Sundog Media | Autumn 2019 | Bright Spots
Embracing Change
Caleb's last Sundog Boat ride before starting college.
Today my oldest flies out to college and I am filled with a mixture of pride and sadness. He’s the first one of our five sons to leave the nest. Change is hard but it also brings about opportunities. Tons for Caleb, and for Cathy, and me, and who knows — a daughter-in-law one day? Grandkids? Ha!

With life and business, though, I’ve found it’s important to be able to embrace change. In fact, as the leader of a web design company, I’m increasingly comfortable with this reality and aggressively look for ways that change can bring improvement to our services. Let’s face it, websites and the web are changing at a pretty crazy rate! Here at Sundog we always strive to be just near the bleeding edge, especially when it benefits our clients.
Fresh Off the (Word)Press

Iḷisaġvik College
Iḷisaġvik College launched a gorgeous new website! We really enjoyed working with their team on the second site we’ve designed for them!

Alaska Native Heritage Center
The Alaska Native Heritage Center (ANHC) is a living cultural center located in Anchorage, Alaska that promotes active observance of Alaska Native culture and traditions, featuring permanent collections and educational programs.

Alaska Baptist Resource Network
The Mission of the Alaska Baptist Resource Network is to glorify God by assisting churches to evangelize the lost, equip new believers, establish new churches, encourage the saints and extend the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Client Testimonial
What an amazing and pleasant experience to work with the folks at Sundog Media on our website development! The level of expertise and creativity from all team members was phenomenal. Their response was immediate to suggested changes and consultation on best practices in the marketplace was spot on. Initial reactions to our recent launch have been overwhelmingly positive. I highly recommend this company to anyone seeking a fresh new look for their web presence."

Randy Covington, PhD
Executive Director

A Psalm for You

"Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains,
Your justice like the ocean depths. You care for
people and animals alike, O LORD.

Psalm 36:6 (NLT)
Sundog Media, LLC | 907.338.1847 |