Issue: 392             
November 21, 2019 
In This Issue

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TCGIS Online Calendar

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Message from the Director
Schöne Grüße vom Spielplatz!

Ted reports on this and next week's events from the busy TCGIS playground. 

Videogruß vom Direktor 21 Nov. 2019
Videogruß vom Direktor 21 Nov. 2019

Fundraising at TCGIS
Herzlichen Dank! (Our Heartfelt Thanks!)

Thanks to you, we have raised $53,125 for the Annual Fund!

We have surpassed our second milestone at $50,000 and next Wednesday we will celebrate here at school with a Pajama-and-Hat Day for all staff and students! 

We're almost halfway to our annual goal of $125,000. Will you help us get there?

Now is a great time to inquire about a matching donation from your employer. Acknowledgment of all donations will be sent in the next few weeks.  If you need a receipt to apply for an employer-matching grant soon, please email Katharina Schirg (kschirg@tcgis.org). 

As always, donations can also be made via our Square Store, GiveMN page and BoonliThank you so much for supporting our school! 
School Board Announcements
Thank You from the Board 

Last week concluded our fall fundraising efforts in conjunction with Give to the Max. Our fall goal was to 'Go the Extra Mile' towards funding our intern program, which costs approx. $100,000 annually.

Between Nov. 1-18, you donated $41,885 which brings our total amount to $53,125! We are almost half-way to our Annual Fund goal of $125,000!

From all of us on the Board and school administration, HERZLICHEN DANK for your support! We have an incredibly supportive and generous community, for which we are truly grateful. 

School Board Meeting tonight 

At 6:30 p.m., Room 100. Agenda and packet is available
here . Highlights include the special recognition of staff and volunteers; those being recognized this month are listed here .

The other highlight is a presentation by Carol Mecklenburg, TCGIS School Psychologist, Jessie Kember, contracted U of MN Psych Professor and TCGIS Assessment and Screening Coordinator, and Danielle Becker, TCGIS Psych Intern. The team will present about the development, implementation and benefits of our Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS). They will discuss the design of this program, how it dovetails with ADSIS and how we use this support system as an integral means in early identification of students who need additional academic and behavioral and emotional support. 
Moving to Electronic Board Packets

To preserve paper and more fully engage with TCGIS's focus on managing our resources with care, the Board will begin using primarily electronic packets for each monthly meeting. Packets can always be found in the public folder and are uploaded three days before each meeting. The Board invites you to follow along on your personal electronic device during meetings or bring your own printed packet. If you would like a printed packet and cannot print your own, an individual packet can be printed for you if requested before 3:30 PM on the day of the Board meeting. Please contact Nicole Crashell ( ncrashell@tcgis.org), the Administrative Assistant to the Board, with any questions or to request a printed packet.
Building Project Task Force Volunteer Opportunities

There are two upcoming volunteer opportunities related to our building project. First, a gabion wall will be installed on the east property line. The school needs a small task force to convene and design this wall. Volunteers will meet between 4-6 times in March and April 2020, with installation next summer.  
The second opportunity will be working on exterior wall art, facing the playground. This "Eastside Gallery" task force will gather community input, commission an artist and work on the design and will meet 6-10 times between now and next August. Installation is TBD.
If you have any interest in serving on these task forces, please contact Nic Ludwig ( nludwig@tcgis.org )  or Richard Heid ( rheid@tcgis.org ), both on the Finance & Facilities Committee.  
2018-2019 Annual Report

The 2018-2019 Annual Report is now posted in the public Drive and on the TCGIS website. Click here to view the report. 
School Information
No School next Thursday & Friday, Nov. 28-29

We wish your family a wonderful holiday and long weekend together! 
Flu Shot Clinic: TOMORROW 7:00 am - 9:00 am

TCGIS is hosting an on-site influenza vaccination clinic tomorrow morning to help our community stay healthy this winter

Who: available to all students, staff, and families; hosted by Hennepin Health

When: Friday, Nov. 22, 7:00 AM - 9:00 AM. 

  • If vaccinating your TCGIS student, please try to arrive before 8:15 AM
  • Children 6 months and up are able to be vaccinated, and there is also a nasal spray (FluMist) option for participants between ages 2 and 49.
  • Complete a registration form for each person receiving a vaccination. The form (download and print here) includes information on the costs of the shot and the nasal spray.
  • Bring your insurance information, cash, or a check made payable to Hennepin Healthcare. 
  • Wear clothing that provides easy access to the upper arm - this can save a lot of time.
What: Information about the flu and vaccinations can be found here.

We hope this clinic makes getting flu shots easier as schedules fill up and the weather gets colder! If you have questions, please contact the front office at info@tcgis.org. We hope to see many of you tomorrow morning.
'Tis the season for Hausschuhe! ('house shoes')

Rainy, snowy and muddy weather is typical for this time of the year.  Please remember to send Hausschuhe ("house shoes" or clean 'inside shoes') to school with your student(s). When students change from their outside shoes/boots into Hausschuhe, it helps keep our classrooms and school building clean during the wet months. Hausschuhe should have hard soles when possible since slipper-type shoes tend to get worn out easier, get wet in the hallway, or make the floor feel more slippery for students. 
Important: This applies to  all students in Elementary and Middle school (just because we like clean floors everywhere).  Teachers in ES & MS will remind students of wearing Hausschuhe when the weather conditions require it and write an email home if students do not have Hausschuhe at school. 

