Both Charles Hay World School and Clayton Elementary held construction groundbreaking ceremonies in May. The ceremonies were celebrations of the history and future of Englewood Schools.
Construction Floor Plans and Timelines
Construction on our first two elementary school projects is getting underway now! Work is beginning at both the Charles Hay site and the Clayton Elementary site. You can check out the floor plan for the new Charles Hay here and the new Clayton here.

Interested in the timelines for all of our projects? You can also find those on our school construction website.
Summer Reading Program
Registration is now open at Englewood Public Library (1000 Englewood Pkwy) for the Summer Reading Program!

The Summer Reading Program is a partnership between Englewood Schools and the Englewood Public Library. This program offers students of all ages a variety of engaging and fun summer activities and performances, such as magicians, live animals, dancers, movie days, crafts and Lego building activities. Students who register for the reading program receive a punch card, and earn prizes for each hour they spend reading over the summer.

In addition, students can check out backpacks from the library that are stocked with games, puzzles and activities.

Come enjoy a free lunch for anyone under 18 in front of the Civic Center weekdays from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., then participate in Summer Reading Program activities in the library beginning at 1:00 p.m.

The full schedule of Summer Reading Program activities and performances is available here.
Free Summer Meals
Anyone 18 and under can enjoy free meals this summer!

Breakfast and lunch are served every weekday at the Englewood Campus (3800 S. Logan St.) Breakfast is offered from 7:45 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and lunch is served from 11:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

The Englewood Civic Center offers "Lunch on the Lawn" weekdays at 1000 Englewood Parkway. Kids can enjoy a free lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and then head into the library for daily Summer Reading Program activities.
New Greenhouse Coming Soon!
We are excited to announce that Englewood Schools has received the Andrew Pierce Memorial Grant of $74,041 from the Colorado Garden Foundation! These funds will help our SAGE program build a greenhouse later this summer/fall. Students will have hands-on experience designing and building the greenhouse. Learn more about our SAGE program by watching this video:

Englewood's SAGE Program
Watch: Englewood's SAGE Program
Board Briefs
Catch up on what happened at the June 6, 2017, Englewood Board of Education meeting by reading the Board Briefs  located here.

In this issue:
  • Public Comments
  • Board Recognitions
  • Board, Deputy Superintendent and Superintendent Reports
  • Public Hearing
  • CBRE Construction Update
  • Board Policy Update/Discussion
  • Resolution
  • Consensus Items
Free STEM Day at Elvis Cinemas Littleton
Englewood elementary students can enjoy hands-on STEM activities and a screening of the movie Flubber at Elvis Cinemas in Littleton on Friday, June 16 from 9:45 a.m. to noon!

Parents can register by emailing or by calling 303-805-9287. Be sure to mention you have an Englewood student so your ticket is free. A limited number of spaces are available, so register now!
Check Your Student's SAT or PSAT Score
Many students' scores for the 2017 PSAT and SAT are available now or will be available later this month. 

Students who took the PSAT or SAT can access their scores online when they are available by creating or signing into their CollegeBoard account.

Students can also use the CollegeBoard site to plan for college and careers or practice for the SAT!

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