The latest news, events and updates from the San Marino USD
May 26, 2022
Enhanced Security at Upcoming Graduation Events
Dear SMUSD Parents and Community,

In light of recent events, I met with Police Chief Incontro and requested enhanced security at our upcoming graduation ceremonies.  The District places student and staff safety and wellbeing above all else and we want to reassure our parents and community that our ongoing safety training, security systems, site surveillance cameras, safety inspections, and visitor screenings are all part of a comprehensive safety plan designed to protect our students and staff from harm. The District's leadership team, in collaboration with the police and fire chiefs, is continuously evaluating and monitoring our safety plans for quality and effectiveness. 

We are exceedingly grateful to the San Marino Police Department and more specifically, Chief Incontro and Commander Tebbetts, who have both been very responsive in working together with the School District to provide much-needed support in the area of school safety. Our police and fire departments are highly trained professionals and when called, respond to our schools in less than two minutes. Chief Incontro and his commanders have worked with their officers and our site administrators to conduct walkthroughs of our campuses and there will be enhanced police presence at both Huntington Middle School and San Marino High School graduation ceremonies. Additionally, officers will patrol the high school campus on rotation during the grad night event this Friday.

Thank you to our entire community for helping keep all of our schools safe and secure.

Linda de la Torre, Ed.D.