Electronic Device Policy
One policy with a minor tweak for Energy is our cell phone/electronic device policy. Since cell phones and electronic devices are a big part of how we interact with our school environment, we want students to develop healthy boundaries when it comes to using all electronics on campus. Thus we believe it is imperative to inform families of this policy before day one.
In accordance with our campus cell phone/smart watch policy, located at: https://tinyurl.com/EnergyDevicePolicy, cell phones and smart watches are required to be placed in a designated cell phone holder in each classroom upon arrival to the classroom. Students may take cell phones/smartwatches from the holder at the end of class, only. Cell phones and/or smartwatches will remain in the cell phone holder unless needed for instructional purposes, as indicated by the classroom teacher. Teachers are responsible for monitoring students for use of social texting, and social media, taking non-instructional pictures or videos, and watching videos that have no instructional use. If this policy is violated, the violation will be addressed with the student by their teacher and dean. Consequences that follow the Student Code of Conduct will apply.
Headphones and earbuds etc. are permitted on campus but are not permitted to be worn during instructional time or in the hallway during passing periods. They are permitted to be worn during the lunch period only. Bluetooth speakers are not permitted at any time.
Energy is an extremely high-tech campus. Students will have laptops and other high-tech devices in the classroom. It is also good to know that there will be some instances where teachers are allowed to have students use their phones if that usage is tied to classroom instruction for part of the period. Students will also be allowed to use their phones during lunch and passing periods.
We want to give all families this notice before the first day as we will explain the policy to all students immediately.
Of course, if you or your child need to communicate while they are in class, you can call the school at 713-802-4620 and we will allow the student to come to the office to call you.
It is our intent to provide your student with the highest quality of learning. We love electronic devices at Energy but want to set standards for acceptable use that will allow us to give them the highest quality of learning.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Lambropoulos or your student’s dean!