Issue: 400             
February 6, 2020 
In This Issue

Quick Links
Buy TCGIS  Spiritwear from our 
TCGIS Online Calendar

Upcoming Events:
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Message from the Director
Schöne Grüße von Herrn Anderson

Herr Anderson shares some exciting construction updates as well as upcoming opportunities to learn, volunteer, and socialize as a community!

Videogruß vom Direktor 06. Februar 2020
Videogruß vom Direktor 06. Februar 2020
TCGIS Community Events: Join us! 
Kaffeeklatsch: Tomorrow at the OPC cafeteria

Friday, February 7, 8:15-9:30 a.m.

Observe Morgenkreis in your child's classroom and then come socialize with other parents over coffee and treats in the  cafeteria at the Orthodox Presbyterian Church (OPC) across the street (the foyer will be closed due to construction). We invite you to bring your own mug and help us cut down on paper waste! 

We're excited that Diane Madison Pitman the author of German School is Cool! Deustche Schule ist Toll! , and  the grandmother of two TCGIS students, will be there to share her book with us. Pick up your own signed copy for a $15 donation!  

Parking reminder:  please do  not  park in the OPC lot; the church reserves those spaces for their own purposes on Friday mornings. Como Ave. between Churchill and Oxford will be closed for construction deliveries.

Maskenball 2020 - Hollywood Gala! 

Who are you wearing? 
Prepare to face the paparazzi and walk the red carpet - it's a Hollywood gala!

The event you've been waiting for is back! Join us at the TCGIS PTO Maskenball, an adults-only formal dance hosted this year at the gorgeous Saint Paul Athletic Club. 
  • Saturday, March 21, 2020 at 7:00pm 
  • Invite and tickets for purchase coming soon!
  • Dress: Formal/Black Tie. A themed costume is also encouraged, but not required. 
  • There will be dancing, beats provided by DJ Lubbert, appetizers, a full cash bar, and wonderful ambiance at the Saint Paul Athletic Club.
  • Included again this year: Silent and art auction! Come ready to bid on your child(ren)'s art auction class project along with many amazing donated experiences and packages!
Visit  tcgismaskenball.org/ to learn more!
School Board Announcements
School Board Meeting Re-Cap

The January 30 School Board meeting agenda and packet is available here , and a recording of the meeting is available here

Board Oath of Office Administered by City Council President
The TCGIS Board of Directors thanks Amy Brendmoen, St. Paul City Council President and TCGIS neighbor, for administering the oath of office for us last week. We were honored to publicly accept responsibility and demonstrate accountability before a public official in this ceremony at the open school board meeting.

Teacher Retention Facts
Did you know that about half of TCGIS teachers have been with the school for 4 or more years, and 30% have been with the school for 6 or more years?  The school board researched staff and teacher length-of-service to prepare for publicly recognizing long-serving staff at the February 27 board meeting and uncovered some interesting facts on longevity and staff satisfaction.  See the full details here .  

Capital Campaign
The Board also heard from Eric Snyder, Excelsior Bay Group, a nonprofit- philanthropy consultant, on the feasibility of a capital campaign for additional improvements to the existing school building, playground, and overall work environment.  His presentation is available  here . The Board will continue to have discussions with the school community on the feasibility and goals of a special fundraising campaign.

The Board also heard Esther Neu, Director of Scheduling and Student Data Management and Mike Mullins, Director of Teaching and Learning, present on the process used to select the three Capstone partner schools: Städtische Realschule für Jungen und Mädchen Ochtrup, Sekondarschule Horstmar Schöppingen and the Fridtjof-Nansen-Realschule Gronau. Their presentation is available here

Diversity Task Force
The "Diversity" portion of the Communications & Diversity Outreach Committee has gotten a lot of parent ideas and issues to work on.  As a result, neither the Communications nor the Diversity work was getting a full measure of attention. The Committee will be setting up a task force subgroup to work specifically on diversity, equity, and belonging, with the goal of moving to full committee status.  If you would like to help TCGIS become a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive school where all feel they belong, please attend the meeting next Tuesday morning, or contact Rich Iwen ( riwen@tcigs.org ) to stay informed on next steps.

Policy Updates
The Board approved changes to these policies:
215: School Board Election Policy
305: Implementation of Policy
412: Expense Reimbursement

Thank you!
The Board also formally thanked these staff members and volunteers for their work at and on behalf of TCGIS. Thank you!    
Upcoming Committee Meetings

Anyone can volunteer on a board committee. Help us build a school together!

