How does District 58 respond to emergencies?

While there are many crisis situations that can occur, they generally fall within five crisis response categories: Severe Weather, Secure Building and Teach, Hold-in-Place and Teach, Evacuation/Fire, and Active Threat. Below, please find a description of each of these categories and how we communicate during them.

Severe Weather procedures are used when severe weather requires relocation within the building.

Examples include: tornadoes and other severe weather. During tornado watches, all students must stay indoors, but instruction and bus service will continue. During a tornado warning, all regular school activities cease, and students move to a designated area until the warning is lifted. During tornado warnings, students may only be dismissed if a parent or designee arrives to take the child home. If a bus is en-route when a tornado warning is issued, the bus will return to the closest District 58 school. The classroom teacher and principal must be advised before a student leaves the building. The District will send families an email, robocall and text if severe weather alters the school schedule or causes a safety hazard.

To view winter weather/snow day procedures, visit View heat relief procedures at

Secure Building and Teach procedures are used when there is a hazard outside the building that requires all individuals to remain inside the school building. Students who are outside at recess or physical education are brought indoors, and instruction will continue as normal inside. All exterior school doors are locked, and no one is permitted to enter or exit.

Examples include: a local hazardous waste spill, a nearby bank robbery, or other nearby police activity. During these situations, the school will email families and staff, as soon as information can be coordinated and confirmed with the appropriate emergency responder. 

Hold-in-Place and Teach procedures are used in any crisis that does not place students and staff in imminent danger but does require containing everyone in the building. Classroom instruction continues, but everyone in the building is directed to remain in their current locations until instructed otherwise.

Examples include: a medical emergency or an escalating student or visitor who is not perceived to be imminently dangerous. During these situations, the school will email families and staff information, as soon as information can be coordinated and confirmed with the appropriate emergency responder. 

Evacuation/Fire procedures are initiated when a hazard inside the building requires relocating outside the building.

Examples include: Fire, gas leak or other in-school hazard. The school will email and possibly call/text families and staff as soon as information can be coordinated and confirmed with the Fire Department and any other emergency responders.

Active Threat - Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate (ALICE) procedures are implemented when there is an active threat to the school.

Examples include a dangerous intruder in the building.

Teachers lock classroom doors and choose to take shelter/lockdown in the classroom or evacuate the class. The District or school will email, call and text families and staff as soon as information can be coordinated and confirmed with the appropriate emergency responder.

Other/Threats Outside the School Day: District 58 realizes that a large emergency responder presence at school is alarming to families. When this occurs, even during situations that do not fall in the above categories, the District or school will contact parents.

Examples include police presence due to a false alarm or a minor emergency.

Please keep in mind, police and fire personnel frequently visit our schools to conduct curricular safety lessons. Your school likely will not send parents a message when police or fire staff are at school for a scheduled visit.

In addition, District 58 takes threats received outside the school day very seriously. In these situations, the District will work closely with police to investigate the threat and evaluate whether the school is safe for students and staff. The District or school will send families and staff an email and, depending on the situation, a call and/or text message, with as much information as possible without jeopardizing an investigation or violating confidentiality.

Thank you for reading our District 58 emergency preparedness series!
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