Issue: 387              
October 10, 2019 
In This Issue

Quick Links
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TCGIS Online Calendar

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Message from the Director

Watch today's Videogruß (video greeting) from Ted and hear about what we've been up to this week. 

School Board Announcements
Mark your Calendar! Morning Circle & Kaffeeklatsch
The School Board will host this year's first Kaffeeklatsch, a long-time TCGIS tradition, on Friday November 8, 8:15 am-9:30 am. Parents have the opportunity to observe morning circle time in their child's classroom, and then join other parents, administration and school board members for coffee and conversation in the foyer. We look forward to seeing you!
Staff Liaison Onsite Office Hours  
School board member, Sam Imbo, plans to hold onsite office hours after school once a month to provide an opportunity for staff to connect directly with him as one of the board's staff liaisons. The first onsite office hour is scheduled for Tuesday, October 22 from 3:30 pm- 4:30 pm in Room 99. All teachers, EAs, and staff are welcome to drop-in, say hello, and stay in touch with the board. Sam is a new community board member, and is excited to connect with you!
Let's Build a School Together! 

There are now six posters on display at TCGIS to remind us of our goals. Last week we shared the first two posters, and in the next Elternbrief we'll share the last two of the posters. 
Fundraising at TCGIS
Help TCGIS go 'The Extra Mile' to Fund Intern Program

One of the truly unique things that sets TCGIS apart from other schools and even other immersion schools is our incredible Intern Program. If you're an existing TCGIS family you've already experienced the value interns provide your child. If you're a new family at TCGIS, ask your child about their interns and hear for yourself how they enrich your child's everyday immersion experience with native language mentoring. 

Learn more about this year's interns at our new micro-site:  extramiletcgis.org


Help us make the intern program an annually sustainable program at TCGIS. Your donation help us cover the cost of visas, lunches, monthly stipends and more for our Intern Program.

Herzlichen Dank! Thank you!
Upcoming German Cultural Events 
Gewandhaus Orchester Leipzig performing in St. Paul

The Twin Cities was selected for the grand finale concert in the Midwest for the Gewandhaus Orchester Quintet concert on November 8, 7:00-8:00pm. The venue will be the United Church of Christ, 900 Summit Avenue, St. Paul. 

One of the oldest existing chamber ensembles in the world, the Gewandhaus Woodwind
Quintet was founded in 1896. The Quintet, originating in Leipzig, Germany, has performed
extensively across Germany and abroad. Celebrating the 30th anniversary of the fall of
the Berlin Wall, this program features a finale to the year of German-American friendship,
Wunderbar Together.

The new Consul General from Chicago, Wolfgang Mössinger, will give the opening address. All concert attendees are invited to the complimentary wine and cheese reception to follow.  Read more about the event here
School Information
Mark your Calendars: it's almost Conference Time!

Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Thursday, Nov 14 from 4-7:30pm & on Friday, Nov 15 from 8:10am-3:30pm

The conference sign up begins on Tuesday, Oct 29 at 8pm and ends on Nov 12 at 8pm. More information will be provided in the next Elternbrief.

Volunteers & Empty Oatmeal and Cereal Boxes Needed! 

Frau Lenburg is in need of 3-4 more volunteers to prepare the cereal and oatmeal boxes for the K-3rd graders, who will begin making their Martinstag lanterns after Fall Break. If interested in this take-home volunteer opportunity, please contact Frau Lenburg at  alenburg@tcgis.org

The art room also still 
needs 15 more empty round oatmeal boxes and 35 more empty cereal boxes .  Boxes can be brought to the office or to Frau Lenburg in the art room. Danke!
Mittendrin statt nur dabei!

The 8th grade's Capstone Exchange Program at TCGIS has become an inherent part of the school's program. Currently 48 German students and 4 teachers are visiting TCGIS, staying in host families and attending classes at our school. But what is actually happening during the lessons while our newly made friends are here? 

Click here to read more about an engaging lesson that 8th graders and their German partners had recently with Frau Root-Joswig and Herr Abeln.

