Issue: 398             
January 23, 2020 
In This Issue

Quick Links
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TCGIS Online Calendar

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Message from the Director
Schöne Grüße von Herrn Anderson

Have a listen as Herr Anderson shares this week's school news and what he's reading lately:
Direktorgruß vom 23. Januar 2020
Direktorgruß vom 23. Januar 2020
TCGIS Community Events: Join us! 
Your child learns German language and culture every day at school. Here's your chance!   

It's rare that we get to have in-depth conversations with each other about American and German culture, especially through the lens of education and raising children - something we all have in common in the TCGIS community. 

An Evening with Sara Zaske, Author of Achtung Baby
January 29, 7:00 p.m., University of St. Thomas

There will be something for everyone: 
  • If you grew up outside of the U.S.: come learn about how Americans view kids, education, parenting, and what it means for kids to be independent and 'free' in the U.S. 
  • If you grew up in the U.S.: come learn about how the Germans raise and educate kids, why they do it that way, and what we can learn from them. 
This community event is open to the public and a fundraiser for the TCGIS Annual Fund. 

It is  made possible with a generous grant from the TCGIS PTO and support from our co-sponsor, the German Department at University of St. Thomas.  

Order your $12 tickets  here

NEW: If you would like to  sponsor a ticket for a teacher or staff member, please contact Katharina Schirg ( kschirg@tcgis.org ) as soon as possible. 

Maskenball 2020 - Hollywood Gala! 

Who are you wearing? 
Prepare to face the paparazzi and walk the red carpet - it's a Hollywood gala!


The event you've been waiting for is back! Join us at the TCGIS PTO Maskenball, an adults-only formal dance hosted this year at the gorgeous Saint Paul Athletic Club. 
  • Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 7:00pm 
  • Invite and tickets for purchase coming soon!
  • Dress: Formal/Black Tie. A themed costume is also encouraged, but not required. 
  • There will be dancing, beats provided by DJ Lubbert, appetizers, a full cash bar, and wonderful ambiance at the Saint Paul Athletic Club.
  • Included again this year: Silent and art auction! Come ready to bid on your child(ren)'s art auction class project along with many amazing donated experiences and packages!
Maskenball FAQs 

What is  Maskenball
An annual gala hosted by the PTO to celebrate our community as  a whole! There will be drinks, appetizers,  a DJ, silent and art auction! Each year  a theme is announced, come dressed to impress and be prepared to have some fun! 

Where and when?
We are happy to announce our new Maskenball home this year at the gorgeous St. Paul Athletic Club. Courtesy of the Gjerde family. March 21st, 2020 at 7:00pm. Formal invitation coming soon.

Who will be there?  
Maskenball is  a school community event and all that support TCGIS are invited! Staff, teachers, parents, grandparents, and friends of TCGIS! 

Proceeds go towards? 
Ticket sales and donations to the PTO goes towards our mission to enrich TCGIS as  a whole.

In addition to fulfilling the PTO mission, the committee is looking for sponsorship support to go towards funding  a stage for the new addition of our the school! 

Imagine seeing your child performing on a new stage! If you are interested in being  a stage sponsor or know  a business that would support our goal, please contact Annegret Theis at  annegret_theis@ultimatesoftware.com

School Board Announcements
Oath of Office for Board Members with Amy Brendmoen

Amy Brendmoen, St. Paul City Councilmember and TCGIS neighbor, will administer the oath of office for all TCGIS school board members at the upcoming board meeting on Thursday, January 30, 6:30pm.  This meeting is open to the public. Thanks to CM Brendmoen for performing this service!
Upcoming Committee Meetings

Anyone can volunteer on a board committee. Help us build a school together!

