Issue: 382                
September 5, 2019 
In This Issue

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Message from the Director

Watch today's Videogruß (video greeting) from Ted and hear more about this very busy week at school and upcoming events. 
Videogruß vom Direktor 05 09 2019

Some new German vocabularly for our non-German-speakers:
Nachmittagskaffee - afternoon coffee
Baustelle - construction site
Bagger - back hoe, excavator
Schönes Wochenende - Have a nice weekend
Tschüs - good-bye
Building Information
Construction Update

The demolition has progressed as planned and Veit should wrap things up by Friday. The chainlink fence has been moved a few feet west to give us better access from Como Avenue to the playground and main doors. RJM is scheduled to fix the sidewalk and walkway today, and once these are officially open, we can bring the school buses back to Como and also re-open access to our school campus from Como Avenue. We will confirm this change to all families with a separate email from the Front Office once the walkway is ready. 

For a quick overview of our project and more detailed safety information,  check out this FAQ sheet. It will also be shared with D10 and neighbors.

Andy Nesset
TCGIS Building Manager

School Board Announcements
Community Forum: Monday, Sept. 16

Please join the TCGIS school board for a community forum on Monday, September 16, at 6:30pm at the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. The forum is an opportunity for the school community to gather and ask questions about a range of topics relating to the uniqueness of the 2019-2020 school year, from school security to construction safety to significant changes for students (like Sport), etc. In addition to representatives from the board and TCGIS administration, panelists include St Paul City Council President Amy Brendmoen and representatives from the St Paul Police, FBI, and RJM Construction.  

6:30 pm            Welcome from the board and administration 
6:35-7:15 pm    Security 
7:15-7:45 pm    Construction 
7:45-8:30 pm    General Q&A 

To help panelists prepare to respond to specific questions, or if you cannot attend but have a question, you can submit your questions in advance here
Schoolwide Goals

At the end of last school year, the board gathered and analyzed feedback from all stakeholder groups and developed the schoolwide goals in collaboration with administration over the summer. The board finalized the goals at the board retreat last Saturday. Today we share the high-level goals, each of which has specific deliverables that will guide the school over this school year. More details will be coming in the weeks and months ahead. We are excited to share these goals with the school community.

Lasst uns zusammen eine Schule bauen!
  • Move the school from a stage of continuous growth to a stage of stability and strength.
  • Cultivate a schoolwide community of colleagues and families that attracts and retains exceptional talent.
  • Communicate the message of our school through multiple channels.
  • Increase the diversity of students and staff over time.
  • Finalize and maintain K-8 Pädagogisches Konzept to meet requirements for each grade that supports innovative education of the whole child through German immersion. 
  • Support school fundraising efforts by including time, talent, and treasure of all community members.
Upcoming Board and Committee Meetings

Board and committee meetings are open for anyone to attend. Please check the  online school calendar for any meeting changes. Board meetings are also viewable on YouTube.
  • Governance Committee - Sept. 9, 3:30pm, Room 99 
  • Facilities Committee - Sept. 10, 6:00pm, Room 100
  • Finance Committee - Sept. 17, 6:30pm, Room 99
  • Executive Committee - Sept. 19, 6:30 pm, Room 100
  • Board Meeting - Sept. 26, 6:30 pm, Room 100
You're invited to help the board with its work! Attend a meeting and see how you can contribute. To share thoughts, feedback and ideas in between meetings, the best way to reach the board is via email at  board@tcgis.org
School Information
Sport Updates for All TCGIS Students

The Sport teachers at TCGIS would like to welcome you and your children to this year's Sport classes. With regard to  your child's safety and well-being in Sport we would like to address the following topics in this Elternbrief:

Appropriate Dress for Sport
Please ensure that your child is appropriately dressed for active movement: Pants are best. Skirts or dresses need to be combined with leggings. Sport shoes (no flip-flops or sandals) will enable your child to be able to participate to the fullest extent and are necessary in every Sport lesson. Jewelry should not be worn, except stud earrings, and hair should be tied back so that no one gets hurt.  Also, when the weather gets colder, jackets, snow pants, mittens and brimless hats should complete the outfit.

Please make sure your child's water bottle is packed each day she/he has Sport as we may leave the school premises on several occasions due to this year's circumstances. 

Sport Classes Outside
Now that we have neighborhood-walk permission forms from all students, our Sport classes are being held outside, both on- and off-campus. We have arranged with St. Paul Parks and Rec to use various green spaces around our school. The Sport teachers pick up any necessary medicines for students before every Sport class and return them to the health office at the end of class.  When inclement weather prevents class outdoors, Sport will be held in Room 100 and other classrooms as necessary. 

Thank you very much for making TCGIS a safe place for your child to learn.

Teda Horstmann, Maria Pfaller, Nina Maslofski, Saskia Solberg, Delaney Jacobsen

PikMyKid Dismissal App

Please remember to update your child's dismissal plan in the PikMyKid app. If you have problems or need your primary mode changed, please email  info@tcgis.org.

