. The schedule is as follows:
March 4th

Richard will present “Knowing God” – his journey with God
March 11th

Julia will present “Knowing God”, using “The Burning Bush” - her journey with God
March 18th

Richard will present “The Changing Church” – the Church post pandemic
March 25th

We can’t have Lent at Epiphany without “Stump the Clergy.” This session will be via Zoom. Julia and I will be together on the big screen at the NUOM office to take your questions and discuss anything you like. The time has not been decided. If you want to participate and do not know how to use Zoom, call John at the church office, 622-7672, or Buddy at the NUOM office, 461-4213. One of them will help you get set up. You can use your phone or your computer. Once it is set up, it is fairly easy to use.

The Altar Guild has 2021 Episcopal Church Year Calendars for sale. See Jim Fisher to purchase one.
Vestry Highlights
Feb. 11, 2021

  • Revised plans for Ash Wednesday drive up.

  • Approved extending Vestry election to May, or a time when a Congregational Meeting can be held outside following an outside service.

  • Approved Parochial Report after a detailed review, discussion and edit. (Available to members upon request)

  • Approved Nancy Reynolds being trained by Tina Wright as a backup for Pledge Tracking and internal audits.

  •  Next meeting March 11, 2021

If you haven't picked up your 2021 Pledge envelopes, please call the Church office to arrange pick up or delivery.
Sunday Morning Service YouTube Schedule

Looking for Readers for the Wednesday taping of the Sunday YouTube Services. If you are interested, please contact the office at 757-622-7672

Mar. 7 - Third Sunday in Lent - Holy Eucharist:
  • Homily by Rev. Richard Bridgford.
  • Officiant - Rev. Julia Ashby.
  • Lectors - Mary Shaffer and Vaughn Coffman
  • Organist/Pianist - Joe Ritchie.
  • Vocals - James Coaxum.
  • Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate.

Mar. 14 - Fourth Sunday in Lent - Holy Eucharist:

  • Homily by Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Officiant - Rev. Richard Bridgford.
  • Lectors - TBD
  • Organist/Pianist - Joe Ritchie.
  • Vocals - James Coaxum.
  • Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate.

Mar. 21 - Fifth Sunday in Lent - Holy Eucharist:

  • Homily by Richard Bridgford.
  • Officiant - Julia Ashby.
  • Lector - TBD
  • Organist/Pianist - Joe Ritchie.
  • Vocals - James Coaxum.
  • Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate.

Mar. 28 - Palm Sunday - Holy Eucharist:

  • Officiant - Richard Bridgford.
  • Lector - TBD
  • Organist/Pianist - Joe Ritchie.
  • Vocals - James Coaxum.
  • Video & Editing - Emmett "Buddy" Pate.

Be on the lookout for emails giving the details and links for the services on YouTube featuring our favorite priests, Richard Bridgford and Julia Ashby.
In Our Thoughts and Prayers

Sheila Brinck
Jerry Cronin
Kevin LaPointe
Mike Scott
Nell Steckman

Kitty Sizemore is celebrating her 99th birthday on March 7th. Due to the pandemic, we can not throw her a party. Instead, we're asking everyone to send her a birthday card. We're keeping this a secret and sending her a special copy of the newsletter without this announcement. Her address is as follows:

Kitty Sizemore
527 25th Street
Virginia Beach, VA 23451-4043
March Birthdays

4       John Moscoe
5       Lukah Fernandez
6       James Coaxum
7       Kitty Sizemore
7       Sharri Keller
8       Dawn Blair
10     Carol Fernandez
16     Marcie Kidd
17     Chris Colburn
20    Sherry Pebworth
24     Dottie Isaac
March Anniversaries

26 - Cheryl & Joe Turner
27 - Sheila & Bobby Brink
Coffee Klatch is back by popular demand! Check your emails for further information.
Online worship in Southern Virginia

Churches in Southern Virginia are offering a wide range of opportunities for regular online worship - Sundays and weekdays, from Eucharist to Compline to "Pop-up Prayers". Click here for a listing of ongoing virtual worship opportunities.

For the latest schedule of events, visit our website at