Workplace Culture & Innovative Education Committee: Fri, Feb. 7, 3:45pm - 4:45pm, Rm. 99
Governance & Leadership Development Committee:  Mon, Feb. 10, 3:30pm - 4:30pm, Rm 99
Communication & Diversity Outreach:  Tue, Feb. 11, 8:15am - 9:15am, OPC
Finance & Facilities Committee: Tue, February 18, 6pm - 7pm, Room 99 
Executive Committee:  Thu, February 20, 6:30pm - 7:30pm, Room 100
Board Meeting: Thu, February 27, 6:30pm - 8:00pm, Room 100
School Information
Construction Updates 

Construction is progressing at a steady pace. The mild winter and lack of new snow has really helped. We've seen a lot more precast wall panels going up and today they also set the double-T pieces that span the gymnasium. We estimate that in the next 1-2 week period most of the concrete wall pieces will be in place. After that, they'll begin with the steel framing. 

Como Ave closures (between Oxford Ave. and the alley west of OPC) will continue between 7:00am-3:00pm as long as we are receiving construction deliveries. 
Thank you for your understanding. 

Andy Nesset   
TCGIS Facilities and Grounds 

Do you have a late bus?

If you have transportation concerns about a late bus before or after the front office is open (7:30am-4pm on school days), please  contact  Collaborative Transportation directly at 612-808-8868. If you call the office before or after hours you will reach KinderClub who will not have any updates on busing. 
Vielen Dank!
Car Pick-up: Keep using those green tags, please!

We've noticed that more and more cars no longer use the green tags that help staff identify which students are being picked up. Please remember to use those tags - it helps us send students to the correct car more quickly. If you need a replacement tag, please email info@tcgis.org. Vielen Dank!
6th Grade Families: Waldsee Trip 

The final payment for Waldsee should be turned in by Friday, February 28th, if you haven't paid in full ($450). This can be done via Boonli or by check, made out to TCGIS.

If paying with check, please label it with your child's name and make sure it is either placed in Frau Albers' mailbox in the front office or that your child hands it straight to Frau Albers. Please email Emily Albers ( ealbers@tcgis.org) with questions. Danke!
Mausmünzen Gewinner: January 28 & February 4

The selected students have shown exemplary behavior at TCGIS during the school day and are representing their class and grade level. 

Meistermäuse have demonstrated to staff one or more of the following praised traits: Sicherheit (safety), Verantwortung (responsibility), Respekt (respect), and Freundlichkeit (kindness).

Meistermäuse   from February 4, 2020

KB - Charlotte,  1B - Joshua,  2B - Ben,  3B - Leo,  4B - Milo,  6C - name,  8B - David F, 
Staff - Frau Hayes

Meistermäuse  from January 28, 2020

K - Patrick,  1 - David,  2 - Hanna,  3/4 - Kathleen,  5/6 - Blake, 7/8 - Keirka, 
Staff - Frau Horstmann
8th grade Parents: Yearbook Ads due February 8

Celebrate your Grad with a Yearbook Ad. Submissions are due by February 8. Click here for more information. 

Family Ski Day at Trollhaugen: Deadline Friday, Feb. 7

TCGIS Family Ski Day is just around the corner!  Mark your calendars for Friday, Feb. 14, 
and join  us at  Trollhaugen  in nearby Dresser, WI. Don't miss  this chance to hit the slopes with
family and friends!

$16 ski/snowboard rental (includes helmet)  
$16 lift ticket (FREE for kids 5 & under)

**Special student packages**
Grades 5 & 6 -- $19 (includes lift ticket, rental & lesson)
Grades K-4 -- $28 (includes lift ticket, rental & lesson)

Sign up in person in the school lobby on 1/28, 1/30, 2/5, or 2/7, with times before and after school. Click  HERE for full details.

Registration deadline is Friday, February 7. No late registrations will be accepted. Please contact  Kelly Huxmann with questions.
TCGIS Outdoor Track-and-Field

Registration for the  TCGIS Outdoor Track-and-Field will be open from Feb. 15 - 29, and the season will begin on Monday, March 16. Please, register early! We reached our maximum number of athletes for indoor track, and we expect to see a similar number of registrations for outdoor track.

Regarding the  calendar : Practices are set for Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Most of the meets and races are still based on last year's calendar.  We have not yet been able to confirm all of the meets. We will let you know once we have confirmed those meets.

With questions, please contact Herr Tabisz  

Summer Running, Jumping, Throwing at TCGIS

We are offering some  off-season summer training and meets (open to current 4th graders through current 8th graders). This is a great opportunity for current 4th graders to get to know other middle schoolers, for 8th graders to prep for high school cross-country, and for everyone to get some great exercise and have fun with friends over break. Some practices will only be for TCGIS athletes, and for other practices, we will join  Mill City Running and  Track Thursdays. We will also participate in the  USATF Summer Track Meets and in the  University of Minnesota Cross-Country and Track-and-Field Camp.

