Epiphany Star
Newsletter, Church of the Epiphany
June 2022
Clergy Clatter

  Last week, I got mixed up and thought Clergy Clatter was due a week early. As I sat to write this little piece of “clatter”, the painful news of the school shootings in Uvalde Texas was all over the air waves. It’s another one of those horrible episodes with which our civilization seems to be cursed these days. Something is so horribly wrong that we allow and accept this, over and over, and over again. This time the news was reporting that 18 elementary school students and three adults had been murdered. We know that these numbers change as information is verified, but no matter, it is a lot of children and adults. It’s also obvious that the statistics still do not include injured victims.
I think a priest looks at situations like this somewhat differently than the average person. What’s going through my mind is something like, “If some of those kids were members of my parish, and I had to deal with this pastorally, how would I do it? Could I do it?” How could I offer spiritual comfort in a situation like that? I have conducted a huge number of funerals in my long career. Sometimes they have been for people that I knew well and loved dearly. Sometimes they have been for people I never knew and about which I knew nothing except a name which the undertaker handed me on an index card at the grave. I’ve buried a few children, but mostly adults. I’ve buried a significant number of suicides, and they always carry special pain and questions. But to my knowledge, I have not buried a child, or multiple children, who were innocently murdered. What would I say? What is there to be said? How could I possibly support the parents and families, and other kids? This type of situation, challenges even the most weathered priest. And as I watch the newscasts and see families hugging each other, and see adults leaving the school to go home for DNA samples so that their children can be identified, these are the kinds of thoughts going through my mind. And how about the other kids who watched their friends and teachers being shot to death, right there in front of them? How will they sleep tonight, and tomorrow night, and the next? What could I say to them to chase away the bad dreams and give them peace?
I don’t own a gun. I didn’t grow up with them and never learned how to care for and respect them. I’ve had friends who find great pleasure in recreational shooting, or carry a gun for special protection. I have no problem with that. My earliest experience with one was when I was a little tyke and my brother-in-law and a bunch of his friends took me skeet shooting. It sounded and looked like fun. They stuck a shot gun in my hand, showed me how to hold it, aim it, and pull the trigger. What they didn’t tell me was that the gun they had given me had a horrible kick to it when fired. I ended up flying backwards across the field, while they bent over in raptures. That was the beginning and the end of my gun days. I wish every child had that experience.
Well, it’s not just clergy who have those moments of doubt. We certainly saw it with the police. We know that the teachers and parents have strong emotions around this. Uvaldi is a small town, about 15,000 people. All the training in the world could not have prepared them for this. Everything that could go wrong, did go wrong. And it’s not over yet.
They are reporting that the school is going to be torn down and rebuilt. I can understand that. It is a way of expressing the anger that permeates the community. May we pray for the repose of the souls of those who lost their lives in this horrible event.
HRRC Board Meeting

The board of the Hampton Roads Rowing Club will meet at Epiphany every second Tuesday of the month. They will meet at 7:15pm.
Vestry Meeting

The vestry will meet on June 9th, dinner will be at 6:30pm and the meeting will start at 7pm.
Looking Ahead

There will be a cookout on July 3rd.
Yard Sale

The yard sale was a great success! Many thanks to Carol Fernandez and her gang for another successful event. Great job Carol. And a special thanks to the kitchen and bake sale teams. Proceeds exceded $3,000. Great job folks! Proceeds went to the furnace.
Why are the new Furnaces Noisy?

The old HVAC system was installed 35 years ago. Over the years the old ducts developed a significant number of holes and leaks, meaning a loss of heat and air. All of that has been replaced, and we are no longer heating and cooling the basement. So when you hear the system running, know that you are hearing money being saved. Our utility bills should be significantly lower.
The Bishop will be Visiting!

Epiphany will be hosting the Bishop's Open Office on Wednesday, June 15th from 9:30 to 11:30am and 2:00 to 4:00 pm. Anyone in the diocese, clergy or lay is invited to meet with the bishop on a first come, first meet basis. In addition, the Norfolk clergy will met for lunch with the bishop. (Mary Shaffer and Jim Fisher have agreed to prepare lunch)
Richard Off

Richard is going to grab a couple of Sundays off in June. He will be in town, probably doing yard work. Thank you Julia for covering.
Safe Church Training

Epiphany had agreed to host Safe Church Training on Saturday, June 25th. However, that date has been moved to Ssaturday, August 13th. Again, Epiphany will be hosting. We'll get more information to you on resgistration and times.
June Service Schedule

June 5, 2022 - The Day of Pentecost

  • Celebrant- Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Homily - Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Lector - John Childers
  • Altar - Len & Tina Wright
  • Flowers - Marcia Cronin
  • Usher - Susie Pedigo

June 12, 2022 - First Sunday after Pentecost

  • Celebrant- Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Homily - Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Lector - Jerry Cronin
  • Altar - Kevin LaPointe
  • Flowers - Jim fisher
  • Usher - Tom Gilleland

June 19, 2022 - Second Sunday after Pentecost

  • Celebrant- Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Homily - Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Lector - Gayle Greene
  • Altar -Ariel Fernandez
  • Flowers - Joyce Williams
  • Usher - Jackie Rochelle

June 26, 2022 - Third Sunday after Pentecost

  • Celebrant- Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Homily - Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Lectors - Tina Wright
  • Altar - Kevin LaPointe
  • Flowers - Jim Fisher
  • Usher - Kathy Moore

A video will be on YouTube, Facebook, and our Web Page a few hours after the Sunday service.
Vestry Highlights
May, 2022

  • Reported that Epiphany will host Bishop's Open Office on Wednesday, June 15th from 9:30 to 11:30am and 2:00 to 4:00 pm. In addition, the Norfolk clergy will met for lunch with the bishop. (Mary Shaffer and Jim Fisher have agreed to prepare lunch)
  • Reported that the new HVAC system for the church is installed, working, and paid for. Vestry approved "dipping into" some restricted funds to pay the bill. Those funds will be repaid.
  • Expressed special thanks to John Childers and Mike Diaz for hosting Drag Bingo at MJ's for the furnace fund, that produced $3,500. Great job guys. Everyone had fun and we appreciate your special efforts.
  • Elected Gayle Greene to serve as Register to replace Lori Bergmooser who resigned.
  • Moved and approved not filling vestry vacancies until the fall election.

Ushers Needed

If you are interested in being an Usher, please contact Kathy Moore at kmoore1234@cox.net or phone 757-647-6606
June Birthdays

  • Kimie Porter, 11th
  • Edmond Tompson, 11th
  • Lisa Kopacz, 12th
  • Wes Irby, 19th
  • Mary Evelyn Scheible, 25th
  • Junie Pritchard, 27th
  • Melinda Youngblood, 27th
  • Anna Cronin, 28th
  • Nakiah Newsome, 29th

June Anniversaries

  • Marcie & Robert Kidd, 9th
  • Kimie & Jonas Porter, 10th
  • Sharon & Kenneth Barrineau, 14th
  • Mike & Gini Scott, 15th
  • Brian & Junie Pritchard, 18th