Executive Committee: Thu., January 23, 6:30pm - 8:30pm, Rm.  100
School Board Meeting: Thu. January 30, 6:30pm - 8:30pm, Rm. 100
Fundraising & Development Committee: Tue, Feb. 4, 8:15am-9:15am, Rm. 308
Workplace Culture & Innovative Education Committee: Fri, Feb. 7, 3:45pm - 4:45pm, Rm. 99
Governance & Leadership Development Committee:  Mon, Feb. 10, 3:30pm - 4:30pm, Rm 99
Communication & Diversity Outreach:  Tue, Feb. 11, 8:15am - 9:15am, Rm TBD (99 or OPC 1)
Finance & Facilities Committee: Tue, February 18, 6pm - 7pm, Room 99 
Executive Committee:  Thu, February 20, 6:30pm - 7:30pm, Room 100
Board Meeting: Thu, February 27, 6:30pm - 8:00pm, Room 100
Moving to Electronic Board Packets

To preserve paper and more fully engage with TCGIS's focus on managing our resources with care, the Board will begin using primarily electronic packets for each monthly meeting. Packets can always be found in the public folder and are uploaded three days before each meeting. The Board invites you to follow along on your personal electronic device during meetings or bring your own printed packet. If you would like a printed packet and cannot print your own, an individual packet can be printed for you if requested before 3:30 PM on the day of the Board meeting. Please contact Nicole Crashell, the Administrative Assistant to the Board, with any questions or to request a printed packet.
School Information
Parent Powerschool Report Card Instructions

We are now officially in the second semester of the 2019-20 school year! To see the written progress of your student, please click on this  link  to find information on how to view/print your child's report card.  Kindergarten   report   cards   will be emailed out to parents next week.
6th Grade Waldsee Trip

The final payment for Waldsee should be turned in by Friday, February 28th, if you haven't paid in full ($450). This can be done via Boonli or by check, made out to TCGIS.

If sending a check, make sure it is either placed in Frau Albers' mailbox in the front office or that your child hands it directly to Frau Albers and it's labeled with your child's name in some way. A separate email will be sent out later today with more information.  Please send an email to  ealbers@tcgis.org  if you have any questions. Thank you!
Kaffeeklatsch: Mark Your Calendar!  
Friday, February 7, 8:15-9:30 a.m.

Observe Morgenkreis in your child's classroom and then come socialize with other parents over coffee and donuts in the  foyer. We hope to see you there! 

Family Ski Day at Trollhaugen

Friday, February 14, 2020

TCGIS Family Ski Day is just around the corner!  Mark your calendars for Friday, Feb. 14, 
and join  us at  Trollhaugen  in nearby Dresser, WI. Don't miss  this chance to hit the slopes with
family and friends!

$16 ski/snowboard rental (includes helmet)  
$16 lift ticket (FREE for kids 5 & under)

**Special student packages**
Grades 5 & 6 -- $19 (includes lift ticket, rental & lesson)
Grades K-4 -- $28 (includes lift ticket, rental & lesson)

Sign up in person in the school lobby on 1/28, 1/30, 2/5, or 2/7, with times before and after school. Click  HERE for full details.

Registration deadline is Friday, February 7. No late registrations will be accepted. Please contact  Kelly Huxmann with questions.
Volleyball Season is Coming!

Click  here for the 2020 Volleyball Letter, which includes details about practices and game times.  Please read before registering. The registration link can be found  here

Registration closes Monday, February 3rd at 5:00pm

The first practice is Wednesday, February 5th, from 3:30-5:30pm at the 
Orchard Recreation Center. Players are responsible for getting from TCGIS to Orchard, which is an 11 minute walk. They will meet in Coach K's room and walk over as a team.  

If you have further questions after reading the letter, please contact Coach Kulhanek at  kkulhanek@tcgis.org.  
IMPORTANT: February Early-release Date CHANGE

February's early-release day has been changed  from Wednesday, Feb. 5  to  Thursday, Feburary 6. 

Due to the date of Minnesota's World Language Day at the Minnesota Zoo, February's early release day has been moved one day later.  Twin Cities German Immersion School participates in programing at the World Language Day at the Minnesota Zoo every year.  We apologize for any inconvenience.