The cut-off time to make daily dismissal changes in PMK is 2:20pm. To make changes after 2:20, please call the office at 651-492-7106.
Arrival & Dismissal Reminders

Curbside Drop-off & Pick-up
As you wait in line to pull into the loading zone (directly in front of our school building) please avoid blocking streets, driveways or alleys along Van Slyke. Students may only exit or enter the car within the loading zone, so please be patient and wait until you're able to pull into that area. Please resist pulling in ahead of someone in the loading zone, even if you see an opening ahead; the entire line will move up once the cars in the zone have finished (un-)loading. Vielen Dank! Thank you! 

Walking Pick-up
The location is now in the school courtyard near the main entrance ( Haupteingang). Please wait for your child(ren) close to the school building, near the ping-pong tables, rather than near the playground, so that you can easily check out your child(ren) from the grade-level teacher who accompanies them out the main doors to the courtyard.

Once the new walkway between the playground and Como Ave is finished, please plan to park along the streets south of our school: Churchill, Oxford, Argyle and Jessamine. Como Ave. should be as open as possible since buses will load and un-load students there.  Vielen Dank! Thank you! 
Bus Updates

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work with our transportation company, CSTM, to ensure that our buses are running on time! 

Friendly Reminders:
  • Please be at the bus stop 5 min early
  • Buses will be running late when there is a lot of traffic, bad weather, or while the drivers are learning their routes
  • There is a driver shortage, so it is taking a longer to find permanent drivers for our routes. Thank you for understanding!
In addition, please call CSTMN directly at  612-808-8868 if you have bus questions before the office opens at 7:30am or after it closes at 4pm. They are well informed and can assist you. If the line is busy at CSTMN, call NorthStar Bus Lines at  763-425-2542. 

After School & Extra-curricular Activities
After School Activity Registration Open Now!

After school activity registration is now open! Please return the registration form  WITH  payment (cash or check to TCGIS) to the office by  September 19 Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Once you've submitted registration materials, there will be no confirmation of enrollment. If we are unable to process your registration due to the class filling up we will contact families on an individual basis. 

If you have any questions about teaching a class next session please email the info@tcgis.org box Attn: Clarissa Herman.

DEADLINE: Order TCGIS Track-and-Field & Cross-Country Gear!

This is the ONLY order for this school year. Please, get your orders in for the spring track season, as well!

Take a look at the  TCGIS Track-and-Field & Cross-Country sweatshirts and sweatpants. 
Place your order  here . Write out your check to TCGIS and hand in to Coach Tabisz in room 314.


Questions? Contact Coach Tabisz ( ctabisz@tcgis.org).
Ways to be involved and support TCGIS

There are so many ways to support TCGIS by sharing your time and talents.

A few longer-term volunteer commitments are highlighted in this Elternbrief: joining a board committee, running for Parent Council, serving as Elternkontakt for your child(ren)'s homeroom, lending your time and effort to grant-writing opportunities, and joining the PTO. 

There are also myriad short-term ways to support our school community: sign up to share a favorite family dish for staff appreciation lunches and intern breakfasts; assist with classroom celebrations or chaperone an upcoming field trip; answer the call for volunteers at school- and PTO-sponsored events. 

We really value and appreciate parent engagement in our school. Thank you for sharing your time and talents with our community! 
2019-20 Parent Council Nominations: Now Open
Please consider representing your fellow parents and running for Parent Council! There are still homerooms without any nominees in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 7th, and 8th grades.
Each grade has a Google Doc  for parents to self-nominate and write a short introduction. Nominations will be collected until Sept. 16. 

The election will be held September 19-29 via a Google Form-Ballot. There will be one joint meeting in October with the 2018-19 represenatives and the newly elected 2019-20 representatives. 

The Parent Council is scheduled to meet on the first Monday of each month from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Parent Council members also attend other school committee meetings and attend to other tasks between meetings on an as-needed basis.

Curious about what it's like to serve on the Parent Council? Email your Parent Council Representative.  If you're unsure of who that person is or how to contact them please email 
parent-council@tcgis.org  and we will connect you with your Parent Council representative.
Help Explore Financial Grants to support TCGIS
Public and Private grants could provide potential revenue for the school ranging from hundreds of dollars to hundreds of thousands. We would like to spin up a group of volunteers to determine which grants could provide the most opportunity and write the applications over the course of the school year. 

The short term goal for this group would be to assist teachers in applying for training and development grants. The NEA has a grant for Learning & Leadership for Educators with deadline of Oct. 15.  Further goals include applications for funding Facilities, Curriculum, Supplies and further training and development. Any interested community member with or without grant writing experience is encouraged to contact David Morrissey by e-mail:  dmorrissey@mmm.com.
Volunteer as an Elternkontakt (EK) for your child's class
Elternkontakte (parent contacts) are volunteers who provide an additional communication channel between the teacher / school and the parents in their homeroom/class. This is a fun volunteer position that can be done remotely in small bits of time since it primarily consists of communicating via email. 

