
Oak Tree


April, 2024 Edition



Hey Neighbors!

Ever found yourself cruising down your street, offering a friendly wave to that familiar face three doors down? Yep, the one with the dog named Max. If you're chuckling to yourself because you realize you've never actually exchanged names despite years of these drive-by greetings, you're not alone. It's a quirky part of human nature, isn't it? We create these silent bonds, yet sometimes, we miss the chance to make them real connections. But hey, no sweat – we've all been there.

Imagine turning those waves into warm conversations. Picture asking Walt (because, surprise, that's his name!) how his day's going. Think about how it would feel to not just recognize faces at your local Gelson’s or chat briefly with the bright-eyed baristas at Coral Tree or Laidrey, but to know them all by name. Steve and Julia would be more than just familiar faces; they'd be part of your wider circle.

Here in Encino, we're dreaming big. The newly minted ENC Outreach Committee is on a mission to weave those individual threads into a vibrant tapestry. We're all about turning nods into handshakes, waves into meaningful exchanges. We want to dial up the neighborly vibe and make Encino not just a place you live but a community you love.

But it's not just about the small talk. We're diving deep. We want to hear what's on your mind, from the state of our green spaces and the buzz of Ventura Blvd to the nitty-gritty of traffic woes and property concerns. And with big-ticket items like the Van Nuys airport expansion and the upcoming 2028 Olympic Games in LA, there's plenty to chat about.

So, what's the plan? Pop-up events! Right here in our own backyard. It's your chance to get the scoop with our ENC newsletter, share your brilliant ideas, and hey, maybe even find your spot on the committee. We've got room, and we'd love to welcome fresh faces.

Let's make those waves count. Let's turn our streets into networks of friendship and our community into a chorus of voices that really get things done.


Your ENC Outreach Committee

Meet our LAPD Senior

Lead Officer,

Pravind Walia,

Encino Area,

LAPD West Valley

Join us at our regular ENC monthly board meeting on April 24th at 7pm on Zoom to connect with Officer Walia.

(Zoom link can be found on General Board Meeting Agenda posted on ENC Calendar 72 Hours prior to meeting)

Officer Walia's Tip of the Month:

April 2024

It's that time again - Officer Walia's Tip of the Month for April 2024 is here, and it's all about making the right call at the right time! Ever find yourself hesitating, phone in hand, unsure whether to dial 911, 877-ASK-LAPD, or 311? Let's clear that up with some handy advice:

🆘 When to Call 911: Keep this line for the biggies - life's scary moments like emergencies that threaten life, crimes unfolding right now, serious incidents that just happened, or anything else that screams for immediate action.

📱 When to Reach Out to 877-ASK-LAPD (877-275-5273): This one's for the not-so-dire situations. Got some trespassers hanging around, public drinking, can't sleep due to a noisy party, need some general info, or got a non-emergency dispute? Noticed something suspicious that doesn't quite qualify as an emergency? This is your number.

🌆 When to Dial 311 or Use the MYLA311 App: For all things city services, 311 is your go-to. Whether it's bulky items cluttering your space, graffiti that needs to go, illegal dumping, a street light out of commission, those annoying potholes, or you just need a clean-up, 311 is here to help.

Armed with this knowledge, you're all set to help keep our community safe and sound, using the right resources at the right time. Stay safe, stay informed, and let's look out for each other! MyLA311 mobile app

Roy Nwaisser

Public Safety Representative

Encino Neighborhood Council

I am the newest board member of the Encino Neighborhood Council and will be serving as your Public Safety representative. In this role I will regularly provide security tips in the ENC newsletter. 

This month's tip is a very simple one but a very important one. 

One of the easiest ways for a burglar to disable your security blanket (cameras, alarm, Wi-Fi, etc.) is by disabling the power to your home. They can do this by opening your breaker box and switching off all your breakers. When they do this, anything that doesn't have backup power will immediately stop working. Even if your cameras are battery powered, they will be unable to send you notifications if your modem and router have lost power. 

To prevent this, you should put a padlock on your breaker box which will stop most burglars from cutting off your power. Even though it is possible to cut through locks, most home burglars won't come equipped with tools to do that. It may even be enough to thwart the break-in and make the burglar move on to an easier target. 

Padlocks are cheap, easy to find and simple to use. Everyone should secure their breaker box with a lock. 

In addition to things you can do individually, Neighborhood Watch is one of the best ways to secure neighborhoods and I encourage everyone to get involved with it. Even though many of us are in larger community Facebook and WhatsApp groups they do not provide the benefits of Neighborhood Watch. If you are interested in joining or starting a Neighborhood Watch group sign up at:

Encino Neighborhood Council is a proud sponsor of the

Friends Of The LA River

Earth Day Event!


Volunteer to help restore native habitat in the Sepulveda Wildlife Reserve

Join FoLAR along with hundreds of volunteers at the Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Reserve for a morning of habitat restoration.

