Envision Eugene is our collective vision for how we will grow
while preserving what we love about our community.

Envision Eugene Newsletter
Public Involvement Reminder
September 12, 2016
This is a reminder of some of the upcoming opportunities to engage with Envision Eugene this week and before the end of September, including upcoming drop-in sessions, the three questionnaires and the one remaining summer outreach event. Come learn more and share your opinion at one of our upcoming events. As always you can visit our website for the latest information.
Drop-in Sessions and
Open House
Starting Tomorrow!

We will be hosting sessions where folks can take a closer look at topics related to adopting our UGB, including the multi-family housing options, the areas proposed for expanding the UGB, and new comprehensive plan policies to guide growth in Eugene. Come see us at one of the following events: 
Envision Eugene Drop-in Session
Tuesday, September 13, 4-6 pm
Atrium Building Lobby
99 W. 10th Avenue, Downtown

Bethel/Clear Lake Open House
Thursday, September 15, 4:30-6:30 pm
Clear Lake Elementary Cafeteria
4646 Barger Drive 

Envision Eugene Drop-in Session
Wednesday, September 21, 4-6 pm
Atrium Building Lobby
99 W. 10th Avenue, Downtown

All of the materials that will be presented at the open house and drop in sessions are available on our website. Visit  www.envisioneugene.org !

Over the past two months, we released three questionnaires, seeking your input on options for accommodating multi-family housing, the draft comprehensive plan and the two expansions that are proposed to the urban growth boundary. In order for us to present your input on multi-family options to Council by September 30th, that questionnaire will close on Sunday, September 25th.The comprehensive plan and the UGB expansions questionnaires will remain open longer. Please complete the questionnaires, if you haven't already, and share the questionnaire links with your friends.

Closing September 25th
Closing Later
Community Events
Just One Summer Event Left!

All summer long the Envision Eugene Team has been attending community events across Eugene. We've been at Party in the Parks, Sunday Streets, neighborhood picnics, and the First Friday Art Walks. We have been talking to residents about their neighborhoods, what they love, what's missing and how Envision Eugene seeks to improve quality of life for all residents of Eugene.

We only have one summer outreach event left before the end of September. Come drop by the Envision Eugene tent, say "hello," and learn more about the next steps in adopting our urban growth boundary and comprehensive plan.

Final Community Event of the Summer:
September 25, noon – 4 pm, Sunday Streets (South University Neighborhood)

To subscribe to Envision Eugene, email envisioneugene@ci.eugene.or.us and tell us you would like to receive our emails. Thanks for your interest, and as always, please let us know if we can answer any questions about Envision Eugene.
City of Eugene Planning & Development Department
99 W. 10th Avenue | Eugene | OR | 97401