Issue: 383               
September 12, 2019 
In This Issue

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Message from the Director

Watch today's Videogruß (video greeting) from Ted and hear more about this week at school and some fun and exciting events happening soon.

Videogruß vom Direktor 12 09 19
Building Information
Construction Update

This week Veit has finished the demo on the main structure and removed their heavy equipment from our construction zone. The old foundation wall next to the front entrance was left in place for now since it is still somewhat structurally relevant.  School buses have returned to our Como Avenue sidewalk, where our dedicated staff meets students for drop-off and pick up rain or shine.

At this time, we are waiting for building plans, permits and precast orders to be finalized for the new structure. We are expecting the foundation work to begin by the middle of next month. Until then, things will be mostly quiet.

For a quick overview of our project and more detailed safety information,  check out this FAQ sheet. It will also be shared with D10 and neighbors.

Andy Nesset
TCGIS Building Manager

School Board Announcements
Community Forum: Monday, Sept. 16

Please join the TCGIS school board for a community forum on Monday, September 16, at 6:30pm at the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. The forum is an opportunity for the school community to gather and ask questions about a range of topics relating to the uniqueness of the 2019-2020 school year, from school security to construction safety to significant changes for students (like Sport), etc. In addition to representatives from the board and TCGIS administration, panelists include St Paul City Council President Amy Brendmoen and representatives from the St Paul Police, FBI, and RJM Construction.  

6:30 pm            Welcome from the board and administration 
6:35-7:15 pm    Security 
7:15-7:45 pm    Construction 
7:45-8:30 pm    General Q&A 

To help panelists prepare to respond to specific questions, or if you cannot attend but have a question, you can submit your questions in advance here
Networking for New Fifth and Sixth Graders

TCGIS community, please reach out to your network and help the school find German-speaking fifth and sixth graders. We have openings in these grades and it's a great opportunity for new German-speaking students to join TCGIS for middle school. Perhaps you know a family that recently moved to the Twin Cities. Thanks for your support!
School Information
MCA Scores

Scores for last year's 3rd graders and 8th graders (current 4th and 9th graders) will be mailed home next week. 

Scores for current 5th, 6th and 7th graders make be picked up by a parent in the front office starting next Monday, September 16. They will also be avilable for parents to pick-up at the Middle School Curriculum Night on Tuesday, October 1. 
Reminder: Weather-appropriate Clothing 

Please make sure your student(s) have rainjackets and boots at school whenever rain is a possibility. All students walk outside to and from lunch every day, even if they have indoor recess. We have quite a few wet students today! Vielen Dank!
Protect the environment: send silverware from home

This year we are providing disposable plastic silverware for school lunches because we don't have access to an industrial dishwasher. As you can imagine, this produces an unfortunate and significant amount of plastic trash. If you send lunch from home, please include silverware for your student(s) so he/she doesn't need to use plastic silverware at school. Together we can reduce our impact on the environment! 
Lunch & Kinderclub Order Window Opens Sept. 16

The Boonli order window for the entire month of October opens on Monday, Sept. 16 and closes at midnight on Sunday, Sept. 22. After that order window, parents are able to order ahead one week at a time. 
Kinderclub and After-School Activity Families: 
Please update PikMyKid

The front office and dismissal duty staff ask you to please keep your child's dismissal mode up-to-date with any changes, especially when your child has Kinderclub or an after-school program like cross-country or an (upcoming) after-school activity.

Kinderclub and Boonli are separate entities from our PikMyKid dismissal platform and we need you to delegate those changes as they come up or set a recurring change if you know their schedule in advance. Please contact contact info@tcgis.org or 
support@pikmykid.com if you have any questions on how to do this.  Thank you!
Dismissal: Parents of Independent Walkers

Please communicate with your children that the older child should go to the classroom of the younger child to pick them up, and the younger child should wait for the older child to come get them in his/her classroom. This will reduce confusion during busy dismissal time! 
Thank you!
Bus Updates

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work with our transportation company, CSTM, to ensure that our buses are running on time! 

