A Stump Speech
I will be giving a “stump speech” at the Lincoln Park Presbyterian Church at 11:00am on Saturday, October 14th. The church is at 600 W Fullerton Parkway, about four blocks east of the Fullerton “L” stop. The LPPC asked that I make clear that there is no on site parking and also that: “The speaker is using the space of the Lincoln Park Presbyterian Church and the church does not endorse the speaker.”  
Those who are willing to circulate petitions to help get my name on the ballot, can now download petitions and instructions here .  
Endorsement from the Illinois Berniecrats
"The Illinois Berniecrats are proud to endorse one of our own—Steve Schwartzberg—as a candidate for Congress in the Illinois 5th District. Since meeting with Steve 90 days ago we have learned that his family history is deep in Progressive leadership, and we have come to know Steve both in person and in his writings, and we know that he stands, as he says, “with Bernie Sanders and the peaceful political revolution that Bernie has helped to launch.” Steve has embraced every point of the People’s Agenda articulated by Our Revolution wholeheartedly and enthusiastically. His background is unique in having served both as the Director of Undergraduate Studies for International Studies at Yale University and, more recently, as the building and office manager at one of the two churches in Lincoln Park at which he is a parishioner. His personal story shows a long-standing devotion to social democratic principles—evident in his published work over the decades—and a deep resiliency and capacity for growth and perseverance. After many years in which his principal contributions were those of an academic, and a volunteer helping to provide free meals and free clothes to the homeless, in 2016 he returned to his Progressive roots in politics canvassing door-to-door for Bernie in Iowa and Wisconsin. Determined to do more after the November elections, as we all must, he holds promise for winning a district that Bernie carried in the 2016 primaries and turning that Congressional seat into a platform for our program and principles."

Rethinking Capitalism
“Poverty is not created by poor people,” says Nobel Peace Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus in a New York Times interview that is well worth reading. “It’s created by the system we built. Poor people are like a bonsai tree. You take the best seed from the tallest tree in the forest, but if you put it in a flower pot to grow, it grows only a meter high. There’s nothing wrong with the seed. The problem is the size of the pot. Society doesn’t give poor people the space to grow as tall as everybody else. This is the crux of the matter.”