2019 Fall Capstone Exchange concludes today

For the last two weeks 48 German students from Borghorst and Ochtrup, Germany, have lived with TCGIS host families, visited classes, and explored the Twin Cities on field trips with their 8th grade partners. In May TCGIS 8th graders will travel to Germany to spend two weeks in the home of their Capstone exchange partner, before exploring Berlin for a week together as the graduating class. 

This exchange, supported in part by the German-American Partnership Program (GAPP), is a milestone experience for 8th grade students and their families, and an opportunity for the TCGIS community to live our school values of kindness, curiosity, and intercultural engagement. 
Construction Update

It has been a while since we have seen any activity. This was not unexpected. Our construction team has been working hard on finalizing plans, permits, variances with the city and bonding. The precast is on order and we are expecting delivery of the completed wall units sometime in January. RJM is planning on beginning the earthwork and concrete footing by the end of this month.  I will send out more information as things progress after the fall break.

Andy Nesset
Facilities and Grounds
Fall Break: Oct. 14 - 18

We have fall break next week! Enjoy!

Kinderclub is full Monday - Wednesday, but parents who need emergency care should email Michaela Bromenschenkel (mbromenschenkel@tcgis.org). 

2020-2021 Enrollment Window Opens Oct. 15

The enrollment window for the 2020-2021 school year will open on October 15th. Please check the Prospective Parents and Enrollment pages of the TCGIS website for more information! 
MCA Scores

Scores for last year's 8th graders  (this year's 9th graders) have been mailed home. Last year's 3rd graders (this year's 4th graders) will be mailed home by end of next week. We are trying to include siblings when we can.

Scores for current 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th graders may be picked up by a parent in the front office during office hours, except for 2:45-3:30 when the front office is busy with dismissal and unable to distribute them.  If you would prefer your child pick them up to bring them home, please email the office with this request and we will facilitate that.    
October 8 Mausmünzen Drawing!

The selected students have shown exemplary behavior at TCGIS during the school day and are representing their class and grade level.  Meistermäuse have demonstrated to staff one or more of the following praised traits: Sicherheit (safety), Verantwortung (responsibility), Respekt (respect), and Freundlichkeit (kindness).

KA - Tenny,  1B - Harper,  2C - Finn,  3C - Ellie,  4B - Mia,  5A - Ruby
7A - name & photo withheld,  Staff - Herr Koch

May they continue to make our school a better place!
After School & Extra-curricular Activities
Very First TCGIS Indoor Track Season!

Here is our  2019-2020 Indoor Track Introduction with all the details about our upcoming season.  Registration will open on October 15 and close on November 15!

Here is the  season's calendarThe meets will be held on indoor tracks through  USA Track-and-Field Minnesota . Most practices will be held outside. A rule of thumb: if recess is outside, practice is outside. None of the meets have been officially announced yet, but your coaches have estimated the dates of the meets based on last year's USATF calendar.

Ways to Be Involved and Support TCGIS
October Intern Breakfast - date change

The October Intern Breakfast hosted by 1st Grade has been moved from Monday, Oct. 21, to Friday, October 25, since Monday is the first day back from Fall Break. Families of 1st Graders can sign up here. Thank you in advance!
PTO Updates                                           
The PTO Auction: Taking Donations Now!

The Auction and Strudel Sale is one of the biggest fundraisers of the year. We are looking for Great Gatherings, Great Stuff and Teacher & Admin Events. Take a look at the Auction website for ideas and inspiration, and please don't hesitate to reach out with questions!

Email your ideas and questions to:  tcgispto@gmail.com 
Next Intern Breakfast NEW DATE: Now Friday, Oct. 25

Fri., Oct. 25 - Intern Breakfast hosted by 1st Grade, sign up here.  
Important PTO Dates and Events for 2019-20

Have a look at the   2019-20 PTO Dates to see what great things we have in store this year!
News from the GAI    
Fall Events at the GAI

Kaffeestube European Breakfast Buffet
Saturday, October 19, 2019 | 8:30 to 11 AM - Reservation required! 

Introduction to German Genealogy Workshop With Kaffeestube Buffet
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Genealogy Workshop begins at 10 AM 

FallVergnügen Registration is Now Open! 
Spice up your autumn with our special short session classes.