Registration will open on February 15, and registration will remain open until we reach our maximum number of athletes.  It costs $50 to participate in all of the practices and meets. The  University of Minnesota XC and T&F Camp  is NOT included in this, and registration must be done separately through the camp. More details about the camp are forthcoming.

Regarding the  calendarWe have not yet been able to confirm the summer meets. The current dates on based on the meet dates from last summer. We will let you know once we have confirmed those meets. All practices will take place from 6 PM until 7:30 PM. Locations will vary and be in parks around the Twin Cities.

With questions, please contact Herr Tabisz.

Support TCGIS: Volunteer Opportunities
Potluck Sign-ups: Intern Breakfast, Staff Appreciation Lunch

2nd Grade Hosts:  Intern Breakfast Monday, Feb. 10
Sign up here

Thank you, 3rd Grade Parents, for the delicious staff appreciation lunch today!! 
Be a Judge for our school History Day Competition!

When: February 27th, 8:15 to 3:15
morning and afternoon shifts available

Judging is a fantastic way to connect with students, support your community, and learn about history. Be a part of TCGIS students' successes as they learn and grow through History Day!

Contact Catie Jacobs (cjacobs@tcgis.org) if interested or for more information. 
Parent Resources 
Parent Powerschool Report Card Instructions

We are now officially in the second semester of the 2019-20 school year! To see the written progress of your student, please click on this  link  to find information on how to view/print your child's report card.  Kindergar ten  report   cards   were emailed out to parents this week.
Reminder: 2020-2021 Enrollment is Open 

Parents with incoming  siblings of currently-enrolled TCGIS students: please remember to submit an application for sibling enrollment.

Please visit the TCGIS website under the prospective parents tab to find our 2020-2021 application online. 
Field Trip Chaperones and Background Check Forms

If you (or a grandparent/relative) may chaperone a field trip with your child(ren)'s class this spring, and have not turned in a Background Check form within the last two years, please do the following: 
  1. Fill out this Background Check Disclosure Form and read the
  2. Turn in the Disclosure Form to the Front Office with payment ($20/adult)
The cost for background checks if $20 / adult and can be paid with cash, check or in Boonli. 

Parents for whom the $20 fee would present an obstacle to chaperoning: please email Nicole Sveen (nsveen@tcgis.org). We also welcome donations towards the $20 fee for parents who may otherwise not be able to afford it. 

Background checks will be considered valid for 3 years. If you're not sure if a background check you submitted in the past is still valid, please email Nicole Sveen (nsveen@tcgis.org). In order to ensure we've received background checks from our provider before your next field trip, please submit your disclosure form by February 1. Thank you!
PTO Updates                                           
PTO Meeting: Tonight! 

Thurday, Feb. 6 at 6:30pm, room 100 TCGIS

A light meal will be available and we will have a short presentation for our meeting by TCGIS parent Linde Althaus. Linde is Psychology Faculty at St. Cloud Technical and Community College. 

Special Topic 
Beyond pink and blue: Stereotypes, Similarities and All Things Gender
Maskenball 2020 - Seeking Sponsors & Volunteers

We need your help in organizing and identifying sponsors for the biggest party of the year! 
  • Have experience or enjoy organizing events? 
  • Do you know community supporters in the Twin Cities area? 
  • Interested in being part of community of parents who are passionate about our school? 
  • Desire to volunteer with a large or small impact? All time commitments are welcomed!
Email our M askenball chair Ashley Clayton at  maskenballtcgis@gmail.com for any questions!   
Box Tops

It's that time again - get your Box Top submissions in before March 1st. Thanks!!
News from the GAI    
Karneval Tanzparty

Saturday, February 8, 8 PM-1 AM

A night of revelry German Karneval style. Featuring two shows by Elektra Cute, "The Most Shocking Woman in Burlesque," and Mistress Victoria DeVille. A drag competition for up-and-coming performers will benefit JustUs Health. It's the naughtiest night of the year at the GAI Haus! More information and tickets   here .

21+,  $15 ($10 GAI members and cultural partners member)
Advance tickets online, limited tickets at the door.
Summer Camp: Registration Now Open

The 2020 GAI German Summer Camp program for children will take place June 22 - August 28 at the GAI. Each camp will last one week (M-F) and is centered around a fun, highly-interactive theme . (TCGIS families can register at 'member' rates.) 

Click here for details and to register.