Dear Friends of PSR Philadelphia,

As the month of October comes to an end, we encourage you to take a stand and show your support for PSR Phila.

We’d like to acknowledge Dr. Walter Tsou for his continued efforts to protect our environment and health and congratulate him for his Letter to the Editor that was published in the Philadelphia Inquirer (scroll down to read).

We are pleased to announce that the Philadelphia school district plans to grant us a contract to conduct youth courts for 10th graders at the Martin Luther King high school and ninth graders at Penn Treaty High School in Philadelphia. Through our years of conducting them, we have found youth courts to be a viable alternative to teaching the principles of conflict resolution and reducing violent behaviors in the school. This program is funded through a federal grant program called GearUp which is designed to reduce school dropouts and improve readiness for college.  

Join us at the the fifth annual Shale & Public Health Conference which will be held Monday, November 13, 2017 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (registration/sign-in at 8:30). Our Interim Executive Director, Dr. Walter Tsou is presenting at this conference. Registration is open now.

Come support PSR Phila and the at the People vs. Oil and Gas Infrastructure Summit from Nov 17-20. This is an prime opportunity to use your voice to face, fight and defeat new oil and gas infrastructure. If your organization can contribute funds to enable more grassroots leaders to attend, please email Robby at or call him at 631-241-5966.

Stay updated on actions happening here in Pennsylvania to protect our environment and health! Click here to read about House bills 542, 453 and 118 and their infringement on environmental rights in Philadelphia. Click here to stay updated on Lancaster Against Pipelines, which is a movement that was started by Lancaster County residents against the Atlantic Sunrise pipeline. This week alone, 29 people have been arrested for peacefully protesting against this pipeline that will disrupt farms, woodlands and even family homes.

Keep in mind Giving Tuesday is happening soon on November 28, 2017! PSR Phila was established in 1979 with the mission to promote social responsibility by protecting health, the environment and communities. Through the combined generosity of individuals like you and philanthropic foundational support, we are able to fulfill our mission with robust programs focused on the prevention of interpersonal violence and addressing threats to health and the environment.Your generous contributions to our work enables us to take on these challenging issues and to bring a healthy perspective to a world in great need. We are asking you to join us in our work and to donate today and consider becoming a sustaining member at a level that is a meaningful contribution for you!

Thank you always for all of  your support!

Philadelphia Inquirer
October 18, 2017 Dialogue Section Page 15

Nicetown deserves better
In response to political pressure from Pennsylvania legislators to increase its use of natural gas, SEPTA has proposed building a gas-fired power plant that would release harmful pollution in Nicetown, an already overburdened community of color.   Philadelphia’s Air Management Services (AMS), a division of the Health Department, has the power and obligation to delay a permit until a full local air quality study with actual measurements and its health impact is completed with community engagement. 

The State Supreme Court recently affirmed that the state constitution requires all levels of government must protect the people’s right to clean air and has an “affirmative obligation” to protect our public natural resources. The City, AMS and SEPTA should resist political pressures and produce an alternative that neither jeopardizes the environment nor endangers public health. 
~Walter Tsou, M.D. Philadelphia Physicians for Social Responsibility, Philadelphia
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  updates , please visit our website
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