Please mark your calendar and adjust your child's dismissal plan in Pikmykid. Thank you!
Order Yearbook(s) Now and Save

You still have time to purchase a TCGIS yearbook for the lowest price this school year!

For a limited time, buy your yearbook for $17.50! Prices will increase at the end of January.

Go to  jostens.com  and search for Twin Cities German Immersion School.
8th Grade Parents: a Yearbook Ad for your Grad

Celebrate your 2020 grad with a yearbook ad! Submissions are due by February 8, 2020.  Click here for more information. 
Reminder: 2020-2021 Enrollment is Open 

Parents with incoming  siblings of currently-enrolled TCGIS students: please remember to submit an application for sibling enrollment.

Please visit the TCGIS website under the prospective parents tab to find our 2020-2021 application online. 
Field Trip Chaperones and Background Check Forms

If you (or a grandparent/relative) may chaperone a field trip with your child(ren)'s class this spring, and have not turned in a Background Check form within the last two years, please do the following: 
  1. Fill out this Background Check Disclosure Form and read the
  2. Turn in the Disclosure Form to the Front Office with payment ($20/adult)
The cost for background checks if $20 / adult and can be paid with cash, check or in Boonli. 

Parents for whom the $20 fee would present an obstacle to chaperoning: please email Nicole Sveen (nsveen@tcgis.org). We also welcome donations towards the $20 fee for parents who may otherwise not be able to afford it. 

Background checks will be considered valid for 3 years. If you're not sure if a background check you submitted in the past is still valid, please email Nicole Sveen (nsveen@tcgis.org). In order to ensure we've received background checks from our provider before your next field trip, please submit your disclosure form by February 1. Thank you!
Support TCGIS: Volunteer Opportunities
Seeking Host Families for Interns Next School Year

Our spring interns arrived this week and are already energizing our classrooms with their presence! Would you like to be part of the intern experience next year?  

We seek approx. 25 host families for the 2020-21 school year. We'll have about 12-15 interns each semester, 4-5 of whom will stay for the entire year. Here are some FAQs about hosting

If you are interested in learning more, or are ready to sign up, please fill out this short interest survey by February 1. Vielenk Dank! 

Wanted: Judges for our school History Day Competition

When: February 27th, 8:15 to 3:15
morning and afternoon shifts available

Judging is a fantastic way to connect with students, support your community, and learn about history. Be a part of TCGIS students' successes as they learn and grow through History Day!

Contact Catie Jacobs (cjacobs@tcgis.org) if interested or for more information. 
PTO Updates                                           
Maskenball 2020 - Seeking Sponsors & Volunteers

We need your help in organizing and identifying sponsors for the biggest party of the year! 
  • Have experience or enjoy organizing events? 
  • Do you know community supporters in the Twin Cities area? 
  • Interested in being part of community of parents who are passionate about our school? 
  • Desire to volunteer with a large or small impact? All time commitments are welcomed!
Email our M askenball chair Ashley Clayton at  maskenballtcgis@gmail.com for any questions!   
Save the Dates:

Thursday, Feb. 7th  PTO Meeting 6:30pm at TCGIS

Saturday, March 21st  - Maskenball at St. Paul Athletic Club (get your babysitters lined up! This will be a fun night!)
Box Tops

It's that time again - get your Box Top submissions in before March 1st. Thanks!!
News from the GAI    
Karneval Tanzparty

Saturday, February 8, 8 PM-1 AM

It's the naughtiest night of the year at the GAI Haus - a night of revelry German Karneval style. This over-the-top costume party is an opportunity for normally serious folk to let loose. Entertainment features cabaret performances with well-known local performers Elektra Cute and Victoria DeVille of Black Hearts Burlesque. Read more here.

21+,  $15 ($10 GAI members and cultural partners member)
Advance tickets online, limited tickets at the door.