Epiphany Star
Newsletter, Church of the Epiphany
July 2022
Clergy Clatter

  There is a TV news show that often follows the big national news programs. It’s called “Inside Edition.” It usually doesn’t cover the big worldwide interests, but the next level down – things that may be of interest to some viewers, but not everyone.
               Last night (Tuesday night) they had a segment on “new scientific evidence” that determines how long we will live. According to this “scientific evidence”, we can determine our remaining life span – up to 10 years – by how many seconds we can stand on one foot without falling over. In other words, if we fall over after seven seconds, we have seven years of life left. “Scientists” have been monitoring this for a number of years and it is confirmed – up to 10 years.
               Well! I’ve always wondered how God determines our life spans. It all seems so easy. God, you have been complicating this for us. Egrets must have very long life spans. And I’m going to have to start practicing mine. While checking it out last night, I did notice that my life span is considerably shorter if I’m in front of a mirror. I hope God has an answer to that. Maybe I’d better start removing a few mirrors.
               Now if you are going to try this, be careful. We don’t need a bunch of sprained wrists in church on Sunday. If in doubt, just say a little prayer. It’s safer, and makes more sense.
HRRC Board Meeting

The board of the Hampton Roads Rowing Club will meet at Epiphany every second Tuesday of the month. They will meet at 7:15pm.
Vestry Meeting

The vestry will meet on July 14th. The meeting will start at 7pm, without dinner.
July 3rd Cookout

There will be a cookout this Sunday following the service. Hot dogs, burgers, and drinks provided. Side dishes welcome!
A Farewell Toast to Epiphany’s Croutons

When pandemic measures stopped use of digits,
communion wafers required cumbersome widgets.
Priests Richard and Julia at first despaired,
but Jim knew there was a solution somewhere.
His catering skills have long been admired -
Epiphany receptions are always inspired. 
Jim started to labor, he began to roast,
making savory squares of holy toast.
Crunchy bites were served for two long years,
welcomed by his Christian peers.  
Of the many talents he doth possess
Jim Fisher makes the croutons best.
There also was a special treat,
for Episcopalians with four feet.
Each pet approached the communion rail,
with ample wagging of the tail.
With God’s grace the worst is past,
we’ll return to communion wafers at last!
We hope to finish with covid restrictions,
ending instead with benedictions.
To the herbal host, we bid farewell,
and return to the wafers we know so well.

(Shared with the permission of the author, A. Nonomus)
Safe Church Training

Epiphany had agreed to host Safe Church Training on Saturday, June 25th. However, that date has been moved to Saturday, August 13th. Again, Epiphany will be hosting. We'll get more information to you on resgistration and times.
July Service Schedule

July 3, 2022 - Fourth Sunday after Pentecost

  • Celebrant- Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Homily - Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Altar - Len & Tina Wright
  • Flowers - Marcia Cronin
  • Usher - Kevin LaPointe

July 10, 2022 - Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

  • Celebrant- Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Homily - Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Lector - John Greene
  • Altar - Kevin LaPointe
  • Flowers - Jim fisher
  • Usher - Susie Pedigo

July 17, 2022 - Sixth Sunday after Pentecost

  • Celebrant- Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Homily - Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Lector - Tina Wright
  • Altar -Ariel Fernandez
  • Flowers - Joyce Williams
  • Usher - Tom Gilleland

July 24, 2022 - Seventh Sunday after Pentecost

  • Celebrant- Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Homily - Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Lectors - Jim Fisher
  • Altar - Kevin LaPointe
  • Flowers - Jim Fisher
  • Usher - Jackie Rochelle

July 31, 2022 - Eigth Sunday after Pentecost

  • Celebrant- Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Homily - Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Lectors - Ariel Fernandez
  • Altar - Kevin LaPointe
  • Flowers - Jim Fisher
  • Usher - Kathy Moore

A video will be on YouTube, Facebook, and our Web Page a few hours after the Sunday service.
Vestry Highlights
June, 2022

  • Reported that we will return to "wafers only" at communion beginning July 3rd
  • Reported that we will have a cookout on July 3rd following the service. Hot dogs, burgers, and drinks provided. Side dishes welcome!
  • Reported that over $3,000 was raised at our May yard sale.
  • Agreed that pre vestry meeting meals are suspended until further notice. Meetings will start at 7pm
  • Entertained motion by Brian Pritchard to move 10:00 service to 10:30. Motion died for lack of a second. (Brian later sent an email resigning from the vestry).

Ushers Needed

If you are interested in being an Usher, please contact Kathy Moore at kmoore1234@cox.net or phone 757-647-6606
July Birthdays

  • Carlos Fernandez III, 5th
  • Blake Pipis, 5th
  • Ron Braswell, 10th
  • Ariel Fernandez, 17th
  • Lem Apperson, 28th

July Anniversaries

  • Chris & Anita Colburn, 22th
  • Sharri & Barbara Lester, 30th