Whitman-Hanson Regional School District, School Committee Meeting. February 1, 2023
Video courtesy of WHCA9TV
Whitman Board of Selectmen Meeting. January 24, 2023
Video courtesy of WHCA9TV
Historical Tidbit:
1775 Massachusetts Seal
"Seals, such as those that appear on documents certified by the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, have a long history and were mentioned even in the Bible. They were widely used many centuries ago because most persons, even of high rank and wealth, did not read or write. Acceptance of a document was signified by making an impression of one's coat of arms into a blob of soft wax, usually with an engraved signet ring. There was a general reluctance to affix seals to documents unless absolute certainty of the contents could be confirmed. This eventually led to the idea that documents of state and other important personal papers, such as deeds, should contain a seal that bore witness to their authenticity."
"When the conflict between the province and England began in 1775, General Thomas Gage, the royal governor, had custody of the province seal. As his authority was no longer recognized by the province, it became necessary to establish a new public seal. The General Court passed an order on July 28, 1775, appointing a committee to consider "what is necessary to be done relative to a Colony Seal." The design adopted was that of an English-American man holding the Magna Carta. The seal was engraved by Paul Revere, whose original signed bill for the work is located in the Massachusetts Archives. A motto in Latin was also chosen - "Ense petit placidam sub libertate quietem" - which remains the motto of the Commonwealth today. Freely translated this means, "By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty." It was written about 1659 and is attributed to the famous English patriot, Algernon Sydney."
Town Hall

Public Library
M-Th 10-8; Fri 1-5; Sat 10-4

Council on Aging

St. Vincent de Paul/Whitman Food Pantry
By appointment only: 781-447-8560
Jamie Johnson
You won a One hour of coaching (value $80)
with Glee Works Holistic Personal Coaching
781-223-8221 MarcyVenezia@gmail.com
Learn mindful techniques to reduce stress
and anxiety.

Bee sure to play our Historical Tidbit Trivia Game at the bottom of this newsletter.

Enter for this week's prize of
$25 gift certificate to Johnny Macaroni's Restaurant, East Bridgewater & Halifax
Wonder Days: Stories & Play
Thursday, February 9
11 - 11:45a
Whitman Public Library

Come to the library for stories, songs, and a craft followed by open playtime. Best for ages 2-6 but all are welcome. No registration is required.

For information contact Steph at syoung@ocln.org
Spend Valentine's Day
at the Whitman
Council on Aging
Tuesday, February 14
Enjoy an afternoon with the Whitman Council on Aging as they celebrate Valentine's Day with a hot chocolate bar and some sweet snacks! Come on in and enjoy a warm cup of hot chocolate with all the fixings and something to satisfy your sweet tooth.

To see more activities offered by the Whitman Council on Aging, check out the Whitman-ma.gov COA newsletter.
Winter-Spring Gardening Series
Whitman Public Library
Session dates:
February 11 @ 10:30a
March 11 @ 10:30a
April 8 @ 10:30a

All programs begin at 10:30a and feature master gardener Gretel Anspach, who trained with the Mass Horticultural Society. Join us for the next 3 editions of our Winter-Spring Gardening Series, which began with Pruning and moves in February to Raised Bed Vegetable Gardening. Our speaker for the entire series is Master Gardener Gretel Anspach, who trained with the Mass Horticultural Society. As the programs continue, we will follow with displays in the main library with prints of the slides from each program and copies of the books our speaker has recommended. All 4 programs are sponsored by the Friends of the Whitman Public Library.

For more information, visit the Whitman Public Library Fb page
An old-fashioned candy store with a TWIST
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Fulfill everyone's desires at Pinches & Pounds. Choose from hundreds of products like chocolates, fudge, Jelly Bellies, just to name a few.
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Mon - Sat: Open til 8pm • Sunday 'til 6pm
Online orders! www.mypinchesandpounds.com
(781) 447-2639 785 Bedford St, Rt 18
The Friends of the Whitman Public Library presents their
"2023 For the Love of Books Skate Fundraiser"
Sunday, February 12
5 - 7p
1055 Auburn Street

Join the Whitman Public Library as they host their 2023 Fundraiser at the Carousel Family Fun Center. Admission is $5. $5 Skate rental and $5 Skate mate rental. All admission proceeds go directly to the Friends of the Whitman Public Library.

Buy your ticket in advance in person at the Whitman Public Library.
Meat Raffle
Friday, February 17
American Legion, Post 22
33 Legion Parkway

Join the American Legion as they host a Meat Raffle where all proceeds will be donated to Danielle Kailher-Nutt to support her battle with breast cancer.

For more information call 781-447-5253

Meet Skye and Marshall
Saturday, February 18 2 - 3p
Whitman Public Library

Enjoy coloring pages and games while you wait your turn to take a photo with Skye and Marshall.

For information contact Steph at syoung@ocln.org
Art Group
Whitman Council on Aging

Join other art enthusiasts each week on Tuesdays at 12:30p at the Council on Aging. Transportation is available. Please call to inquire. Call (781) 447-7619 EXT 2 to join in the fun.