Thank you in helping us to keep our school building as unmuddy as possible!
Pajama-and-Hat Day next Wednesday

Next Wednesday, November 27, all students and staff are invited to wear pajamas or a hat (or both) to school for the day in celebration of surpassing the $50,000 milestone in our Annual Fund Give to the Max campaign this past month. 
After-School Activities Now "Enrichment Program"

To distinguish and clarify between all of our different after-school programs, the program formerly known as "After-School Activities" will now be called the  Enrichment Activity Program.

Seeking Enrichment Activity Leaders!
Our winter session for enrichment activities will run from January 6th - March 27th. If you are interested in leading an enrichment activity,  this link will take you to the class offering form. Please send Clarissa Herman ( cherman@tcgis.org) a hard or digital copy of the form by December 3rd.
Buy a Yearbook Now and Save $

Don't miss out on the chance to purchase a TCGIS yearbook for the lowest price this year! For a limited time, buy your yearbook for $17.50! Visit  jostens.com  and search for Twin Cities German Immersion School.

School Pictures Update

Thank you for your patience with our delayed school photos! We know that this is not ideal and that many of you plan to use them for the holiday season. 

Lifetouch told us today that they are still in the lab queue and they are unsure when they will ship out. This is not typical for them, but with their Shutterfly merger, they are seeing delays for many schools right now. 

We will continue to check with them weekly and will keep you updated as we know more.  Thank you for your patience & understanding!
Cross-Country Team at USATF Junior Nationals

The TCGIS Cross-Country Team had an amazing performance at the USATF Minnesota Championship Meet last Sunday, and 25 Immers qualified to represent TCGIS at USATF Junior National Championships in Madison, Wisconsin, this December. Congrats to the whole TCGIS XC Team! 

November 18 Mausmünzen Drawing

The selected students have shown exemplary behavior at TCGIS during the school day and are representing their class and grade level.  Meistermäuse have demonstrated to staff one or more of the following praised traits: Sicherheit (safety), Verantwortung (responsibility), Respekt (respect), and Freundlichkeit (kindness).

KC - Reed; 1B - Jackie; 2A - Elena; 3C - Isaac; 4A - Bella; 5A - Enid; 7A - Leonie
Staff - Frau Pfaller

May they continue to make our school a better place!
TCGIS Experiencing German through Song

Last Thursday, our 5th and 7th graders joined other middle and high school German programs at Spring Lake Park HS for a concert by former Wise Guys singer, Eddi Hüneke, and his pianist, Tobi Hebbelmann. Many students learned the songs in class and sang along.

On Friday last week, TCGIS staff and families gathered at St. Thomas for an evening concert, bringing in college students of German and the Waldsee community.
PTO Updates                                           
Plant and Strudel Pickup
Monday, December 2nd from 3:00-4:00pm. at TCGIS.

We need you! Here are two ways to get involved:
  1. We could use your help on Monday, December 2nd, for plant/strudel pickup from 2:00-3:00 pm taking inventory and 3:00-4:00 pm to distribute items. 
  2. Help us plan a party! Maskenball planning is underway -- Join this fun group of volunteers plan a great party for our school community. Email tcgispto@gmail.com if you're interested!
Auction Survey
This year's TCGIS PTO Auction & Strudel Sale may be over, but we're already thinking about next year. Please help us improve the experience for our whole community by taking five minutes to complete this survey.

Save the Dates!
February 6th -  Next PTO Meting 
March 21st - Maskenball!
Local German Cultural Events 

Holiday Open Haus at the GAI

Saturday and Sunday, December 7 + 8  | 11 AM to 4 PM
This two-day annual event features German food and drink, local vendors selling gifts and handmade goods, and fun activities for all ages.  HOLIDAY OPEN HAUS

Capstone Families  (7th & 8th Grades)
Sign-up to volunteer on the TCGIS Green Team to support the GAI at this festive event, and raise funds towards your Capstone program in 2020 or 2021.
Weihnachtsgottesdienst in St. Paul on December 15

St. Paul's United Church of Christ will host an Ecumenical Christmas Service in German on Sunday, Dec. 15, 3:00-4:00 p.m. Enjoy hymns, liturgy, readings, special music and a short sermon  auf Deutsch. Click here for more details.

The service includes a number of readings interspersed with music. TCGIS students who are interested in reading one of these passages are invited to contact Fritz West, (651) 433-4058 or fritzwest@frontiernet.net.
Save the Date: Kinder Karneval on January 12

The cultural group, Spielmannszug Minnesota, hosts their annual Kinder Karneval at the GAI on January 12. Learn more about Spielmannszug Minnesota here