If you have bus questions before the office opens at 7:30am or after it closes at 4pm, please call CSTMN directly at  612-808-8868. They are well informed and can assist you. If the line is busy at CSTMN, call NorthStar Bus Lines at  763-425-2542. 

After School & Extra-curricular Activities
After School Activity Updates and Registration 

Updates: Chess club is full!

PLEASE REMEMBER to set a recurring change in PikMyKid for an after-school program so we don't accidentally send your kids home on the bus! 

Please return the registration form WITH payment (cash or check to TCGIS) to the office by September 19. Registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Once you've submitted registration materials, there will be no confirmation of enrollment. If we are unable to process your registration due to the class filling up we will contact families on an individual basis. 

If you have any questions about teaching a class next session please email the info@tcgis.org box Attn: Clarissa Herman.

Ways to be involved and support TCGIS
2019-20 Parent Council Nominations: Open until Monday
Please consider representing your fellow parents and running for Parent Council. This is a great opportunity to participate in setting the direction of the school by facilitating communication between the parent community, the School Board, Administration, Staff Council, and Student Council. 

The following classrooms do not have nominees: 1B, 3B, 3C, 4B, 6B, 7B, 8B. 
Each grade has a Google Doc  for parents to self-nominate and write a short introduction. Nominations will be collected until Monday, Sept. 16. 

The election will be held September 19-29 via a Google Form-Ballot. There will be one joint meeting in October with the 2018-19 represenatives and the newly elected 2019-20 representatives. 

The Parent Council is scheduled to meet on the first Monday of each month from 6:30 to 8:30 pm. Parent Council members also attend other school committee meetings and attend to other tasks between meetings on an as-needed basis.

Curious about what it's like to serve on the Parent Council? Email your Parent Council Representative.  If you're unsure of who that person is or how to contact them please email 
parent-council@tcgis.org  and we will connect you with your Parent Council representative. 
Next Week: Intern Breakfast  (3rd Grade) 
Staff Appreciation Potluck  (4th Grade)

The PTO's Staff Appreciation Committee organizes two potluck meals each month throughout the school year. These meals provide opportunities for staff and interns to build community and for parents to show their support and appreciation. Each grade is assigned one potluck and one breakfast throughout the school year. 

Staff Appreciation Potucks take place on early-release Wedesdays, and the entire staff is invited to attend. These potlucks are wonderful (and somewhat rare) opportunities for 120+ staff to socialize beyond grade-levels and departments, building relationships and a strong staff community. Staff truly appreciate the delicious food and drink provided by parents; it provides nourishment and energy for the afternoon of work and professional development that follows.

Monthly Intern Breafkasts are a valuable opportunity for Interns to gather with each other and select staff to discuss their experiences and to learn more about education in the U.S. 

3rd Grade Families: Intern Breakfast on Monday, September 16th Sign-up here 
4th Grade Families: Early Release Potluck on Wednesday, September 18th Sign-up here 

Volunteer as an Elternkontakt (EK) for your child's class
Elternkontakte (parent contacts) are volunteers who provide an additional communication channel between the teacher / school and the parents in their homeroom/class. This is a fun volunteer position that can be done remotely in small bits of time since it primarily consists of communicating via email. 

Specifically we are still recruiting EKs for 4B, 5C, 6A, 6C, 7A, 8A and 8B. 

If you're interested in volunteering as an Elternkontakt for your child's homeroom this coming year, please email Katharina Schirg ( kschirg@tcgis.org). Herzlichen Dank!
Help Explore Financial Grants to support TCGIS
Public and Private grants could provide potential revenue for the school ranging from hundreds of dollars to hundreds of thousands. We would like to spin up a group of volunteers to determine which grants could provide the most opportunity and write the applications over the course of the school year. 

