March 7, 2023

3 Ways to Use Innovation & Entrepreneurship to Encourage Kids to Share Their Ideas

Kids and entrepreneurs share two traits: curiosity and creativity. Entrepreneurs come from all types of backgrounds. Some are STEM-inclined others STEM-curious. They are focused on creating new businesses and products to solve complex industrial and social challenges. Kids are naturally creative and curious, and through discovery, use what they learn in the classroom and outside of school to understand the world around them. That means they also bring plenty of ideas and interests into the classroom. 

What better way to get to know your students each year than finding out what’s important to them to help them connect to learning? Use innovation and entrepreneurship in a fun, easy way that personally engages each student in your classroom. Here are a few ideas to get you started.


Ask students to think about their community and write a persuasive essay on a type of business they would start to address a need or issue they think is important.

Social Studies

Task your students with inventing a way to visit someone from the past or present they are learning about in social studies. They can work in teams or independently.

Communication & Collaboration

Introduce an innovation challenge that asks students to work in teams to come up with a way to make something easier, safer, more efficient or fun in their school that they might complain about. 

While all these strategies can be implemented with tools already in your classroom, the Book of Ideas provides a series of innovation prompts aligned to grade level science and social studies standards to give you and your students a head start with their inventing.

Learn more about the Book of Ideas

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