Issue: 386              
October 3, 2019 
In This Issue

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TCGIS Online Calendar

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Message from the Director

Watch today's Videogruß (video greeting) from Ted and hear about what we've been up to this week. 

School Board Announcements
Let's Build a School Together! 

There are now six posters on display at TCGIS to remind us of our goals. In the next two Elternbriefe we'll share the remaining four posters. 
School Board Decisions from the Sept. 26th Board Meeting
  • Annual designation of Ted Anderson as Identified Official with Authority, in accordance with the requirements of the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE), Professional Educator Licensing Standards Board (PELSB), and Office of Higher Education (OHE)
  • Appointment of Emily Albers, Teacher Board Member, through June 2020, as recommended by the Governance Committee
    • This summer, the Board decided to add one teacher member, for a limited term, in order to increase staff representation and, specifically, to help the Board better understand the elementary school. After reviewing the applications and meeting with each candidate, the Governance Committee recommended the appointment of Emily Albers to the board effective September 26, 2019 - June 30, 2020. This brings the school board to its maximum capacity of 11 members, according to the bylaws. The membership includes 2 TCGIS teachers, 2 community members and 7 parent members.  Annual board elections will be held in May 2020 and we encourage those interested to apply at that time.
  • Authorize Excelsior Bay Consultants to conduct a feasibility study for a TCGIS Capital Campaign
    • The Fundraising and Development Committee is investigating the potential to launch a Capital Campaign at TCGIS to help finance additional campus needs in an effort to bring our entire campus up to date. Items such as new windows and a new HVAC system for the original school building, as well as interior finished items for the new building - such as a stage, bleachers for the new gym, and other interior items - are supplemental to the bonding for the new building. These items are costly beyond the scope of our Annual Fundraising Campaign, and would be funded via this Capital Campaign. On September 26th the Board voted to approve hiring Excelsior Bay Group, experts in non-profit capital campaign planning, to conduct a "feasibility study" to determine our potential for accomplishing this objective. We hope this study will be completed by the end of 2019 and will further guide us in our efforts to secure funding for these remaining items.  
Please see the board packet for additional information and watch the September board meeting  on YouTube.
Governance Committee Meeting: Monday, Oct. 7

Please join the Governance Committee at the next meeting (Oct. 7, 3:45 PM, Room 99) to discuss these very important policies that affect all students and staff :
  • 506 Student Discipline & Notice of Suspension
  • 531 Pledge of Allegiance
  • 603 Curriculum Development
You may review the individual policies by clicking on the respective links above. 
In addition, the committee will discuss the future of Krampus visits at TCGIS.
Fundraising at TCGIS
Three easy ways to support the TCGIS General Fund

... and sport your school spirit in the community as well!

  1. Select "Twin Cities German Immersion School" as your charity of choice when you order from AmazonSmile (smile.amazon.com); Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to TCGIS. This is so easy to do!
  2. Purchase a yard sign, a car magnet or the book Achtung Baby from TCGIS, online
    or in the front office; payment by credit card, cash, and checks accepted.
  3. Donate to the General Fund anytime via the TCGIS Square shop.
Herzlichen Dank! Thank you!
School Information
Empty Oatmeal and Cereal Boxes Needed! 

Frau Lenburg still needs about  35 empty round oatmeal boxes and 180 empty cereal boxes!!!  They will be used starting next week for the K-3rd graders to make lanterns for our school Martinstag celebration (look for more information in the coming weeks). Boxes can be brought to the office or to Frau Lenburg in the art room. There is also a take-home volunteer project available for families who would like to help cut and prepare the boxes for students - please contact Frau Lenburg at  alenburg@tcgis.org . Danke!
TCGIS Collaboration with University of Frankfurt

We are happy to announce our partnership with the University of Frankfurt! We just signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the  International Teacher Education Department  and we will collaborate in several areas: TCGIS will provide  internship opportunities  for students in teaching programs, and the University of Frankfurt will support us with teacher recruitment as well as professional development opportunities for TCGIS teachers in Frankfurt schools.    

For more information on international outreach, please contact  Tina Haarbusch.

It's raining, it's pouring ...
Es regnet, es regnet, die Erde wird nass ...

Just a friendly reminder to please send your child(ren) to school in rain jackets and rain boots if there's any chance of rain. All students must walk around the block to-and-from lunch and waiting outside at dismissal has been chilly and wet this week. As always, please label your child(ren)'s clothing with their name and class. Vielen Dank! 
MCA Scores

Scores for last year's 3rd graders and 8th graders (current 4th and 9th graders) will be mailed home over the next few weeks. Parents may also pick them up in the office.

