Welcome Elul!

The shofar wakes us up and asks, “How can you be most present at this time?” Who do you want to be in this coming year?” Choose from the community gatherings below to help guide you into the High Holy Days, ready for a season of introspection and transformation.

Cheshbon Hanefesh: An Accounting of the Soul in the Month of Elul

Wednesday, September 4th, 7pm, Zoom Only

Don't jump into the High Holy Days without a warmup! The month of Elul is our time of introspection and helps us ease into the deep transformational work of the chaggim. In this workshop, we'll study, hear the shofar, do some personal writing about the past year and share out in small groups. Taught by Rabbi Copeland.

RSVP here

Shofar Sounding from Elul to Yom Kippur

Fridays, September 6-20th, 6pm, In-person only

Members Only

Embrace the spirit of the High Holy Days by learning to sound the shofar! Drop-in classes begin September 6th at 6pm. This unique opportunity will be held at 6pm on Friday nights throughout Elul, culminating with a powerful finale shofar relay at the Neilah service on Yom Kippur.

RSVP here

Queer Judaism

Mondays, September 9-30th, 6:30-8pm, Hybrid at Sha'ar Zahav

Debbie Friedman and Harvey Milk, Barbra Streisand and Rainbow challot, marching in Pride, wearing a tallit and High Holy Days at the Herbst. These are just some of the images that the words "Queer Judaism" conjure up. But what exactly makes these images both "Queer" and "Jewish?" Join us for a four-session discussion group where we will delve into these questions and many more, exploring the rich and complex intersection of Queer and Jewish identities. Taught by Morey Lipsett.

Sign up for in person

Sign up for Zoom

Ladino History, Culture, Music and Language with Dr. Rivka Amado

September 14th and 21st, 12:15pm-1:45pm, Hybrid at Sha'ar Zahav

After over two thousand years of Jewish life in the Iberian Peninsula, the Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492. Most of them, known as the Sephardim (“Sepharad” is Spain in Hebrew), left with only two types of possessions: their language—Ladino—and their music. This program explores Ladino culture: its historical account, language and music found in ballads, lyrical songs (cantikas), coplas, and liturgy. Free for members ($30 value). Taught by Dr. Rivka Amado.

in partnership with New Lehrhaus

Non-members sign up here

Members sign up here

Yoga to Prepare for the Days of Awe

Saturday, September 21st, 9am, In-Person Only

We will enter this High Holy Day season through movement, chant, and breath. Wear clothes you can move comfortably in. No experience necessary. If you require using a chair for yoga, please let Rabbi Copeland know in advance so she can include instructions.

Register here

Trans* & Teshuvah: Preparing Our Souls

Friday, September 27, 6:15pm, Zoom Only

As the High Holy Days approach, all trans, non-binary and intersex folks are invited to join us for a Zoom - only gathering of brief study, reflection and conversation. You'll be invited (but not required) to share your own intentions, prayers and reflections. Facilitated by Rabbi Reuben, prior to the monthly Zoom-only Kabbalat Shabbat service.

Register here

Sha'ar Zahav | (415) 861-6932 |
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