Epiphany Star

Newsletter, Church of the Epiphany

December 2022

Clergy Clatter

As I get older, and older, and older, Advent and the pre-Christmas Season takes on more and more importance to me, because it is so full of memories. They aren’t huge memories of great events. To the contrary, they are usually minute little things that really shouldn’t take up brain space, but there they are, usually bringing a smile to my face, that no one else would understand.


One of those clusters of memories was making Christmas presents in elementary school for our mothers. This may still go on, but I seriously doubt it. Now – you have to remember that I attended elementary school in Cheyenne, Wyoming right in the middle of World War II. Between the worst weather on earth, and rationing of anything that could be used for the war effort, it took some creativity to come up with gift ideas. But none-the-less, gifts, and decorations, and tree ornaments, had to be made. And even in the 1st grade there was a serious focus on what we today call recycling or repurposing.


I remember making my 1st grade “present” like it was yesterday. We were each instructed to bring to class a very clean glass ketchup bottle, and 10 cents for supplies. Under the watchful eye of our teacher, we painted our bottles either red or green. And we had to be very careful not to use too much paint, because the war may need that paint. We were taught to paint up from the bottom, so the paint wouldn’t run and be wasted. We were introduced to the miracle of transfer decals. We could pick a few decals of flowers, soak them in water, and watch them miraculously stick to our freshly painted bottles. We were then given cork stoppers with sprinkler heads on them, and behold, we had made laundry sprinkler bottles for Christmas presents for our mothers. If you don’t know what a sprinkler bottle is, it’s ok. It’s something you will never need to know.


The next year, we had to bring round paper ice cream cartons to class. We covered them with scraps of cloth, paper, or anything colorful that would stick with glue. And behold, we had made “desk baskets” into which our mothers could store letters from our fathers who were away at war. And so it went, each year.


Now – why would I remember these little things? And even more importantly, when I was helping to pack up my mother house 50 years later, why did I find them stuck away in the back of a cabinet? They were the embodiment of memories – things that could not be told, could not be explained, but were too important to throw away. They would never be used again, except to remember.


For me Advent is packed with those sorts of memories – things I don’t think about at any other time of the year, but they rush back to the conscious front at Advent. My 1st grade teacher has a face at Advent. I don’t remember her name, but her face is very present.


The Biblical Advent/Christmas story is full of memories. People are keeping things in their hearts – things that make no sense, things that would be meaningless if told. But they are real and they are powerful.


I wish you a Blessed Advent and Christmas Season.


HRRC Board Meeting

The board of the Hampton Roads Rowing Club will meet at Epiphany every second Tuesday of the month. They will meet at 7:15pm.

Girl Scout Troop

The Girl Scout troop that met at Epiphany prior to the pandemic will begin meeting on Friday afternoons.

Vestry Meeting

The vestry will meet on December 8th. The meeting will start at 7pm, after dinner at 6:30.

Open House

There will be an open house on December 9th at John Childers and Mike Diaz's house. It will be from 5 pm - 11 pm at 1515 Bordeaux Pl.

Girl Scout Lock-In

The Girl Scouts will be having a lock-in at Epiphany on December 9th-10th.

Civic League Meeting

The civic league will be having a meeting at Epiphany on Dec 13th.

Epiphany Party at Tucker House

Epiphany will be hosting a party at Tucker House on December 18th at 1:30-3:00. Our giftcards and refreshments are needed. See Carol Fernandez.

Christmas at Ephiphany Schedule & Beyond

Christmas Eve, December 24th - Saturday

11:00 pm - Blessing of Crèche, Hymn sing, & Eucharist

12:00 midnight - Breakfast buffet

Christmas Day, December 25th - Sunday

10:00 am - simple Eucharist - no music

New Year's Day, January 1st - Sunday

10:00 Eucharist followed by Black Eye Peas

Epiphany, January 6th - Friday

6:00 pm Anniversary Celebration with Bishop Haines

Reception Following

First Sunday After Epiphany, January 8th - Sunday

10:00 Eucharist and Sermon

Christmas Poinsettias

If you would like to place a poinsettia on the altar for Christmas, complete this form, attach payment and place in the collection plate or return to the Parish Office by Wednesday, December 21, 2022. Please see Jim Fisher with any questions.


Internment of Ashes for Ray and Nell Steckman

The interment will take place at Arlington National Cemetary on December 27th, 2022 at 1:00 p.m.

Diana says they are supposed to be there at least 45 minutes early. She also says they can have no more than 9 people, they must all be in a car and have I.D.


We are anxious to get a choir together again - post pandemic. We are starting off small and simple. If you are interested, say something to Joe Ritchie or join us for rehearsal at 9:30 Sunday morning.

Intercession Cards

Intercession Cards are on the table in the back of the church and may be handed to the clergy at any time. Names will no longer be printed in the Sunday programs.

December Service Schedule

December 4, 2022 - Second Sunday of Advent

  • Celebrant - Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Homily - Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Lector - Marcie Kidd
  • Altar - Len & Tina Wright
  • Flowers - Marcia Cronin
  • Usher - Kathy Moore

December 11, 2022 - Third Sunday of Advent

  • Celebrant- Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Homily - Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Lector - Jim Fisher
  • Altar - Kevin LaPointe
  • Flowers - Jim fisher
  • Usher - Kevin LaPointe

December 18, 2022 - Fourth Sunday of Advent

  • Celebrant- Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Homily - Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Lector - Mary Shaffer
  • Altar -Ariel Fernandez
  • Flowers - Joyce Williams
  • Usher - Susie Pedigo

December 24, 2022 - Christmas Eve

  • Celebrant - Julia Ashby
  • Homily - Richard Bridgford

December 25, 2022 - Christmas Day

  • Celebrant- Rev. Julia Ashby
  • Homily - Rev. Richard Bridgford
  • Lectors - John Childers
  • Altar - Kevin LaPointe
  • Flowers - Jim Fisher
  • Usher - Tom Gilleland

A video will be on YouTube, Facebook, and our Web Page a few hours after the Sunday service.

Vestry Highlights

November, 2022

  • Approved budget in amount of $120,931.00
  • Approved new front door sign (in place).
  • Reported 4 nominations for Vestry's four open seats;
  • Lynne Pipis
  • Mike Diaz
  • Jim Fisher
  • Mary Shaffer
  • Reported Diocesan Council will be held the week preceding, Feb 25th, by daily zoom presentations with an "in person" session on Feb 25th from 9:30-4:30 in Williamsburg.

Ushers Needed

If you are interested in being an Usher, please contact Kathy Moore at kmoore1234@cox.net or phone 757-647-6606

December Birthdays

  • Julia Ashby, 5th
  • Shane Foster, 6th
  • John Childers, 8th
  • Jonas Porter, 9th
  • Devin Noel Fowler, 17th
  • Tommy Gilleland, 19th
  • Beth Cutrell, 19th
  • Barbara Lester, 25th
  • Marysharon Mechiorre, 25th

December Anniversaries

  • Marcia & Jerry Cronin, 29th
For the latest schedule of events, visit our website at

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