A Word from David Stockwell
Dear Evangelists,
Empower Evangelism Conference in Irving is right around the corner! God is doing some great things, and we are looking forward seeing you there.
Important info follows, which was also emailed to you at the end of December. We have added a few more details below.
February 25, 6:00pm-7:30pm, Birchman Baptist Church: COTBE Worship Celebration
Dr. Bob Pearle of
Birchman Baptist Church in Ft. Worth has graciously invited COTBE to lead out in a Worship Celebration in their Sunday evening service Feb. 25, 6:00pm-7:30pm. This will be a wonderful time of worship, featuring COTBE music and preaching evangelists, and promoting the Work and the Office of the Evangelist. Please plan to join us this night; be there by 5:00pm if possible for pre-service info and preparation.
February 26, 9:30am-10:30am - Holiday Inn Irving Convention Center: COTBE Annual Business Meeting
Please join us for our annual business meeting at the
Holiday Inn right next to the Irving Convention Center. If you are planning to stay at the hotel with us during our time in Irving, please email
Gary Newman and let him know, so that he may reserve a room for you. Our block of rooms is
priced at $101 per night/double occupancy, plus hotel taxes and fees.
February 26-27 - Empower Evangelism Conference, Irving Convention Center
Please click here to register for the Empower Conference. Registration is free of charge, but it is important that you sign up and let them know you are planning to attend.
We are excited about our COTBE
Break-Out Sessions on the afternoon of the 26th. Shane Pruitt, the new Evangelism Director for the Southern Baptists of Texas Convention, has asked me to speak that afternoon at two identical sessions on Monday the 26th. Our annual
Afterglow social event will be held that evening, from 8:45-10:05pm, featuring our talented Music Evangelists.
We will also have an exhibit booth on the Convention floor; please bring your brochures and ministry cards and any resources you might wish to share, and help us man the booth on both Monday and Tuesday.
Your presence at both events and at the booth is so very important; this will be a great opportunity for others to meet and hear more about your ministry, and the ministry of Texas Baptist Evangelists. We hope to see you there!
June 8-13, COTBE/COSBE Retreat, FBC Grapevine Worship Celebration
We are working on some exciting plans for our evangelists in conjunction with events at the SBC Annual Meeting at the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center in downtown Dallas in June.
Our time together will begin with
a joint Evangelists' Retreat at the Hyatt Regency downtown Dallas, with our Texas Evangelists hosting evangelists from across the nation. On Sunday morning, a Worship Celebration at FBC Grapevine, featuring our Southern Baptist Evangelists, and then the Greg Laurie Harvest America crusade that evening. On Monday, we will host a meet-and-greet with pastors and convention attendees, featuring our Music Evangelists. In addition to all of that, we will have a booth on the exhibit floor, and a host of other great events that we want you to participate in! More to share on the Retreat and Convention Activities soon.
Membership and Dues
Your COTBE dues of $100 for the current 2018 year are due before the annual business meeting on Monday, Feb. 26. Please make your payment no later than Feb. 23 by sending a check to Gary Newman at the address below, or via PayPal on through our
website link. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click link under "Pay Membership Dues."
We have much to be thankful for and many great opportunities on the horizon. We hope to see you soon. If you would, please send me a quick email (just reply to this one) and let us know whether you are planning to attend our activities in the DFW area Feb. 25-27. Be sure that you contact Gary Newman for hotel reservations if you need a room.
Let's all continue to pray for each other. Sam Craig, one of our faithful Texas evangelists, just lost his dear wife, Sharilyn. Let's remember Sam and his family in prayer during this difficult time. Also, please let us know how we may pray for you.
Marion Warren has a great word of encouragement for all of us; please find it below. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing you soon.
Your friend and partner in the Gospel,
David Stockwell
President, 2017-2018
Romans 1:16 ~ "For I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes..."
David Stockwell Evangelistic Association
PO Box G, Katy, TX 77492
A Word from Marion Warren
"Without aloofness, excessive piety or condescension..."
Precious Friends,
II Peter 1:2-4 ~
"Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, according as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the
knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue, whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises; that by these you might be
partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust."
Who are you like?
II Peter 1:3 says that we (the redeemed) have been given life and godliness (Christ Jesus' likeness) and He has called us to His glory and virtue (Christ Jesus' qualities, conduct and character).
As you know -- we are to be like HIM! Romans 8:29. Dare I ask, "Is it obvious?"
Well, let me ask, "Whom has your family said that you look and act like?" Is that who you WANT to be like? You and I have been born ANEW by Jesus' death, burial and resurrection and
we have been GIVEN everything pertaining to life and godliness and, since the Word of God says we are to be like Jesus and II Cor. 5:17 tells us that through Jesus
things about us have
become NEW, why are we not pursuing this great and glorious gift --
Denial of self is life-long. Even as you read these brief words, your flesh and your enemy are telling you that it is impossible - that you are do
ing alright -- probably better than most.
That attitude is telling both of us -- "I would rather be who I am and comfortably satisfied."
I am calling you and myself to become genuinely
That means that my goal, desire, ambition, thirst, longing and craving is to be like Jesus -- saying to the devil, this world and our
flesh, "I will go to my grave in pursuit of Jesus!"
You must give these things up:
1. Your personality and disposition
2. Your goals and ambitions
3. Your appetites
4. Your addictions
5. Your pleasure
And "deny yourself, take up your cross daily and follow Jesus." Luke 9:23.
I leave you with this joyful pleasure in love ~ speak the Name of Jesus in tender love - often in public.
Jesus' Slave,
Conference of Texas Baptist Evangelists
2209 Prairie Creek Trail
Garland, Texas 75040