The short term goal for this group would be to assist teachers in applying for training and development grants. The NEA has a grant for Learning & Leadership for Educators with deadline of Oct. 15.  Further goals include applications for funding Facilities, Curriculum, Supplies and further training and development. Any interested community member with or without grant writing experience is encouraged to contact David Morrissey by e-mail:  dmorrissey@mmm.com.
TCGIS Flea Market and Staff / Intern Wish List 

Are you purging some household items that could use a new home? It's possible that one of our new staff or interns could use it! Check out the   TCGIS Staff & Intern - Fresh Start Wunschliste (Wish List) ... there are requests for mirrors, lamps, bikes, small furniture there already. Have a look!

Staff and Interns, are you looking for household items or a vehicle? Be sure to check out the   TCGIS Community Flea Market - Sell, Donate, Lend, Share!   document where our community posts items. There's a t.v., twin bed, and car for sale right now.

We hope these tools help our community members connect in mutually beneficial ways! 
PTO Updates
Staff Appreciation: Breakfast + Lunch Next Week

Each month a different grade level will be assigned to "host" the Intern Breakfast or Early Release Day Staff Appreciation Potluck. Staff are SO appreciative of these meals. We ask you to participate when your grade level is assigned. Click on the sign-up link below for more info.

3rd Grade Families: Intern Breakfast on Monday, September 16th Sign-up here 
4th Grade Families: Early Release Potluck on Wednesday, September 18th Sign-up here 

Davanni's Pizza Night!

Dine in or take away! 

When:  Tuesday, September 17th,  4-8pm
Where:  41 Cleveland Avenue, Saint Paul MN
Why:  20% of purchases comes to the TCGIS PTO
Davanni's Logo.jpeg
Volunteer with PTO at GAI's Oktoberfest this weekend

We also have an opportunity for volunteers for our booth at the GAI's Oktoberfest coming up on September 13th & 14th at Schmidt Brewery. This will be a fun event and we'll be handing out info on the race and also having a fun craft or game to help teach attendees some German words. We have spots for both adults and their children to volunteer at the booth. If your child would love to help teach other kids some German words, we'd love your help! You can  sign up here.  
Oktoberfest Fun Run: September 21

Registration is now open for the Oktoberfest Fun Run and Walk!  Last year, we had over 300 participants and had a wonderful time. There will be live music again this year and an Oktoberfest celebration afterwards at Half Time Rec.  

Sign up here and use the code "Back2School" to save $3 off per person! Invite your friends and family and feel free to share the code with them! 
Follow updates
here .

We are so thankful for the volunteers that helped make the event a success last year! We'd love to have some help again this year at the event. Please visit this link to sign up for a volunteer slot. We greatly appreciate your help.

Call for Fall Auction and Maskenball Items

We are now accepting submissions and donations for Auction & Maskenball!  Are you a small business owner? Artist or creative type with something to donate? Services to offer our TCGIS families? Would you like to host a Great Gathering (wine night, progressive dinner, neighborhood potluck etc)? Be creative!

Email your ideas to:  tcgispto@gmail.com 

Want to help with this year's Auction? We need you! Drop us a note. 
Important PTO Dates and Events for 2019-20

Have a look at the   2019-20 PTO Dates to see what great things we have in store this year!
News from the GAI    
St. Paul Oktoberfest: this Friday and Saturday!

Mark your calendars for a fun weekend at the GAI's St. Paul Oktoberfest

Schmidt Brewery-Saint Paul, Minnesota
September 13-14, 2019
Friday, 4 PM-10 PM | Saturday, 10 AM-10 PM 
German Classes for Adults, Teens and Children 

REGISTRATION NOW OPEN FOR FALL SESSION: Beginner class start next week! 
We offer classes for beginners, intermediate and advanced students. Daytime and evening options are available.
Samstagsschule for kids & teens  
Samstagsschule (Saturday School) is a fun way for young kids through pre-teens to begin or continue learning German.
NOW OFFERING ADVANCED CLASSES FOR TCGIS ALUMNI: German for Teens c lasses are scheduled Saturday morning / afternoon beginning in September.