The Board of Ohio Value Voters announces the endorsement of J.D. Vance for United States Senate.

J.D. served our nation in the Iraq War as a Marine, graduated from The Ohio State University and received his law degree from Yale Law School. J.D. is a well-known commentator on networks who fiercely defends working-class Americans. He has seen too many lives devastated by job loss, addiction, and economic turmoil.

J.D. Vance supports parents and their rights to control the education of their children. He is opposed to the indoctrination teaching of Critical Race Theory and Comprehensive Sex Education in the classroom. He does not look upon parents that attend school board meetings in Ohio as domestic terrorists. This is the position that the Biden administration has taken across the nation.

J.D. is pro-life and will protect the innocent life of the unborn.

J.D. Vance is opposed to transition gender surgery of minors. Medical institutions in Ohio are preforming life-altering surgery for economic gain. He supports prohibiting biological males from competing against females in sporting events.

J.D. is a strong advocate for our First Amendment Rights of free speech and religious freedom.  

J.D. stated on the written survey of Ohio Value Voters, “I share your values and hope to champion families and children in the U.S. Senate.”

John Stover, President of Ohio Value Voters states: “Do not be fooled by the democrat opponent of J.D. Vance when he claims to be a moderate. He has voted with Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden 100% of the time during his career in Congress. Recently, he voted for the hiring of 87,000 IRS agents to come after the people of Ohio. Our country is at a crossroad. J.D. Vance is the clear choice to represent the values of Ohioans in Washington.”

Thank you for your prayers and support.


John Stover, President

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