Dear Administrator,
Our mothers are our firsts in many ways...our first caregivers, our first teachers, our first friends, and our first encouragers. For those who grew up without their birth mothers, often it is a grandmother or aunt who stands in this important formative role. Godmothers and spiritual mothers also play a special role in passing along the faith and sharing in the role of watching over the family.
That is why we are offering a special novena of masses to honor and remember all of those who have been "mothers" to us. Our friend, Reverend Father Raymond Atube, a priest of the Archdiocese of Gulu, Northern Uganda, will celebrate a novena of masses for your intentions, beginning on Mother's Day, Sunday, May 12th.
I invite you to use the link below to send me the names of your mother, grandmothers, aunts, inlaws, godmothers, spiritual mothers, and other loved ones who have nurtured you throughout your life so that we may offer this Novena of Masses for their spiritual or temporal needs. In this way, we can truly honor those who have gifted us with life, whether biological or spiritual.
My prayer is that these masses will be a source of grace and blessing for all of the women in your life.