  • Remove invasive plant species from the Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Reserve
  • Learn about the impact of invasive species on the environment with California Native Plant Society
  • Create and take home hand-made seedballs using native plant species
  • Enjoy a nature walk and bird watching along the Reserve with San Fernando Valley Audubon Society and FoLAR educators
  • For more information visit:
  • Register: HERE

Join Assemblymember Jesse Gabriel for our Third Annual Valley Day of Service. We’ll be partnering with dozens of community groups and nonprofits to assist with service projects around the San Fernando Valley.

We're excited to help some great causes and organizations across the San Fernando Valley. After our opening program, you'll have several options to volunteer at Pierce College or other locations around the Valley.

All volunteers should meet at Pierce College at 9:30 a.m. for breakfast, directions, and some positive energy! Additional information for specific projects will be provided at a later date after registration is complete.




Many of you have probably noticed the dreadful state of some of our streets in Encino after the heavy rain. We'd like to tell you about a convenient way to report potholes or other street maintenance issues.

You can now use the new MyLA311 App on your phone and easily report issues you may see.

With the MyLA311 app

City information and services are just a few taps away. Use the app to quickly and easily request the City's most popular services, including graffiti removal, pothole repair, and bulky-item pickup. Other features include access to the City Services knowledge base, map of nearby City facilities, City Social Media feeds, and more. Download the MyLA311 app for Android or iPhone or submit requests using the MyLA311 website.  



The 311 Call Center provides various options to connect to a wide variety of non-emergency City services and general City information. Some of the most popular City services can be requested by calling 311 or (213) 473-3231. or visit

Hello Encino!

My name is Ricky Angel and I am the new Encino/ Reseda Field Deputy with Councilmember Raman's Office. Prior to this role, I had a bit of experience working with the city, first as the President of the Mission Hills Neighborhood Council, then as a Council Aide with Councilmember Bonin's Office, and finally as a District Representative with State Senator Hertzberg's Office. As someone who was born and raised in the Valley and still proudly calls it home (818 pride!), I want to ensure that our community can thrive. How do we do that? By building connections and working together!

So, Encino, consider this an open invitation: If you ever have any questions, concerns, or would like to work on any community projects together, please reach out to me! As your field deputy, I'm here to bring your voice to City Hall. I look forward to working with you!

Ricky Angel

Field Deputy

Office of Councilmember Raman

City of Los Angeles

818-535-3519 |


The California Audubon Society does business as San Fernando Valley Audubon Society, and was formed in 1906. Its mission is to promote the conservation of natural resources and to preserve and enhance wildlife habitats and biodiversity, to increase appreciation of bird life and the natural environment through education, presentations, guided bird walks and other activities, and to foster opportunities for a diverse population to come together for the protection and celebration of avian life. In addition to birding and related presentations, SFVAS is actively involved in habitat restoration and preservation as well as environmental education. SFVAS is partnering with the Santa Monica Mountains Fund to provide a series of classes on native plant landscaping later this year.

SFVAS will continue its 2nd Saturday family & beginner birding excursion in Encino’s own Sepulveda Basin Wildlife Area, meeting on April 13, 2024 at 9 AM. Loaner binoculars are available at the family and beginner event. The 1st Sunday trips at the Basin meet every month at 8 am and generally go all the way to the Sepulveda Dam, often locating 50 or more different species of birds. The SFVAS birding events will be canceled in the event of rain. See the SFVAS Website for more information and future monthly events. Events Calendar:

Southern California Garden Club, the oldest and largest garden club in the San Fernando Valley, is pleased to present its 57 th Flower Show, “Nature’s Forces,” a Standard Flower Show. This is the club’s most important annual educational and fundraising event.

On Saturday, April 27, 2024 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Sepulveda Garden Center on 16633 Magnolia Boulevard, Encino, CA 91436


Floral Designs

Horticulture Specimens

Educational Exhibits

Plant Market

Bake Sale

White Elephant Sales

A National Garden Clubs (NGC) Standard Flower Show conforms to the requirements and objectives set down by National Garden Clubs, Inc. and the 2017 Handbook for Flower Shows.

The primary purpose of NGC Flower Shows are fourfold:

 To educate club members and the viewing public

 To stimulate interest in horticulture and floral design

 To provide an outlet for creative expression

 To convey to the community the goals and objectives of NGC

Club meetings are held on the 3 rd Tuesday of the month (Sept. through June).

Southern California Garden Club –

California Garden Clubs, Inc. –

Pacific Region Garden Clubs, Inc. –

National Garden Clubs, Inc. –

Read our publications:

The Green Thumb, Golden Gardens eNews, WACONIAH, and The National Gardener

Find us on Facebook.

For more information, contact:

Gail Vanderhorst, President

6536 Langdon Avenue

Van Nuys, CA 91406-6307, 818-988-3631


Senior Symposium!

You’re invited to the 15th annual OneGeneration Senior Symposium! Join Onegeneration for this free annual event with Health Screenings, Community Resources, Raffles and Entertainment!


Saturday, May 18, 2024, 9 am - 12 pm


17400 Victory Blvd, Encino, CA


Register Now!

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