Scores for current 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders may be picked up by a parent in the front office during office hours, except for 2:45-3:30 when the front office is busy with dismissal and unable to distribute them.  If you would prefer your child pick them up to bring them home, please email the office with this request and we will facilitate that.    
Milaca Mega Cross-Country Meet

The 7th and 8th grade Immers competed for the first time at the  largest single-day high school cross-country meet in the nation. Despite the weather changing the meet schedule so that all middle schoolers had to run the 5K with all 9th graders instead of their expected 2-mile middle school race, Luke Karvonen finished 25th among all 305 8th graders and Niklaus Nordeen finished 19th among all 279 7th graders.

Both 7th and 8th grade teams were in last place at the 1-mile and 2-mile split, BUT they had incredible comebacks. The 8th grade boys team placed 6th out of 17 teams, and the 7th grade boys 13th out of 20 teams. Congrats to all of our Immers!

After School & Extra-curricular Activities
After-School Activities on PikMyKid - - Please Read

Please be sure to set changes in PikMyKid for any days your child has after-school activities. You can set a recurring change until December 20th or set them one by one. However, please note that we have no after-school activities on early-release days: October 9th and November 20th, and also no activities the week of conferences: November 11-15, so be sure to remove any recurring dismissal changes on those days. Vielen Dank!
Very First TCGIS Indoor Track Season!

Here is our  2019-2020 Indoor Track Introduction with all the details about our upcoming season.  Registration will open on October 15 and close on November 15!

Here is the  season's calendarThe meets will be held on indoor tracks through  USA Track-and-Field Minnesota . Most practices will be held outside. A rule of thumb: if recess is outside, practice is outside. None of the meets have been officially announced yet, but your coaches have estimated the dates of the meets based on last year's USATF calendar.

Ways to be involved and support TCGIS
2019-20 Parent Council Elections Results
Parent Council elections have concluded. The new 2019-20 Parent Council members are:
  • KA: Joe McManmon, KB: Julie Segler, KC: Brita Ferris
  • 1A: Debra Verber, 1B: Candace Frost and Mike Mitchelson, 1C: Angela Schneider
  • 2A: Angela Lessman, 2B: Colin Kreuziger, 2C: Alyssa Moffatt
  • 3A: Colleen Grogan, 3B: none, 3C: Cynthia Olson
  • 4A: Lena Gould, 4B: Amanda Rohrer, 4C: Stacey Flanigan
  • 5A: Brenda van Dyck, 5B: Monika Albrecht, 5C: Carrie Reay
  • 6A: Maureen Carlyle, 6B: none, 6C: Angela Haeg
  • 7A: none, 7B: Amy Schrank
  • 8A: Cindy Miller, 8B: Tanya Crisalli
The newly elected Parent Council and last year's Parent Council will hold a joint meeting on Monday, October 7, at 6:30 pm in Room 100. 
PTO Updates                                           
Plant Sale is Going on Now until Oct. 4!

Get your winter wreaths, swag, and succulent plants from Gerten's! These are beautiful arrangements. Share the link with friends and family, too. Pickup is December 2nd at TCGIS. 
The PTO Auction: Taking Donations Now!

The Auction and Strudel Sale is one of the biggest fundraisers of the year. We are looking for Great Gatherings, Great Stuff and Teacher & Admin Events. Take a look at the Auction website for ideas and inspiration, and please don't hesitate to reach out with questions!

Email your ideas and questions to:  tcgispto@gmail.com 
Sat. October 5 - Kindergarten Play Date

Salvation Army Play Park: 2727 Central Avenue NE 
All Kindergarten families and siblings are welcome! Bring your own socks!
Staff Appreciation Potluck and Intern Breakfast Sign-ups

Wed., Oct. 9:  Early-release Staff Appreciation Potluck hosted by 6th Grade, sign up here.

Mon., Oct. 21 - Intern Breakfast hosted by 1st Grade, sign up here.  
Important PTO Dates and Events for 2019-20

Have a look at the   2019-20 PTO Dates to see what great things we have in store this year!
News from the GAI    
Fall Events at the GAI

Kaffeestube European Breakfast Buffet
Saturday, October 19, 2019 | 8:30 to 11 AM - Reservation required! 

Introduction to German Genealogy Workshop With Kaffeestube Buffet
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Genealogy Workshop begins at 10 AM 

FallVergnügen Registration is Now Open! 
Spice up your autumn with our special short session classes.