To see more activities offered by the Whitman Council on Aging, check out the COA newsletter.
Make Your Valentines Day Reservations Early!
Climate Can-Do: The Importance of Left-Overs
Leftovers Re-thought are Pre- Prepared Meals! 
Managing food waste helps your wallet and positively impacts the environment. In the US, upwards of 40% of leftovers and kitchen scraps are tossed out. Time to re- think our food!  Here are a few tips you can utilize to take control:
1)  Plan out meals. Meal preparation for your week is a great way of portioning out food servings you will eat without any excess waste. There are plenty of resources out there such as Yummly or Tough Cookies meal prep.
2) Compost, Compost, Compost
3) Ensure your food is properly stored. Make sure your fridge is arranged in a way that allows you to notice and eat what food is expiring soon. Throwing out expired food that was never eaten makes up a hefty chunk of a household’s overall food-waste. Proper storage, with enough care, will extend the life-span of your food!
4) And finally, this last tip is beneficial to both you and your community at large. Support and spread awareness of groups and charities that rescue food waste from restaurants, stores, and other businesses and gives it to those in need. A great local resource for this type of program is Rescuing Leftover Cuisine / Massachusetts Getting our community involved and asking these businesses about their food waste management can truly make an impact! Too much restaurant left-overs are thrown out. We can do our best to make sure it reaches hungry mouths.

This Climate Can-Do Article was written by intern Sean Fitzgerald from Lasell University. They focus on actions which will help mitigate the environmental changes of our climate emergency. Our goal is to keep the Earth's temperature from rising 1.5˚ C to lessen the impact. There are things we can do.
Dr. Christopher Jones, Principal, Whitman-Hanson High School- SEEing to Lead

Dr. Christopher Jones created a YouTube channel to share fun video shorts and school recaps. His videos also contain musings and his overall message of being purposeful and acting with integrity while building character. His most recent videos are below and to see more impactful videos, check out: youtube.com/@DrCSJones.
C.A.R.E. Responsibly
Video courtesy of
Dr. Chris Jones - SEEing to Lead
Our Story 1/23/23 - 1/29/23
Video courtesy of
Dr. Chris Jones - SEEing to Lead
Find YOUR Bliss with
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Svaroopa yoga excels at releasing the deep tension in your body. While the benefits of this style of yoga are profound, it is very easy to do. We use the alignment of the body, rather than a lot of effort, along with blankets for propping to make the poses accessible, supportive and effective.

516 N. Bedford St, East Bridgewater
(508) 331-3564

Duval's Pharmacy Inc
Comfortable footware isn't just for being out and about.

Bring that comfort into your home with Anodyne diabetic slippers.
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for $79.95.

Stop by and get yours today!

Open: Mon-Fri: 8:30a - 6p | Sat: 9a - 3p
Sun: 9a - 1p
571 Washington St • 781-447-0606
Whitman Police Department thanks The Action Team and Plympton Police Officer Laicey Leronimo

Thank you to Plympton Police Officer Laicey Leronimo and The Action Team, who assembled these sensory kits for local Police Departments. We will be placing these kits in all of our patrol cruisers for use when needed.
The kits contain various tangible tools (fidgets, pop it’s, etc) as well as a card with breathing exercises.
For some people, communication isn’t always going to be eye contact, words and speaking. We realize that a police officer’s presence can cause higher tension or anxiety just in itself. These tools could be a way to promote and allow for communication, but could also de-escalate a situation and show we are here to help. It is our job to connect with everyone in the community, even if sometimes it’s in a different way!
Thank you to The Action Team, The Plympton Police Department, and to Officer Leronimo for not only having this great idea but for sharing it with local departments! 👍🏼

Story & Photo Credits: Whitman Police Department FB page

Have fun with us and bee entered to win a:
$25 gift certificate to Johnny Macaroni's Restaurant, East Bridgewater & Halifax

Historical Tidbit Question:
What was the design adopted for the
new seal in 1775?

Email us your answer at: 

Include your name, and phone number with your answer.

By entering, you give us permission to print your name in next week's Buzz Around.

On February 8, 2023 before 2p, we will randomly pick a winner from the correct answers.
The BuzzAround is brought to you this week by Mohamed (Moe) Ibrahim, Primrose Morrison, Janice O'Brien, Jacquelyn Rose & Greg Venezia.
Choosing Engagement

I am a HUGE Brene Brown fan.
Here are some goodies about engagement... from Brené Brown, Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts.

“The courage to be vulnerable is not about winning or losing, it’s about the courage to show up when you can’t predict or control the outcome.”

"Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind.”

“People are opting out of vital conversations about diversity and inclusivity because they fear looking wrong, saying something wrong, or being wrong. Choosing our own comfort over hard conversations is the epitome of privilege, and it corrodes trust and moves us away from meaningful and lasting change.”

“If we want people to fully show up, to bring their whole selves including their unarmored, whole hearts—so that we can innovate, solve problems, and serve people—we have to be vigilant about creating a culture in which people feel safe, seen, heard, and respected.”
Here is a link to her Ted Talk on Vulnerability. It takes courage to be out there with our whole authentic selves, but that's how the most effective communication happens.
Have a great week. ~ Jacquie
Your BuzzAround supports the dignity of all human beings, is actively anti-racist, and supportive of good law enforcement policies. 
Copyright 2023 Buzz Around Whitman. You have our permission to share and copy this issue in its entirety as much as you like. If you take it in part, please give credit. ("Buzz Around Whitman 2/5/23")
Disclaimer: At the Buzz Around, we promote community and family. There are links to town committees and other non-profit groups, in the newsletters. Individual groups are responsible for how they represent themselves on their websites and in their promotional materials. BuzzAround is not responsible for the media content of other organizations.