Specifically we are still recruiting EKs for KA, 2B, 4A, 5C, 6th, 7th and 8th grades. 

If you're interested in volunteering as an Elternkontakt for your child's homeroom this coming year, please sign up on this document, and Katharina Schirg will be in touch with you. Herzlichen Dank!
TCGIS Flea Market and Staff / Intern Wish List 

Are you purging some household items that could use a new home? It's possible that one of our new staff or interns could use it! Check out the   TCGIS Staff & Intern - Fresh Start Wunschliste (Wish List) ... there are requests for mirrors, lamps, bikes, small furniture there already. Have a look!

Staff and Interns, are you looking for household items or a vehicle? Be sure to check out the   TCGIS Community Flea Market - Sell, Donate, Lend, Share!   document where our community posts items. There's a t.v., twin bed, and car for sale right now.

We hope these tools help our community members connect in mutually beneficial ways! 
Do you have marketing doo-dads to donate?

Do you work for a business that has a marketing closet full of stuff that nobody wants?! We will take your stress balls, earbuds, computer mice, fancy pens and pencils, frisbees, and other fun stuff to use as student rewards for our Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) program at TCGIS! We also use $5 Target gift cards for our middle school students. Staff choose from $10 Target/Amazon/Caribou gift cards or a prime parking spot in our lot. [Food is never used as a reward per TCGIS school policy.]

You can drop off these items at the PBIS table during our Family Back to School Night on August 22. If you have any questions, please contact Michael White, PBIS Coach.  
PTO Updates
Join us for the PTO Kick-off Meeting TONIGHT: Sept. 5
  • We'll meet at TCGIS in Room 100 at 6:30 p.m.
  • Mingle & enjoy a meal catered by Cosetta's
  • Families welcome, childcare provided 

Regional Picnics! Sat., Sept. 7, 5:00-7:00 pm

**We are still in search of Lexington Park families to organize their picnic!**

Come meet other families in your neighborhood and set up play dates, arrange carpools or bus buddies at the regional potluck picnic. Bring a dish to share. 
There are four locations to join us on Saturday, September 7th from 5-7pm
  • Central Bus area: Mattocks Park St. Paul
  • North Bus area: Cummings Park in Arden Hills
  • South Bus Area: Longfellow Park in Minneapolis
  • Como Neighborhood: Lexington Park in Roseville**
Please email the PTO if you can help organize this: tcgispto@gmail.com     
Staff Appreciation: Breakfast + Lunch Sign-ups

Each month a different grade level will be assigned to "host" the Intern Breakfast or Early Release Day Staff Appreciation Potluck. Staff are SO appreciative of these meals. We ask you to participate when your grade level is assigned. Click on the sign-up link below for more info.

3rd Grade Families: Intern Breakfast on Monday, September 16th Sign-up here 
4th Grade Families: Early Release Potluck on Wednesday, September 18th Sign-up here  
Registration Now Open:
Twin Cities Oktoberfest 5k Fun Run and Walk on Sept. 21

Last year, we had over 300 participants and had a wonderful time. There will be live music again this year and an Oktoberfest celebration afterwards at Half Time Rec. 

Sign up here and use the code "Back2School" to save $3 off per person! Invite your friends and family and feel free to share the code with them! 
Follow updates
here .

We are so thankful for the volunteers that helped make the event a success last year! We'd love to have some help again this year at the event. Please visit this link to sign up for a volunteer slot. We greatly appreciate your help.

Volunteer with the PTO at GAI's Oktoberfest

We also have an opportunity for volunteers for our booth at the GAI's Oktoberfest coming up on September 13th & 14th at Schmidt Brewery. This will be a fun event and we'll be handing out info on the race and also having a fun craft or game to help teach attendees some German words. We have spots for both adults and their children to volunteer at the booth. If your child would love to help teach other kids some German words, we'd love your help! You can  sign up here.  
Call for Fall Auction and Maskenball Items

We are now accepting submissions and donations for Auction & Maskenball!  Are you a small business owner? Artist or creative type with something to donate? Services to offer our TCGIS families? Would you like to host a Great Gathering (wine night, progressive dinner, neighborhood potluck etc)? Be creative!

Email your ideas to:  tcgispto@gmail.com 

Want to help with this year's Auction? We need you! Drop us a note. 
News from the GAI    
Save the Date: St. Paul Oktoberfest next weekend!

Mark your calendars for a fun weekend at the GAI's St. Paul Oktoberfest

Schmidt Brewery-Saint Paul, Minnesota
September 13-14, 2019
Friday, 4 PM-10 PM | Saturday, 10 AM-10 PM 
Classes at the GAI for Adults, Teens and Children

REGISTRATION NOW OPEN FOR FALL SESSIONWe offer classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced students. Both daytime and evening options are available.
Samstagsschule for kids & teens  
Samstagsschule (Saturday School) is a fun way for young kids through pre-teens to begin or continue learning German.
NOW OFFERING ADVANCED CLASSES FOR TCGIS ALUMNI: German for Teens c lasses are scheduled Saturday morning / afternoon beginning in September.